
"We'll go out tonight" Jisoo said on the other line

"I didn't even know you're talking to her already" I said since I heard from Jennie that Rosie told her that they'll go out tonight

"I'm Jisoo man cmon" she said in the most boastful way possible

"Sure whatever... Tell me about it when we landed" I said before hanging up. We're on our way to the airport since Jennie will have another meeting in New York and she told me that every time she'll go out of the country it's best that I'll come with her so I can experience different countries as well.


After going through lots of paps at the airport and waiting at the lounge we finally made our way to the airplane and we're both settled down already. Jennie started removing her makeup since we'll be having a long flight.

"Aren't you going to sleep? " she asked while tying her hair up in a bun

"I need to do some school works" I said while grabbing a laptop that Jennie bought for me for my school works and other stuff

"I'll just watch some movies and I'll wait for you" she said, since then Jennie has been way more comfortable talking to me and I don't know if I'll be used to it but I'm glad anyway. She's still bitchy sometimes but that wouldn't be the Jennie Kim I know if she wouldn't be.

Once I'm all done with my school works she grab the laptop from me "I'll check it" she said removing her AirPods and passing them to me

"You don't have to" I said trying to get the laptop but she stopped me

"You're a dumbass and even though you're good sometimes when it comes to these... It's better to make sure" she said and scanned everything while correcting some of it.


"Don't make it all correct they'll question it" I said making Jennie look at me

"Do you think I'm dumb to not know about that? If there's someone dumb between us... It's you" she said rolling her eyes. That's the typical Jennie Kim


After our long flight, we arrived in New York which is so cold. I put my hands in the pockets of my coat as Jennie and I walk out of the airport.

While waiting for the car I grab Jennie's hands and put it in my pocket as well since it's really cold. She didn't pull it out so I just stayed like that till the car came. We didn't bother stopping by the hotel since Jennie told us that we'll go straight to the meeting no wonder she told me to wear something decent and to do my make-up already.

"Ms. Kim, it's nice having you back" a bald guy greeted us and he immediately offered a handshake but Jennie being Jennie, just stared at the guy's hand till he pulls it away and smiled at Jennie

"Let's go this way Miss Kim" he said leading the way while Jennie just hooked her arm around mine while we're walking through some people who greeted Jennie respectfully. I can't be used to all of these wealthy people around me.

"Where's Mr- oh there you are" the bald man says smiling at the person behind us so Jennie and I turn around to look at him and I felt Jennie flinched and immediately dropped her hands from my arm beside her

"Mr. Kim" the bald man says for the nth time

"Sorry I'm late" he said bowing down a bit as I look over to Jennie seeing her eyes in shock and I can't seem to know what kind of emotion she has right now but I can tell that it's not good. I look back at the guy and he met Jennie's eyes and smiles at her. Who the fuck is this guy?


"Jennie Kim" he said making me furrow my brows as I want to be the only one who calls Jennie like that "it's been a long time" he said walking closer totally avoiding me as he offered his hand out for a handshake. I smirked at how much he's so full of himself as if Jennie will take his hand.

"It's been a while " Jennie said in almost a whisper as she put her hand out to grasp the guy's hand. What the fuck is happening? I cleared my throat and the guy looked at me for a second before putting his eyes back to Jennie and smiling at her avoiding me. What the actual fuck?!

The bald guy walks towards us and leads everyone to a room so I just walked behind Jennie since she's too occupied by the presence of that guy. He kept talking to Jennie and asking how is she while Jennie seems to be in a daze not knowing what to do. As we get near the door a guard pulled me out of the group of people who are coming in.

"Please step aside" he said

"No, I'm with Jennie... " I turn around and called for Jennie but they already shut the door leaving me there. "Hey look I'm with Jennie Kim. You can ask her if you want" I said convincing the guard but he shakes his head for a no and leave me there outside. I grab my phone from my pocket and called Mr . Kang, he answered in just a few rings

"Mr. Kang pick me up in here? Jennie went in without knowing that a guard pulled me out cause they don't know me" I said explaining and Mr. Kang told me that he'll be here in 10 min. While waiting I decided to sit on the side when my phone rings

"Lisa" I heard Jackson said from the other line "I heard from Mr. Kang about what happened. Why didn't Jennie know about leaving you behind? " he asked in a serious tone

"She was pretty occupied by the guy who seems like they know each other" I said clearly pissed off about it

"Who is the guy? " he asked

"I don't have an idea but he's pretty tall and probably around our age and if I heard it right someone called him Mr. Kim earlier" I said and Jackson took a couple of seconds before responding

"Kim Jongin.. Look Lisa, once Mr. Kang arrived I'll tell him to drive you back to the hotel he'll just pick up Jennie later. Go rest alright? Don't wait for Jennie." He said making me confused but just hummed for a response "Lisa.. I'm saying sorry for the troubles that Jennie's been giving you. You deserve better" he sighed at the other line. I don't know what he's talking about but I just let him talk "just please look out for yourself and rest alright? I'll treat you to some food when you get back" he said before bidding goodbye

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