In Serial

The Dog with a Chair

8 160 30
Author: Type:Male

As of now, this story is dropped. It was an excellent learning experience, but the quality suffered too much from me trying new things for me to continue in good concience. Thanks to anyone that read it. I'm leaving this story up as a record of my first ever attempt at publishing something I've wrote. To any new writers out there, remember that even if the stuff you write is trash, you can still learn a lot from writing it. - November 17th 2020

Guy gets involved in advocacy for civil engineering projects, then gets pulled into an interdimensional war.

Third person with a focus on one main character (Stanley) with the occasional point of view from another character important to story progression. Writing style tends to shift early on as I figure out how to write (this is my first book). Still learning, hoping to improve.

Current style choice is to have a focus on character dialogue/actions with interspersed internal monologue in italics.

No current end is set for the story, with the primary goal of this project being to learn to express myself in a written format. Storyline is kept as consistent as practical while covering things I find interesting.

Governmental systems are mentioned, but not explained in extreme detail. Sci fi elements are used to reinforce and guide plot progression as I'm able. Personal goals belonging to each character are in the process of being developed, with the hope that they will support or oppose each other in interesting ways later on.

Hope you enjoy :)

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