《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 11




Nam-ra is alive so the others have to be alive too! I looked at Nam-ra and she looked sad I noticed her staring at Gwi-nam and then to our hands this is kindaa awkward "Nam-ra are the others ok!?" I asked trying to break the ice. She quickly looked at me before nodding "But some people didn't make it..."

A sting of pain hit me. Images of my friends dying entered my head but I quickly pushed them away not wanting to imagine their last moments of them turning into zombies. The memories I get to keep of them is us at the cafeteria and I have to remember that.

"what if it isn't her! What if it's another person WHAT IF ITS A HALFBIE THAT STILL KILLS" Dae-su? "Oh stop being a baby!" On-jo? "both of you be quiet if they aren't Nam-ra you'll get us killed!" Hyo-rung? "both of you cut it out your scaring her" A new voice said.

Just then a group of people had come through the door two of them arguing. "Dae-su you need to learn how to keep your mouth shut sometimes! You were scaring Hyo-rung!"

"Y/N" the voices stopped to turn to Su-hyeok before looking at me and Gwi-nam and then our hands. "oh shit sorry br-" Cheong-san didn't get to finish his sentence earning a slap on the arm by On-jo. "Y/NNN" Dae-su had said running over to give me a tight hug. "We we're so worried about you" he said tears now falling from his eyes "I was worried about you guys too" I said smiling at him. He quickly turned to Gwi-nam and gave him a tight hug too. "thank you for making sure Y/N was safe Gwi-nam your not a dick like everyone thought you were" Gwi-nam's eyes widened "t-thanks" he managed to say. "Y/N..are you and Gwi-nam-..dating?" everyone's eyes went from Nam-ra to me and Gwi-nam then to Su-hyeok then back at me and Gwi-nam. "yeah we've been for four mont-"


"Y/N I really need to talk to you alone" everyone turned to look at Su-hyeok before walking to the other side of the roof. Gwi-nam gave my hand a squeeze before leaving giving me and Su-hyeok privacy.


He likes her of course he likes her he's been liking her for so long. It's so obvious so why is he talking to her now he had so much time too talk to her way before the apocalypse. So now why when we're dating he wants to talk to her all of a sudden why is he going to try to confess now and try to take Y/N away from me?


Su-hyeok's Pov:

"Y/N why are you dating that asshole why!? Do you not remember all that shit he did to people!"

"asshole? Gwi-nam is not an asshole. Yes he did some shit in the past but guess what people change Su-hyeok and he didn't even want to do what he did. But why don't we talk about YOUR past instead hm? Weren't you also a bully? Didn't you also torment people? How are you any better than him?"

She's right how am I any better than Gwi-nam.. we're the same person in different fon- no Gwi-nam did stuff I would never do.

"Y/N this whole time I've loved you since you first came to our class I wanted nothing more than to be with you and-"

"Why didn't you try to make an effort to get close to me you had so much time Su-hyeok and you blew it just stop your confession already, you literally just insulted my boyfriend and my heart already belongs with Gwi-nam. You confessing to me isn't going to just make me fall in love with you again and suddenly date you and get married and have an happily ever after shit"


"AGAIN!?" I stared at her not believing what she had just said. I should've told her sooner how I felt. I should've put the effort in to know her.



I did not mean to admit that well damn it

"Ok yes I did fall for you Su-hyeok but I lost those feelings a long time ago because you never showed interest in me- When you finally did I felt nothing towards you. You were too late ok. So lets just stop this conversation and go back with everyone."

I saw the pain in his eyes but I really did feel nothing towards Su-hyeok sure he's a great friend and a great guy when he's not jealous but I can't bring myself to see him like that even if I wanted too. And besides my heart is already taken by Gwi-nam.




I walked over to Gwi-nam before pulling him back to the stairs. "Let's just go"

"Let's say bye to everyone first we don't know when we'll see them aga- wait Su-hyeok!" Gwi-nam quickly ran over to Su-hyeok talking to him before running back to me "Su-hyeok and Sung-Ho they are related" My eyes widen before pulling out my phone to video call my aunt.

"Oh Y/N honey is everything alright?"

"Yes!! But is Sung-Ho awake I really need to talk to him it's about his brother!"

She quickly went to Sung-Ho's room handing him the phone "It's Y/N she has news about your brother!" he quickly grabbed the phone.


Su-hyeok's head turned to the sound of his brother's voice and grabbed the phone staring at his brother from the other side.


"Sung-Ho your ok your really ok"


"We didn't break our promise Sung-Ho got to see his brother again maybe not in person but he knows he's safe" I said to Gwi-nam as we walked back to our hotel through the sewers not wanting to risk getting caught. "Yeah I'm glad he got to see him again. Oh I think we get up here right?" he said climbing the ladder to peak "yup it is"

"Gwi-nam you've been so awkward this whole time we we're walking here you also hardly said anything!" He held out his hand to help you up letting go afterwards. "HEY NONONO what the fuck was that for!? Give me your hand back"

Wth is wrong with him?

"What did Su-hyeok say to you Y/N?.."

"Oh that he was trying to confess but I just kinda attacked him for it" he stopped to look at me. "So the part where you admitted to liking him before your not going to include?"


A/N: I finally finished this chapter 😭😭 sorry for the late update just had tons of school work ಠಗಠ but on the plus i fixed my sleep schedule and am not going to sleep at 2-3 anymore 💪 hope you all enjoyed this chapter <3 ps. i wanted to add some ✨drama✨ spice things up a bit

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