
"Chu I don't have anyone to take to the dean " I said while walking down the stairs

"You have Jennie" she said in a duh tone

"No that can't be... I'll just find another way" I said and look down at my phone to end the call

"Why do you need to go to the dean? " I jumped back as I was startled by Jennie's voice when I entered the kitchen. I thought she went out early for work

"What are you still doing here? " I said putting my hand on my chest from the shock

"I cooked breakfast. Now answer my question" she said putting a plate of pancakes down on the counter

"I have some failing grades from some of my subjects since I missed some class sometimes when I go with you" I said honestly while sitting down on a chair

"I'll talk to your dean" she said making my eyes go wide

"You don't need to... People will say that I'm using you for my grades" I said grabbing the maple syrup and pouring it down on top of the pancakes

"Who said I'll do something about your grade? I'll ask him for some ways to fix your grade in an appropriate way" she said "I'll meet you in the parking lot. I'll drop by your school first" she said before going out of the kitchen


Once we arrived at the school the guards immediately escort us to the dean's office with lots of students looking our way. They let us in immediately and the dean looks shocked about what's happening right now but he immediately let us sit right in front of his desk

"How can I help you Miss Kim? " he asked and he sounds very much like a loser in front of a powerful person around him


"I'm here since you wanted to discuss my girlfriend's grades " she says looking at our dean while I'm just sitting here switching my eyes from Jennie and the dean

"Ah, I see... Miss Kim, we can fix this immediately if you'd like" he said and by the tone of his voice he's talking about an illegal type of way

"Do you see me as that kind of person?" Jennie asked authoritatively making our dean flinch from his seat and I can't help myself from smiling a bit

"Not at all, Miss Kim... I'm very sorry" he said bowing his head and Jennie just nods at him "well Miss Kim, we can let Lisa take some of the paper works that they've done during the time that she's not here since she can be classified as an excuse" he said pausing a bit to grab his handkerchief and wipe away his sweat cause he's sweating so bad right now and may I add that his room is very cold compare to the others. "That's applicable for students who's busy like her.. I'll forward the paper works on her email" he said and Jennie nodded standing up

"I'm gonna get going... Can I drop Lisa in her class? " she asked and the dean went silent first before taking an excuse slip so I can hand it on my first subject since the bell already went off.

We walk out of the office and I immediately chuckle "ya Jennie Kim you're making the dean so nervous" I said earning a chuckle from her as well and I probably need to get used to this type of Jennie.

"I won't be surprised if he'll do some illegal things to make a student pass just because of money " she says making me nod


"But it's funny that you actually didn't say a lot in there and he just completely made the decision" I said when we reached my first class already.

"I'll see you later" Jennie said and the door opened revealing my math teacher who immediately bowed down to Jennie to greet her and Jennie just nod at her while looking back at me "I ordered some food.. It'll be here shortly" she said so I just nodded and thanked her and I can still see that the whole classroom's still looking at us so I leaned over to hug Jennie

"They'll question it if I won't say goodbye to you like this" I said and Jennie put her arms on my back as well to hug me

"You seem to want it more than them" she whispered as well making me chuckle as I pulled back

"I'll see you later " I said pulling her hand again to place a kiss on her forehead making her eyes go wide but good thing I'm blocking her face from the rest of the class "bye" I said and she immediately turn around since her cheeks started turning red which makes me laugh as I head inside seeing Jisoo and Bambam at the back.

"If I know nothing.. I'll probably think you guys are actually in love" Jisoo said and Bambam nods agreeing.


10 minutes later a knock on the door makes our teacher stopped so she went out for a minute before walking back in

"Okay class, Miss Kim ordered a lot of foods for the whole class" she said looking at me from the back and shakes her head amusingly "is this the perks of having her girlfriend in my class? " she said making everyone laugh while I just blush right there. The delivery guy started distributing everything and when he reached my place he placed a different paper bag right in front of me

"Miss Kim told us to make one special for you" he said and I immediately heard Bambam choking on his food since he started eating it once it reached him. "Thank you Ms. Manoban" he said to me before walking away. I looked at Bambam which Jisoo's already patting his back.

"Are you sure you guys aren't really dating DATING? " he said enough for the three of us to hear

"Lisa I swear... You're probably hiding something from us" Jisoo said while glaring at me

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