《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 2


(Don't mind that just some concept art)

~Bulkhead pov~

"Bulk wHAT WAS THAT!?" My small yellow friend yelled at me gesturing to the helicopter fading from view, "You were the first one here and from what I saw you had a clear shot."

"I um.." I was quickly cut off the Ratchet

"I believe the more important issue is who was that."

"I-" I tried to speak again

"Possibly another 'Con from a different planet, she didn't seem familiar with earth." Prowl spoke interrupting me

"Well I-" I was cut off again

"Well either way we got to kick some tailpipe!" Bumblebee laughed, "And your star player could probably take her down in a sparkbeat."


"You couldn't kick her if she put her helm right in front of your pede." Ratchet snapped, "You overly cocky youngins."


"Who ever it was they have to be stopped. They stole a multi-use powercable." Prime spoke, "Who knows what either planning."

"I should probably tell you-"

"Maybe their making an awesome death ray!" Bumblebee laughed energetically

"Um really-"

"I doubt it. The bot seemed more willing to not fight and flee then fight and try to bring harm to us or themselves." Prowl spoke, "Perhaps they're making or fixing a ship."

"Guys really-"

"That would require a few tons of very radioactive material." Ratchet spoke, "And no bot besides Bumblebee is dumb enough to even touch the stuff, so they are more likely to be fixing a ship."

"Guys I really have something to say-"

"Well whatever the case we need to be prepared." Prime spoke, "So we need to be on the alert to any major robberies in the upcoming cycles."


"They're not gonna get away next time!" Bumblebee grinned cockily, "Cause ya know, I'm the fastest thing on wheels."


"I really-"

"In case you didn't notice you bucket of bolts they weren't on wheels." Ratchet snapped at him

"Okay guys are you-"

"Enough. We especially don't need in-fighting at a time like this!" Prime scolded


Everyone was quiet for a moment. Before Prime spoke up.

"Yes Bulkhead?" He asked

"The reason I froze up back there was cause that bot looked exactly like (y/n)." Everyone froze

"(Y/n)? We talking the same (y/n) who punched a wall when a movie was too sad?" Bumblebee questioned, "The same (y/n) that gladly juggles knifes for entertainment!?"

I nodded, "Down to the same three scars over her dermas." I looked at Ratchet

He was silent staring forward almost lost. His optics were fuzzy and far away. Occasionally a digit or two would twitch. He shook his helm finally returning to the realm of the online.

"I refuse to believe it. (Y/n) is offline. I checked her myself. Her spark was extinguished, vamoose, gone. There ain't no way she's back." He spoke bitterly

Prime turned his attention to me, "Was there anything off about her? Anything suspicious?"

"Well she was online for a start... umm... she had this weird symbol where her insignia used to be.." I spoke scratching my helm slightly

"What kind of symbol?" Ratchet asked turning to me

"Well... um... it was a light blue.. it looked like a bot, but had a more diamond look to it with two accents on the sides." I spoke honestly having no idea what it was.

Ratchet looked down gripping his chin with a hum while he was lost in thought Prime stepped forward.

"This could very well be just a highly crafted clone, he have encountered those before." He spoke obviously referring to the Starscreams, "We can't assume this is the (y/n) who grew to know us well as a team."


I nodded slightly, though I didn't truly believe what he was saying. It was way too real to be a clone. Her optics held way too much behind them then to be some cheap knockoff. Although the color scheme was slightly off I believed it in my spark that this was her. My friend. I think Ratchet knew it too. From the way he stared forward deep in thought.

~Ratchet pov~

No it can't be. Can it? It's impossible! I watched her offline in my arms! You can't tell me that's not real! But if Bulkhead saw her... Prime is probably right though... just some clone... though, that's not what it feels like.

Deep in a part of my spark that rarely gets visited, something yearned for it to be true. For her to be online again. To wrap my arms around her again. To let her stroke my helm as it lays on her lap. To take stasis naps at random points in the day with her.

Scrap. Don't pull those feelings up here.. don't think about her lovely slightly off-key voice... down think about her cheek smooches or adorable sparkling giggles... Frag.. I miss her...

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