《Classroom of the Elite: Unconfined Genius (Test Phase)》Vol.1. Chapter 2.1 : A Troublesome Way to Start the Day, Part 1
Matsuo Eichiiro POV
A noisy sound came from my phone. I awoke from my slumber and opened my eyes to see the white-colored ceiling above me. I forced my body to wake up and grabbed my phone to check the time. It was currently 6:07 AM in the early morning, meaning I had two hours to prepare myself before heading to school.
I yawned in tiredness. Why does sleeping feel so blissful and relaxing yet so agonizing at the same time especially when you have to get up early for school? These are the type of questions that I can't seem to find an answer to.
I turned my body and put my foot down on the floor and stood up from my bed. I then proceeded to put the pillows in their proper place then began to fold my blanket in a tidy manner. I then patted the mattress of my bed to make a smooth surface.
I didn't have the motivation to cook any breakfast for myself, so I crouched down and opened the lower cabinet to get myself a cereal box. It was a cereal filled with mostly chocolate chunks and came with some almond nuts in it. I put the cereal box on the table near my computer and grabbed a bowl from the upper part of the cabinet.
I then put opened my refrigerator to get myself a gallon of milk to complement my cereal. I heard on the internet that some people pour their milk into their bowls before pouring the cereal first instead of the opposite. I honestly didn't get why people would do that considering the cereal would soak even faster causing it to soften a lot faster which could end up making the cereal too mushy or flavorless, but I guess people will be people I guess. I don't really have a right to judge how other people eat their meals considering I used to eat cereal straight from the box with no milk.
I set the gallon of milk on the table in front of me and opened the cereal box from the top, showing a silver-colored bag inside that most likely contained the food I was going to consume. Then I ripped the right corner of the silver-colored bag and started pouring the cereal into the bowl. After pouring the appropriate amount of cereal into the bowl, I grabbed my gallon of milk, screwed the cap open, and poured some milk into the bowl, and breakfast was finally complete.
I sat in the chair in front of the table which held my breakfast, computer, and phone. To gain access to my computer, I turned it on and entered my passcode. Before I leave for school, I wanted to open YouTube and watch a few gaming videos. My phone abruptly rang before I could even open Google, Someone had apparently messaged me this early in the morning.
I looked away from my computer and focused my attention on the notification displayed on my phone screen. It came from Hirata asking if we could meet up in front of the convenience store around 6:45 AM. Hirata was one of the friends I made on the first day of school along with Sudou, Yukimura, Miyake, and Sotomura, or the professor as he likes to refer to himself.
From what I've gotten to know about Hirata yesterday, he seemed like a pretty chill and relaxed dude. Though, I kinda feel bad for him being dragged around by girls on the first day of school. Well, I guess I can kind of relate to him considering I was fairly popular during my middle school days.
"Alright, I'll be there. Let me shower and eat some breakfast first." I replied to his text message. The message was instantly read and he sent a thumbs-up emoji as a response. I then fasten my eating pace as I only had thirty-five more minutes remaining before our meeting time.
After finishing my humble meal, I walked towards the bathroom and took off all my clothes. I then turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature. I needed some energy today so I guess I'll take a cold shower.
"AH!" I screamed when the water began to get colder. I didn't realize the water would be this cold. But, you got to power through this Eichiiro, it'll all be worth it at the end as I'll probably end up staying awake the whole day.
When I finished my bath, I grabbed my teal-colored towel and rubbed it over my hair and body to dry myself. I then wrapped a towel around myself and opened my clothing cabinet. I took my neatly folded school uniform and put it on without fully buttoning it to appear cool.
I opened the curtains and slid my window open to dry my towel and clothes after I finished cleaning them in the laundry. I then went back to the bathroom to style my hair. I grabbed the cable for my hairdryer and plugged it into one of the bathroom outlets, letting the wind from the hairdryer blow through my hair as it slowly dried my hair.
After my hair had dried enough, I began combing my hair with most of my hair being swept to the left side of my face. I might need to cut my hair soon considering some of my hair started to cover my left eye a bit. I don't want to wake up one day looking at the mirror realizing my hair had grown too long and it would eventually mess with my vision. Even worse, the professor might start making fun of me calling me a hent- ok let's not talk about that right now.
Once I had finished styling my hair, I exited the bathroom and checked the insides of my bag to make sure I don't forget to bring anything to school. Pencil case, books, stationaries... Yep, everything's here alright. I would usually also bring a lunch box with me but I wanted to go to the cafeteria today to try some of their food.
