《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 1


"Anddd i woke up late again" you said too yourself as you slowly got up to put your uniform on and packed extra clothes to change into after school for detention. You quickly grabbed some snacks and stuffed them into your backpack "OOOHH K LETS GOO" you said as you run out of your apartment room to the school.

"Late again L/N" The teacher at the gate said as you put your name down before quickly running yelling "YEAH SORRY ABOUT THAT TEACH" the teacher let out a little sigh "DON'T FORGET YOU HAVE DETENTION L/N- that kid is something else" he said with a little chuckle before locking the gates.


"L/N? Y/-"

"IM HERE I'M HERE DON'T MARK ME ABSENT" You say slamming the door open and shut running to your seat "well that's one way to make an entrance" She said while marking you late. "Okay everyone hand over the phones"

Everyone handed over their phones besides On-jo and Dae-su they tried their best but still got caught in the end. Everyone except Ms.Park laughed at their attempt to keep their phones.

You looked around the classroom not really paying attention to the lesson when a girl suddenly came into the classroom covered in blood.

Everyone immediately got up to see what was happening, you looked closer at the girl and realized she was the girl who usually sat at the back of the class. You never actually got to know her or even become friends with her, she was always cold towards you and even mean sometimes so you just ignored her existince.

You snapped out of your trance when you saw Ms. Park, On-jo, Su-hyeok, and, I-sak leave taking her to the infirmary.

Everyone started talking and of course Na-yeon started spreading her dirt rumors.

"He obviously wanted to kill her for revenge for h-" you stared at her in disgust before interrupting her "Hey cut that shit out Na-yeon are you even listening to yourself?" she stop talking and look at you scoffing "What!? you know I'm probably right why else would he had taken her? To film por-" silence filled the class as everyone looked at you and Na-yeon holding her cheek "Stop trying to spread disgusting rumors especially ones like that" before you two could say anything else Ms. Park came back into the classroom and started teaching the lesson as if nothing had happened.

You never liked Na-yeon she always thought she was above everything and everyone just because she had money but oh boy if a zombie apocalypse ever happened money wouldn't be important and it won't save her when people are fighting to save themselves.


Lunch arrived and as usual you went to get food and sat down at a single table it's not that you didn't have any friends- sure you were on good terms with everyone in your class well most of them.

It's just you never really knew how to keep a conversation going and so to save yourself from awkwardness you just sat alone! It's a win win they won't have to deal with you and you can catch up on some books you wanted to read.

You were going to read a manga you had just bought when Su-hyeok came up to you and sat down?


'okkk this is um ok'

"Hi Su-hyeok do you need anything?" you said putting your manga away in your bag.

"Um no it's just why do you always sit alone I just noticed recently how you actually never sit with anyone else" he said with a bit of a frown on his face scratching tye back of his neck.

"ohh well I guess I never really tried to sit with other people I'm not really good at making conversations" you said 'wait why does he care so much I've always sat alone'

"What but you've always been good at talking to people or well I thought because you're always so loud and honest with your words!" he said moving his hands as he described how he saw you "OH NOT LOUD IN A BAD WAY THOUGH I MEAN IT IN A GOOD WAY" he sorta shouted.

You laughed a bit at his actions "Nono its ok I know what you mean I can be pretty loud sometimes" he relaxed at hearing you say it was ok and understood what he meant. "Well um L/N do- wou- uh DO yes do you want to come back with me and sit with us?" he said as he gestured to the group with Cheong-San, Gyeong-su, Dae-su, Woo-jin, and Joon-Yeong. You looked back and smiled at him "SURE LETS GOO!" you said as you happily walked over to the table bouncing up and down a bit.

You like groups of people, this is when it's the easiest to talk because someone always brings something up! And plus this was the first time someone invited you to sit with them!

"Hey Y/N!!" they all warmly greeted you. You noticed how they all called you by your first name but Su-hyeok had called you by your last name. You pushed the thought away and started talking to them.

"WAITWAIT Y/N this is an important question" Dae-su said looking at you with a serious face.

"Ask away and you shall get an answer!!" you said.

"Is there anyone you are attracted too? like" he stopped and looked around before whispering "a crus-" before he could finish his sentence Su-hyeok had smacked him on the head "DON'T ASK HER STUFF LIKE THAT DAE-SU!" everyone laughed at their interaction you let out one last laugh before answering the question "Not at the moment! But any other questions!?" You said excitedly Su-hyeok let out a little sigh before excusing himself to go back to the classroom he gave you a quick little head pat and a little smile before leaving but you couldn't help but noticed he seemed a bit hurt something must've happened before he invited you to sit with them you glanced around the lunch room and also noticed On-jo looking at you but not really in a friendly way. You just quickly avoided her gaze and continued your conversation with the others.


