《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 3


"Gwi-nam lets get out of here together" you said before drifting off to sleep.


I woke up to the smell of ramen? WAIT was this all a dream am I back home!? Wait whose in my hou- "Y/N here" I looked up to see Gwi-nam holding out a cup of ramen "I figured we should eat it today because we have to leave this room and find more food we can't stay here forever it's better to leave as soon as we can"

I felt like I was in heaven ramen had never tasted this good before but its probably just in my head for all I know this could be my last meal..I quickly put the thought aside I'm not going to think negative me and Gwi-nam WILL get out of here.

"Thank you Gwi-nam for all of this I'd probably would've been dead if you hadn't grabbed my hand I owe you one" he placed his ramen down and looked at me "No you don't we're in this together remember? Partners in crime. But we should finish our food and head out to try to find some supplies we could use" you nodded in agreement before finishing up the last of your ramen.


You had quickly gotten dressed in the outfit you had packed before throwing your uniform to the side. 'Good thing I was supposed to have detention or else I would've still been in a skirt which could get caught easily on things' You took out the useless stuff in your bag which was almost all of your stuff now. "WHY WOULD YOU CARRY ALL OF YOUR TEXTBOOKS Y/N!?" you turned to look at a shock Gwi-nam "Whattt sometimes teachers ask for them unexpectedly!" you said defending yourself. You then got up and picked up the single burner Gwi-nam had used to make the ramen along with 2 cans of propane that was left in the storage room but 1 seemed to only have a little bit left. 'Thank god these were left here maybe we can find more in the cooking class below' you zipped up your bag and put it on "OK I think we're ready to go" Gwi-nam nodded his head "give me the bag though so the weight won't slow you down" you were going to protest saying your strong enough to carry it yourself but he was probably right on how it might slow you down especially when running. "thank you Y/N now lets go"

Gwi-nam quietly removed the stuff from the door and peeked his head out grabbing your hand before you both started to silently move through the school. You pulled Gwi-nam into a janitor's closet "Gwi-nam before we keep up our mission isn't it weird how they aren't attacking us? Do you think its because we're being quiet?" your eyes widen "what if they're attracted to noise!" it was like god had heard you because right that second you heard music in the distance playing and loud growls coming from the "students" you quickly pulled Gwi-nam's hand "lets just get out of this school while we can and while they're distracted!" You both ran as quiet as possible down the stairs and outside the "students" were trying their best to get the speaker. You thought of places that you both could go to somewhere safe nearby just for now 'Cheong-san CHEONG-SANS PARENTS SHOULD BE JUST NEARBY THEY MUST BE SAFE THEY HAVE TO BE!!'


My mind kept wandering off to Y/N i hope she's ok I hope she's alive. Nam-ra had turned on the speakers and played an audio which was meant to be calm but it seemed far from clam with all the growling and hissing happening from the zombies outside. I looked out the window to see them all surround a speaker and two figures running past them getting ready to climb the gate "Y/N!! and GWI-NAM!?" my eyes widen as I saw the two of them holding hands. Everyone quickly rushed to the window "Y/N'S ALIVE!!" Dae-su shouted excitedly. Woo-jin quickly elbowed him "Yeah but look who she's with idiot!" he attempted to whisper Dae-su immediately patted my back looking a bit concerned for me. "Hey don't worry I'm sure they're just sticking together as a team they probably don't even know were aliv- OWW" Woo-jin had elbowed Dae-su again "DUDE YOU'RE JUST GOING TO MAKE HIM FEEL WORSE" Dae-su quickly apologized to me but I brushed it off hes right they probably don't know we're alive why else would Y/N be sticking with Gwi-nam.



I quickly helped Y/N climb the fence before climbing it myself I heard a distant shout and in the corner of my eye I saw some actual students looking out the window but it's too late to go back right now we'll have to go back later unless it gets too dangerous.

Once me and Y/N were over the fence we ran she lead me to some restaurant with Cheong-San's name on it? We quickly got in before shutting the door on the people trying to get us "Hee-su?" I looked over to Y/N staring at a girl who was tied by her wrist.


"Hee-su?" I looked at the girl who was no longer Hee-su but now a shell of what used to be her my eyes quickly noticed something wrapped on cushioned seating. I walked over and saw a baby..her baby. 'So you were pregnant why did you lie to me though' You and Hee-su were close and were even best friends this year but then she had started to distance herself from you, sure you guys had different lunch periods but it wasn't because of that, you always talked outside of school and had sleepovers so why did she distance herself? You had a feeling she was pregnant from the baggy clothes and oversized hoodie she wore over her uniform and getting in trouble for eating snacks in class. Thats what made you bring the extra snacks you would leave them in her desk for her, even though you two weren't close anymore it didn't mean you didn't care for her but when you had asked her in the hall if she was pregnant before leaving she shut you down and told you no.

"You could tell me anything Hee-su! I'm here to support you thats what friends are for!!" she stopped and turned to look at you "I'm not pregnant Y/N just stop worrying about me. It's just family problems"




You picked up the baby and hugged them "I'm going to keep you safe that's what Aunts are for" Gwi-nam touched your shoulder "Y/N we can't take a baby with us! We have to leave it here!!" You stared at Gwi-nam in shock how could he say that about an innocent baby! "First off this baby isn't an IT this is a human being they aren't like the things outside trying to attack us!! AND this baby is Hee-su's! My best friend!! And I'm going to do everything I can to keep her baby safe." You quickly made your way to the kitchen finding milk to give to the baby

"I know this isn't really the milk you babies would usually drink but this is the only milk we have I'll try finding you some formula on the way though!" you said booping the baby's nose.


