《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 10




I was going to the bathroom down the hall Y/N told me about before realizing I didn't have extra clothes.

"Hey Y/N" I said knocking on the door to her parents room hearing a soft cry come from the other side. I opened the door quickly, seeing her on the floor with a note in her hand. "Y/N what happened?" I said sitting next to her putting my arm on her shoulder holding her close to me.

She handed me the note. My eyes scanned the paper.




There it was. The thing that made Y/N cry. I felt my heart ache for Y/N, If we had just made it sooner if Y/N had the money for that one call she needed this wouldn't have happened...If they had just waited for Y/N none of this would've happened. "Y/N it's ok we're in this together remember? Partners in crime" she smiled wiping her tears "Partners in crime." She said as we stayed there together

Hand in hand.

























4 months later

Your Pov:

The last 4 months were crazy with Gwi-nam, Hee-su, and Sung-Ho. Luckily my uncle and aunt let us stay with them after they found out the news of my parents. Because my dad had left his phone behind I was able to call Sung-Ho's mom to make sure she's ok and she is! But she's stuck in Korea for a bit longer since they still don't believe the virus is fully gone yet. Sung-Ho was really happy to talk to his mom and I'm really glad she survived. Hee-su is doing well and is doing what babies do! Cry, eat, sleep and she sometimes even babbles. Me and Gwi-nam are going to the highschool I was at before transferring and I usually help him a lot with English though he refuses to learn it because it's pretty hard for him. He did ask me to be his girlfriend one night while we were out late getting ice cream together. And I happily said yes. Now we're on a plane on our way back to Korea to visit the school hopefully we just don't get caught-


"Come on let's go!" Gwi-nam held my hand leading me out of the plane. We quickly got our luggage and checked into the hotel before heading to the school. "We should take the sewers again for the wonderful memories!" He thought about it for a moment "I don't think we'd get caught down there and we are pretty close to school.. let's do it!" We quickly ran to find a man hole before entering the sewer running in the direction to the school.

"Ok let's check at the next stop I think we're already here" I climbed up the ladder and moved the lid seeing the school a few blocks away. "Yeah it's just over there come on!" I said getting out waiting for Gwi-nam before holding his hand running to the school.

"After 4 months the gate is still locked" He said looking at the lock in disbelief. "We climbed it before! We can do it again" he sighed before gesturing me over to him giving me a quick lift to get over. I watched him get over the get flawlessly "you make it look so easy" he laughed a bit "let's go"

We entered the school seeing all of the corpse of zombies on the ground and ash everywhere "we should explore the whole school! I mean we have the whole day" I said hoping he'd agree "your not going to take no for an answer right?" I just simply nodded my head while Gwi-nam sighed. "Ok let's explore quickly though"

We had explored a lot of the school and the sun was going to set soon. We entered the music room and looked around. I noticed a video camera on the floor covered in dust and picked it up.

I opened it hoping it had some battery leftover. Gwi-nam was next to me now also intrigued by the video camera. To our surprise it actually did have some battery leftover and turned on. It started to play a video of the choir singing. They were practicing for an upcoming competition at the time. I only knew because Hee-su was in the choir she wasn't in this video though, I wonder- before I could guess the students were brutally attacked by zombies. I quickly threw the video camera not wanting to relive the specific memory of people getting attacked left and right.


"Gwi-nam you better keep Y/N alive and don't be a dick to her"

Me and Gwi-nam looked at each other and back at the video camera.

Gwi-nam picked it up and we both watched the rest of the video of the students saying their last words. "Do you think they survived" Gwi-nam shrugged his shoulders "hopefully"

I took the video camer with us and started heading upstairs. "The cooking room!!" The room was covered in ash mixed with dirt and dust. I was walking around before tripping over something "AH SHIT- oh wait it's the one you killed Gwi-nam" He walked over looking at the dead zombie "oh yeahhh" The sun was starting to set Gwi-nam quickly held my hand leading me up the stairs to the roof.

We both watched the sunset when I noticed a little area filled with light. "What do you think is over there" I said pointing towards the direction. "Want to go investigate?" I nodded my head quickly getting up. "Y/N?" I turned my head to the voice.



A/N: I hope you all thought that was the end in the beginning and i tricked some of you >:) but fr this story is getting close to an end sadly BUT i really enjoy/enjoyed writing this story

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