《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 9


I leaned in and kissed her.


Gwi-nam kissed me? GWI-NAM KISSED ME!?

I just stared at him lost in thought.

he jismahab he just kissed me oh my what i he likes me too!? or what if hes just doing it for..NO don't think like that-


Y/N was just starting at me..DID I MAKE HER UNCOMFORTABLE!?


"Gwi-nam kiss me again.." She said quickly hiding her face in her hands embarrassed by what she had just said. I felt my own face heat up by her words.


AH WHY DID I SAY THAT- THAT WAS SO CRINGY THIS ISNT ME WHAT AM I EVEN DOING AND SAYING I'll just stay like this for the rest of the day yeah good plan.

Two hands had gently grabbed my face. "Y/N move your hands" I slowly removed my hands and felt my face heat up more than it already was. At this point I created a whole new shade of red.

Gwi-nam slowly leaned in and kissed me again but longer before pulling away. "Y/N I- how do I even say this- .. I've been liking you since we started highschool I just never had the courage to go talk to you or even try to be your friend and if this whole zombie apocalypse hadn't happen I probably would've never gotten the chance to know you and actually tell you how I feel about you.." A big grin appeared on my face "We'll good thing a zombie apocalypse happened" I said grabbing his hand. "Y/NNN" I quickly turned to see Sung-Ho by the doorframe. "What's wrong are you ok!? Hungry? Tired?" He walked over to me and Gwi-nam before reaching his hands out for a hug. "I miss my big brother"


"I'm sure you're brother is ok what's your brother's name Sung-Ho?"







Su-hyeok? Lee Su-hyeok?






"Lee Sung-Ho"






Oh..No its just a coincidence why would Su-hyeok go to school far from his family? "Don't worry Sung-Ho well try finding him for you but let's put you to bed for now its pretty late" He nodded his head and climbed onto the bed me and Gwi-nam were on. I tucked him in before leaving the room with Gwi-nam.


"I'm going to take a shower in my parents room you can shower in the bathroom down the hall if you want" I said before happily getting clothes from my room to change into. I get to take a shower I get to take a shower~ Before I went into the bathroom I noticed a white paper on the bed and my parents phones and wallets?? I grabbed the paper and began reading it.

To who ever reads this

Me and my wife can't continue to live on without our daughter it's been a while and she still isn't home we heard that it's gotten worse and almost all of Korea is infected. The city my daughter was last at was infected and no other planes have arrived since flight 405 and I haven't had a call from my daughter since she was at the city. We believe no on else has survived and that's why the flights have stopped.

And to my Daughter if you are alive and survived to see this I love you and I'm sorry we weren't strong enough to keep going I'm Sorry we left you. I hope we could be reunited soon.


Flight 405 was our flight- Tears began falling out of my eyes.

My parents coming home.



Su-hyeok's Pov:

We finally made it to the safe zone we were hoping for. And looked for anyone we might've known but so far no one we knew had survived.

My eyes kept scanning around for Y/N or even just Gwi-nam but I had no luck at finding them. "Excuse me? Do you have a phone on you I need to see if my family is ok" the older man nodded his head and handed me his phone. I dialed my dad's number but it went to voicemail I quickly dialed my mom's number hoping she'll pick up.

"Y/N IS THAT YOU!?" Y/N? "MOM HOW DO YOU KNOW Y/N AND WHY ISN'T DAD ANSWERING IS SUNG-HO OK?" My head was filled with all of these questions. "SU-HYEOK IS THAT REALLY YOU?" I felt relived knowing my mom was ok "yes but where are you? Are you guys ok? Is Y/N with you!? And how did you meet her!?" I said really fast. She let out a sigh before telling me everything that happened.


I have to get to the US.

The speaker let out a beep before a man started talking"We just found out that some people can turn into half zombies, because of this we'll have to keep you all here longer than planned"

This can't be happening. I gave the older man his phone back thanking him for letting me use it before heading back to the others. "any luck finding your girlfriend" Dae-su said before receiving a smack from Cheong-san. "Your never letting that joke go huh Dae-su?" Hyo-ryung said before turning to me "But really any luck finding Y/N or anyone else?" The group turned to me waiting for my response. "I called my mom she's ok but the other cities have been effected badly they're trying to get it under control though. Y/N is alive and so is Gwi-nam" Sighs of relief were heard from the group "That's good! Why do you look so down still then?" Cheong-san said waiting for my response "well she's in the US and she doesn't even know that we're alive" I said avoiding their gazes. "Well we aren't going to stay here forever! So don't worry Su-hyeok you'll get to see her again" On-Jo said smiling at me.

I hope that's soon though..


A/N: HEYYY sorry for late update again :)

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