《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 1


You gasped arching off the table pain filling your chassis your optics snapped open to darkness and you screamed in agony. It soon stopped and your chassis heaved as you settled back down on the metal table.

There was a dull ache everywhere as you turned your helm around trying to see anything, any glimmer of light. You snapped your helm over to a chuckle.

"Having troubles seeing (y/n)?" The femme's voice was soft and sweet in a twisted way

"Erm. Maybe... who are you?" You questioned shifting up slightly to give one of the propellers under you room

She hummed audibly, "You've lost your memories my friend. At least it appears that way."

You felt someone remove something off your helm from over your optics. You felt the visor slowly whirr to life and slowly blotchy outlines and colors came into view.

"So my designation is (Y/n)?" You questioned with a tilt of your helm

She appeared to nod, "It is, you have quite I bit of backing behind it if you'd like to know." She teased softly

You looked around, "So where am I? What happened?"

"You are on my critically damaged ship, and you were hurt by the other bots out there." She spoke, though it sounded like a half truth, "I have a way for you to get your memories back little (y/n)." she held an orb teasingly before you, "But you have to work for me for a little while to get it. Do we have a deal?"

You paused inspecting the servo extended to you, "I can't make a deal with a bot whose designation isn't even known to me." You spoke

She chuckled, "A wise decision (y/n)." she purred, "I am Diamondtrail. Now, do we have a deal, your memories in exchange for some service?"


You slowly reached your servo out and shook it. The feeling sent a tingle up your arm which caused you to shiver.

"Ok so can I have my memories now?" You asked reaching for the orb

She pulled it out of your reach with a tsk, "You work your end of the bargain up first. Then the memories are yours."

You hummed, "That doesn't seem fair..." you spoke

Diamondtrail chuckled, "That's just onlining for ya. Not fair and simple."

Your derma twitched slightly and you didn't reply. She laughed loudly slapping your pede.

"Come along now. We have work to do." The icy-blue femme grinned walking out

You swung your stabilizers off the table. When your pedes hit the floor a dull ache filled your chassis. You raised a servo and placed it over the curvy metal there. Something felt heavy there, yet if felt as though you were missing something. Missing something important that is soppsed to be hidden within. You walked out after the large ice-blue femme.

You couldn't help but feel small beside her, you wanted something to cower in her presence, but a small tiny voice in the farest corner of your processor said to straighten your spinal strut. Hold your helm high, fist your servos at your sides. It fed you ideas that you were strong and powerful, so you listened.

The four propellers on your back struts twitched slightly as you walked beside DiamondTrail. She looked over at you with eerily white irises in the back depths of her optics.

"I took the liberty of upgrading you and changing your paint job while you were under." She spoke coolly, "They did quite a number on you. I replaced the alliance symbol on your throat armor as well."


Something deeply concerned to have her even close to you the throat pipes. Subconsciously you reached up to stroke the armor there. Your digits scrapped over and almost burning symbol there. You it felt foreign under your digit tips yet oddly familiar.

DiamondTrail lead you through a doorway and you stared with wide optics at the damage. She chuckled.

"It's really not as bad as it looks." She said pulling open a panel causing sharp jolts of electricity to shoot out, "You just need to get me a couple of parts."

You grunted disbelieving. Whatever to get your memories.


You traced the cable looking for a weak point to slash into it. The humans that were in this building had fled already leaving you alone to work. You found a soft point and broke it off letting the length of cable fall to the floor. You turned hearing large heavy pedesteps running towards you and your optics snapped wide seeing some sort of large round weapon inches from your face. You looked to the large green Mech gripping onto the cable on your shoulder.

It was a tense silent moment before he broke and spoke.

"(Y-y/n)?" The large green Mech spoke sounding confused and worried

You blinked and heard more cars. You pushed him out of the way grabbing all that you needed. You bolted out of the way you came headed towards to the roof. You looked frantically behind you as you reached the edge. You transformed and slowly went to a hover. Your propellers soon sped up as you raised off the building headed back towards the island you came from.

You heard several vehicles screech to a stop at the top of the roof as you quickly moved away through the air. You couldn't hear what they were saying as they faded from view nor did you have any need to.

You just needed to do anything to get your memories.

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