《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 3


Your conscious cycles seemed like pits, but when you powered down was when you were truly exposed to the pain and torment of the firey depths of pits. You could hear the muffled voices calling out to you, you could see the blurry figures both too dark and over saturated with light. You tried to call out but your voice was ripped from you. All you could do was blindly reach out towards the voices tears absently welling and falling from your optics.

You snapped up optics wide as your chassis heaved. You placed a servo over the platting almost a painful calling out was emitting from there. It was like you were missing something important and your protoform was crying out for it. You sat up and turned your protoform and placed your pedes on the cold floor. You processor felt heavy yearning for what you couldn't even put words to.

The symbol at your throat pipes burned. You felt as though you were missing the bigger picture, missing the world around you. Your vents stung your intake and inner throat pipes. It felt like acid as the air was filtered through your systems. Wipping your cheek with your palm you stood trying to steady your vents and walked towards the door.

You definitely were gonna go back to recharge. So you might as well try and continue fixing the delicate inners of the ship.


You yelped as the rolling table you were laying on to work on the underside of a mechanism was pulled out into the open. You stared up at Diamondtrail still holding your tools. You chuckled nervously up at the icy-blue femme.

"Hi." You chuckled

"Hello." She spoke gravelly, "I see your working, but I want to Introduce you to your "work partner" if you get my drift." She's spoke


You sat up and waved slightly at the purple-gold femme, though she looked... odd. Less Cybertronian. More... organic. Diamondtrail cleared her throat pipes.

"(Y/n) this," She gestured to the femme, "Is Blackarachnia." She introduced, "She and I made a deal, She'll help you with whatever you need until my ship isn't fixed." Diamondtrail spoke in a demanding voice

You nodded as she left and looked towards the new girl, "What did she promise you?"

"To purge me of this disgusting organic half of me." She growled extra appendages twitching, "I'm guessing your doing this because she brought you back online."

You raised your brows, "... brought me... online?" You placed a servo over your spark chamber

The arachnid-like femme chuckled, "So you don't remember? Poor you."

You shook your helm, "She promised me my memories." You spoke, "But I was offline?"

The femme shrugs, "I heard it from a not so reliable little birdie, so you might not have. But you were off the streets for a fair amount of cycles."

You were flabbergasted, there was no way... Diamondtrail would have cockily told you. Unless there was a reason not to announce your onlining. You shook your helm that was only more the reason to get your memories.

"I need an important part that the one that is too damaged here to even fix." You spoke determinedly staring up at her, "And you need to help."


"Do you really need all of these?"Blackarachnia asked staring at the box filled with parts

"Well I need to fully craft a new one." You spoke tugging another wire free and tossing it intimate the box

You straightened hearing several sirens coming. You stared at the fire truck that transformed in the gapping hole in the wall. The Mech stared at you for all of too long which caused your derma to pull in an awkward way as for you looked for a way out.


You tugged Blackarachnia towards a ramp leading up. You made sure she had the box as the Mech broke from his trance and chased after you. You reached the roof and bolted towards the edge.

"I'm gonna jump and transform. Just stay here I'll get you." You spoke to the spider-femme releasing her wrist and leaping from the building before she could respond

You felt the air whip around your helm as you fell like a bullet the ground gettting nearer and nearer. A part of you just wanted to let yourself just slam helm-long into the concrete and offline, but you had a mission. A reason to stay.

You transformed with grace above the ground your propellers instantly spinning and pushing you in the opposite direction you were just falling. You hovered at the roof as Blackarachnia snapped a one liner at the Mech and slipped an arm through both of the open sections on your form.

You lifted her off her pedes and started off, but you felt something within you want to go back to the blue and red Mech. Like a heavy foreboding feeling.

Something that needed to be fixed. Something that he knew. Something that you should.

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