《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter Two


We ended up in a cooking class I let out a sigh of relief maybe it was better the roof was locked.


"No way" Gwi-nam said still holding my hand. "Ok we have to start barricading the doors lets make sure the doors and windows are locked first" I quickly nodded my head and went to the other side closing the door making sure it was locked thats when I heard a deep growl near me. I quietly turned around and saw it in the storage room with the pots and pans I quietly backed up but kicked a metal bowl that was on the floor.


The "student" turned its head and charged to where I was at. I quickly ran behind one of the counters and hid underneath before they could get me. I turned my head looking at Gwi-nam and saw him going through the drawers trying to find something to protect us with. It was going crazy trying to get me from under the counter it felt as if I was the two children from Jurassic park hiding from the velociraptors except this was real and it wasn't some fake puppet they used trying to get me.


I kept searching the drawers for anything that can do damage to that thing but couldn't find anything thats when I saw something shiny from the corner of my eye a knife lying on the floor. I quickly ran to it picking it up and attacked the thing before it could get Y/N I stabbed it in multiple places but it still moved until I stabbed it's neck my eyes widened






I just found their weak point.

I quickly put the knife down and helped Y/N get up checking to see if she's ok.


Your Pov/2nd person:


I was in a state of shock of what just happened this really is real whatever happened to those students aren't students anymore something happened to them.. is the whole world like this now? Is there anyone still alive there has to be right!? You and Gwi-nam are alive meaning there has to be others alive still too. Oh no are my classmates still alive is Su-hyeok still alive.

It felt like the whole world stopped your heart sank did you loose everyone? The school is definitely not the only area affected, images of families and scared mothers attempting to protect their children from these things rushed into your mind. Tears started falling from your eyes but you didn't care it's natural to cry it shows you have emotion and especially in the state your in, stuck in a school with these things ready to kill you.

You felt a pair of arms wrap around you "Hey Y/N I don't know what you're thinking right now but it's going to be ok I'm going to make sure we get out of here and get to somewhere safe ok" You hugged Gwi-nam back for a while. Just then you remembered the stuff in your bag "Gwi-nam you still have my bag right!!?" you said wiping the few tears you had left "yup here you go.. also why is your bag so heavy how do you even carry all that!" you laughed a little at his reaction "oh come on it's not even thattt heavy". You unzipped the bag that revealed the snacks and clothes you had packed "damn it I forgot to pack my water bottle.. Do you think the sinks still work Gwi-nam?" he got up to turn the faucet but no water came out "they must've turned the water off for this class" Gwi-nam turned to you "wait why would they turn off the water in a cooking class though?" you opened your mouth to speak but bangs on the door startled both you and Gwi-nam. The two of you started pushing more things you can find against the door to barricade it.


After about 40 minutes you both sat against a wall next to each other catching your breath from rushing to barricade the doors "so why did they turn off the water again" Gwi-nam asked closing his eyes "I think it's because no one used this class anymore after the newer cooking class was built on the first floor theres some food in there maybe theres some in here!" You got up and started looking in the cabinets and went over to the storage room there was 2 packs of instant ramen and 3 bottles of water and 1 soda in the far back corner

"Gwi-nam look!" he slowly opened his eyes to look at you "we'll thats lucky but I think we shouldn't eat it right now same with the snacks in your bag" you frowned "whyyy" he smiled a bit at your reaction finding it cute "you ate lunch right?" you nodded your head "well that should be enough for you right now, we dont know how long we'll be stuck here for so we should try saving as much as we can" you nodded your head in agreement putting the food and drinks on top of one of the counters before sitting next to Gwi-nam again.

"Do you think we can survive this?" Gwi-nam grabbed your hand "Of course we can Y/N we're like partners in crime now!" you smiled at him "partners in crime?" you questioned "Yeah! Whatever trouble you get into I'll be there also causing it!" he said as he smiled at you. His smile caused butterflies in your stomach you never really saw Gwi-nam smile it fit him well he didn't even seem like a bully and it was hard to believe that he is or was one. "You know Gwi-nam you don't look like a bully" you said resting your head on his shoulder "huh what do you mean?" he said looking at you "Well you look like a good guy who puts a mask on pretending to be someone hes not" Gwi-nan was shocked and you were right he didn't want to bully others but if he's being honest with himself it's because he was scared to be the one to get bullied "I-...I didn't want to be a bully Y/N I was just I was scared of being bullied but I don't have to worry about that now because they're probably dead and my only focus right now is yo- us to get us out of here"

"Gwi-nam lets get out of here together" you said before drifting off to sleep.


A/N: ok i think this is all im going to write for this chapter bc its alread 3:30 in the morning and i need some sleep lol and i dont want to make any spelling errors or grammar errors. I hope you liked this chapter! <3

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