《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 8


Su-hyeok why couldn't you be with me instead.


Your Pov:

I heard little sniffles coming from the little boy's direction and couldn't help but feel pity for him.

"Hey what's your name? I don't think we actually fully introduced ourselves" I said out loud to him."L- Lee Su- Sung-Ho" He said trying his best to speak while fighting more tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. "Well Sung-Ho it's very nice to meet you I'm L/N Y/N. And it's ok if you want to cry don't hold back your tears." And he did cry. There wasn't anything I could do to help him feel better, for now it's best to let him let it all out.


The plane landed shortly in Washington and everyone had scrambled to get out as soon as they could. I slowly shooked Gwi-nam which then turned into me shaking the life out of him. "GWI-NAM WAKE UP"

It was absolutely pointless-

"WAKE UPP!" Sung-Ho shouted. And just like magic Gwi-nam was up "Oh- sorry guys" he said rubbing the back of his neck "Yeah yeah lets go!" we quickly got off the plane to find a telephone pole. Only to realize we didn't have any money.

I kicked the telephone pole before turning to the two "I don't have any money for here, let's just walk to my house it shouldn't be too far" Gwi-nam agreed but Sung-Ho looked like he wanted to pass out by the thought of walking. "Sung-Ho if you don't want to walk you don't have to.. Gwi-nam can just carry you!" He quickly nodded his head before reaching up to Gwi-nam. "Oh so your name is Sung-Ho, that's a cool name!" he said before picking up Sung-Ho.

I checked up on Hee-su making sure she was nice and comfy in her carrier before we headed off.



"We're almost there just a few more turnss- AH MY NEIGHBORHOOD!!" I said looking at the familiar houses and street name. We arrived at my house and I quickly knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked louder this time and ringed the doorbell like crazy. But still no answer.

"What the follow me we'll just sneak in through my window" we went to the side of the house before trying to open the window. "Here take Hee-su and Sung-Ho the front I'll unlock the door right now" I said before I grabbed a rock smashing it into my window and climbing in. I got a few cute from the glass but it was no biggy. The alarm soon went off but i quickly shut it off and opened the front door.

"Y/N you're bleeding so much!" Gwi-nam said. "It's ohh kay OH we have some baby stuff for when my baby cousin comes over, over here you can put Hee-su into this mini crib!" Gwi-nam quickly rushed pass me putting Hee-su down before quickly returning to me "Y/N I'm serious you're bleeding way too much!! Where's your first aid kit?" he asked "oh in the kitchen" He had went to the kitchen before coming back.

He sat me on the guest bed in the same room Hee-su was at before cleaning all the cuts I managed to get making sure to stop the bleeding by putting butterfly closures on the deep wounds. I couldn't help but look at him the whole time.

The way his hair had grew more and the way his brows furrowed as he tried to focus on cleaning my cuts. I placed my hand on his face causing him to look at me. I smiled at him causing slight blush to appear on his face. I wish I would've met him sooner.



Gwi-nam's Pov:

I felt her hand on my face making me look at her she then smiled at me causing me to blush. She's so pretty-

It felt as if I was being drawn to her every second I was with her and I couldn't resist any longer.

I leaned in and kissed her.


A/N: I know this chapter is kinda short but surprise >:) ALSO big thanks to for Sung-Ho's name!


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