I did find it adorable how Y/N wanted to take the baby with us but it's going to put us in danger especially if it- they start crying. But this is her best friend's baby there's no way I'm going to be able to convince her to leave them here. I let out a sigh before walking to where Y/N was at. She seemed to be upset with what I had said and looking back at it..it was kind of fucked up wanting to leave a innocent baby her just for us to live. "Y/N look I'm sorry I said that I honestly didn't mean for it to sound that fucked up but-" she quickly covered the child's ears "GWI-NAM YOU CAN'T SAY THAT AROUND A BABY!!" I laughed at her reaction "ok ok sorry and I'm sorry to you too we'll take you with us just please don't cry too much" I said to Y/N and the baby.



We searched through the restaurant looking for some food we could take there was lots of ingredients but we cant waste time on cooking food and we don't have much room in the bag I found some more ramen and some water bottles but of course there wasnt any baby formula. "Gwi-nam can we try looking in apartments for stuff" he looked at you "thats actually not a bad idea we just have to be careful of whats waiting inside the buildings" I nodded my head "We'll what other choices do we have its either we stay here until we run out of supplies or keep moving trying to find safety." we both sat in silence trying to think of a good solution "ACTUALLY LETS JUST TRAVEL BY SEWER!" Gwi-nam looked disgusted by the thought "no way thats disgusting and plus theres probably a ton in there" you laughed a bit "no way just think about it, all of them are up here! If anything there will be a few and plus it should be easier to travel without having to worry about being quiet lets just give it a shot what do we have to loose?" he let out a sigh "ok but most likely we're going to get lost or maybe even end up in a different city" you picked up the baby "well maybe that city is safe right now and isnt affected yet, we'll have time to escape to somewhere. I'll call my parents if we do end up in a safe city too and see if they're ok and how everything is back in America" Gwi-nam looked at you confused "wait you're a transfer student!?" you nodded your head "yupp I was supposed to stay and graduate here but with the current situation I think my parents are going to want me back home" you said with a laugh.


The both of you well three counting the baby went outside through the backdoor it didn't take long to find one of the sewer manholes Gwi-nam quickly opened it and let you go down first thank god you had a flashlight from the restaurant even if it had Cheong-San's face on it. You shone the light through the sewer not seeing or hearing anything Gwi-nam shortly came down after making sure to close the top "ok it looks clear down here" he said taking the baby from you and holding them with one arm and holding your hand with his free hand. "So we came from the school which is that direction and we want to get to a city far from here we should go there right?" Gwi-nam nodded his head slowly "I'm honestly not really sure but we should head the opposite direction and just keep walking and checking through the manholes to get a good idea of where we are at."


After what seemed like forever in the sewers you both got out to take a break for the night and get some rest you both quietly moved into an apartment making sure to not make any noise you both entered a room barricading the door before sliding down the wall "I told you our best option is going to be the sewers" he rolled his eyes "You're just lucky we didn't bump into anything in there. Im going to search the place you stay here and relax with the baby" you thanked him and scanned the room with your eyes you noticed a picture of a couple holding a baby your eyes lit up at the sight you quickly got up with the baby and searched the kitchen you felt relived when you found baby bottles and a can of formula you celebrated and quickly placed the baby in the small playpen that was in the kitchen before making them a bottle.


"Hey Y/N theres a baby crib in here so they mu-" I saw Y/N holding the baby in her arms giving them a bottle. "oh well I guess you already found what you wanted" she nodded her head looking at the baby with sad eyes. I sat down next to her "Y'know I think the baby is very lucky that their mom's best friend found them because now they get to grow with someone their mother loved and cared for" at that sentence Y/N broke "I miss her so much I wish she would've let me be there for her" I hugged her "Y/N we're going to survive for her too and make sure the baby grows healthy and strong just for her ok" she nodded her head before getting up to put the baby in the crib.

Y/N is such an amazing person I'm glad that I'm with her during all this and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else at this moment I want to tell her how I feel about her but does she feel the same?

I wonder how the people at the school are doing.


"AH SHIT THIS BARRICADE ISN'T GOING TO HOLD FOREVER YOU KNOW" On-jo screamed to Woo-jin "JUST A LITTLE LONGER..AND NOW NOW HURRY!" Woo-jin screamed as the students one by one left the room heading to the roof.

"It's locked!" Hyo-ryung cried trying to open the door. They all started banging on the door hoping someone would open it but no one did the zombies were getting closer every second when suddenly the door unlocked making them collapse onto the roof "HURRY UP AND LOCK IT" Ji-min screamed as they quickly got up to lock it. They saw the helicopter leave. "It was right here if we had came here a bit earlier we could've been saved" Dae-su said looking at the helicopter fly away. Tears fell down the students faces but they quickly got to work building an SOS sign and all rested after making a fire. Su-hyeok couldn't help but look in the direction you and Gwi-nam had ran to before leaving the school. suddenly it started raining and the students celebrated trying to drink as much as they can from the droplets falling from the sky. The fire had gone out but they didn't care because the water made them forget about all their troubles they were just glad to have survive the rush to the roof.


A/N I've been on wattpad for 6 hours writing the three chapters for this story 💪 I'm not sure if I am going to start writing another chapter today but who knows. I hope you enjoy this chapter too! and thank you for reading my story!

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