Soon it was only you and Cheong-san at the lunch table you looked at him and broke the silence between you two."You like On-jo right?" his eyes widen at the sentence "no we're just friends what are you even talking about I'd rather date a Zombie than h-" you rolled your eyes "Oh pleaseee come on Cheong-san we all see how much you care for her or well at least I do OH YOU ALSO HAVE THIS LOOK IN YOUR EYES WHENEVER YOUR WITH HE-" before you could finish your sentence he had quickly gotten up to cover your mouth "Y/NNN SUSHHH" he wined like a five year old. Everyone had looked at you two because of your shouting wondering what you had said making Cheong-san cover your mouth like a child stopping the other from spilling a secret. "chongsbnurmainhgithrdtbrwth"


"what?" he removed his hand for you to speak properly "I SAID you're making it hard to breathe but were good now so go talk to your girlfriend" you started pushing him in On-jo's way. "OKOK chill i have to go over there anyway. I'll see you later Y/N!" he said as he ran to On-jo giving her his tray 'what an idiot is that his way of flirting!?' you thought in disbelief.


Gwi-nam's Pov

I watched as Y/N laughed and smiled with them. I never took her to be so outgoing with people she always sat alone since well the first day of highschool I wanted to talk to her and get to know her but I never found the courage too because Myeong-hwan and the others always thought of her as a loser and always wanted to try to mess with her next. I'm glad she's always late and usually has detention because if she would get here earlier I don't know how much I can do to stop them from harming her next. Maybe I can pretend that I'm going to mess with her to have a chance to talk to her but would she even bother talking to me? I see the way Su-hyeok looks at her theres no way he'll let me get near her and she probably likes him too this shits so hard I should just not think about thi-

"OH YOU ALSO HAVE THIS LOOK IN YOUR EYES WHENEVER YOUR WITH HE-" My thoughts we interrupted by her and Cheong-san acting like if they were kids telling secrets I smiled a bit watching her push Cheong-san towards that girl he likes it was painfully obvious but she still didn't know somehow.

"Why are you smiling idiot hurry up and get up we have to go there" Myeong-hwan said to me but before we could go to the abandoned building screams were heard from outside some people ran into the cafeteria shutting the doors but the ones outside broke in and started attacking some students biting and ripping their flesh off. Myeong-hwan and the others left right away hiding who knows where I quickly scanned the room and found Y/N frozen in place how could Cheong-san just leave her there when they were talking like 30 seconds ago! I quickly ran to her hitting the "students" who tried attacking me and grabbed her hand and started to run I didn't care that we never actually talked it was just my goal to get us both somewhere safe. I was running in the direction to the kitchen before she quickly pulled me to another direction "WE CAN'T GO TO THE KITCHEN WE'LL GET TRAPPED THERE AND THERES REALLY NO PLACE TO HIDE" she shouted through all of the screams. We went to the window were others where escaping I noticed her backpack was hanging on one of her shoulders "GIVE ME YOUR BAG Y/N!!" she quickly took it off and handed it to me I don't know why she was still carrying it but it must be important to her somehow so I quickly put it on.

How the hell could she carry this much stuff!?

We jumped out the window she quickly grabbed my hand and I was in a little daze but quickly remembered what was happening. We ran upstairs to the roof for it too be locked "no no no please no" I looked at Y/N she was desperately trying to open the door. "Y/N its locked its ok lets go to one of the rooms just right below" I grabbed her hand leading her to one of the rooms which happened to be a cooking class.


Your Pov:

Screams broke out and before I knew it students were attacking each other bitting and ripping their flesh I was terrified. Cheong-san had left me he left me here! I was too scared to move what am I going to do, if I keep standing here like an idiot im going to get bit next but my legs won't move. MOVE MOVE OMG JUST MOVE Y/N! I felt a hand grab my mine pulling me I looked at the figure and saw the boy known as Gwi-nam pulling me. A lot of people told me he's a bully and I should stay away from him but why would a bully just risk their life for some random person they haven't talked to?

He was pulling us to the kitchen but its basically a death trap I pulled him to were others were escaping through a window "WE CAN'T GO TO THE KITCHEN WE'LL GET TRAPPED THERE AND THERES REALLY NO PLACE TO HIDE"

We were waiting for others to go through the window it seemed like the screams were getting louder every second "GIVE ME YOUR BAG Y/N" I took off the bag and quickly gave it to him I just hope he doesn't throw it but thats the least of our problems. We jumped out the window and I quickly grabbed his hand I was terrified but having someone next to me made me feel so much better even though I'm used to being alone I would hate to be alone right now. We ran to the roof but it was locked- This can't be happening "no no no please no" this was our safest option and its locked I felt my eyes start to water "Y/N its locked its ok lets go to one of the rooms just right below" Gwi-nam said as he grabbed my hand. We ended up in a cooking class I let out a sigh of relief maybe it was better the roof was locked.


A/N: If I made any spelling errors please let me know so I can fix them!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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