I closed my bag and carried it with began making my way to the door. I grabbed my shoes from the shelves and began tying them as neatly as possible. As I was tying my shoes, I recalled a memory where at the time, I didn't know how to tie my shoelaces and Tsubasa would always scold me for it. Good times...
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a buzzing sound coming from my pocket. I reached into my pocket to take out my phone revealing a message from my next-door neighbor.
[I won't be walking to school with you today as I plan to work out at the gym early in the morning. Sorry for the late notice.]
[Also, I plan to hold a class discussion today where we'll most likely introduce ourselves to each other. I plan on revealing the hidden cameras in our class and discuss about future special exams. I'll need your help to rally up the class' attention.]
[Noted, will do my best. Also, remember what we've practiced before we came to school. Don't mess up your introduction like last time!]
I hung up the phone and picked up my bag, which was on the floor. I left my dorm room and went to the elevator.
After a couple of minutes of walking, I finally arrived near the convenience store and saw the person waiting for me in front of the store. He was looking at his phone while his other hand held a melon pan bread which I'm assuming was his breakfast. He turned off his phone and looked around to finally notice my presence.
"Ah, good morning Matsuo-Kun!" Hirata greeted me while waving with one of his arms with a smile.
"Yo, morning Hirata," I greeted back. He quickly finished his melon pan bread and threw the paper into the trash bin near him.
"I'm really sorry to have called you here so early in the morning. But I would like to discuss a few things with you if you don't mind of course." Hirata told me.
"It's fine really, I was already awake before you texted me. What did you want to discuss about so early in the morning?" I asked curiously.
"Well... I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday and what we should do shortly in the future. That's fine with you right?"
"Well, I don't mind. But, why discuss it with me? Why not just discuss this topic with Kiyotaka?" I questioned him.
"I do want to talk to him about it, but I don't have his contact information, and I noticed that you were particularly close to Ayanokouji-Kun since you call each other by your first names."
"Well, you could say we've known each other for a while," I answered. It wasn't technically a lie. We did get to know each other better from the time we spent at that government facility for a year. But it's not like I'm his best friend from childhood or anything.
"I was hoping you could convince Ayanokouji-Kun to talk to the whole class later on. I think most of us still aren't able to grasp the situation we're in clearly. So, I thought that Ayanokouji-Kun could address some questions and issues our classmates were confused on." Hirata requested me while stating his intentions.
"You don't need to worry about that. He already texted me early in the morning he plans to hold a class discussion today." I informed him
"Oh, for real? That's fantastic! That's all I wanted to discuss with you. Matsuo-Kun, I apologize for wasting your time." With a slight bow, Hirata apologized.
"It's not that big of a deal. I'm relieved that someone else is as concerned about the class as I am. Anyways, would you like to accompany me on the way to school?" I asked him.
"Oh, sure! You don't mind if a few acquaintances accompany us right?"
"Yeah, I don't see why no-"
"Hirata-Kun! Ohayo!" Before I could finish my sentence a feminine voice entered my ears. I turned my head backward to see four girls approaching us. So this is what he meant by the extra company...
"Hirata-Kun, who's this?" A girl with neck-length blue-colored hair asked him.
"Ah, let me introduce you to him. He's Matsuo-Kun from our class." Hirata introduced me to all of them. All of them were staring at me with curious looks on their faces, though one particular brown-haired girl was looking at me a bit more intensely than the others. Wait... Is that Matsuhita?! No, no don't jump to conclusions yet. It'd be embarrassing to assume she was someone I knew when we'd only met a few seconds before.
"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I hope we can get along from now on!" I said in a cheerful tone while flashing a smile. All of them were taken by surprise and one of the girls even had tints of red on her cheeks. So, there are the benefits of being handsome huh...
"I'm Karuizawa Kei! I mostly like shopping and hanging out with my friends. It's very nice to meet you." The blonde-haired girl said in an enthusiastic tone.
"Nee~ Satou-San, you've been staring at him for a while. Why not introduce yourself first then you can continue your stalking?" Karuizawa teased the girl next to her.
"K-karuizawa-San?! That's not it! I was just..." She shouted while covering her face trying to hide her blushing face.
"She's Satou Maya. It seems she's taken a liking to you." The girl with neck-length blue-colored hair spoke to me.
"S-SHINOHARA SAN! I T-TOLD YOU IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" She exclaimed while swinging her arms in the air.
"So your name is Shinohara?" I asked the blue-haired girl.
"Yep! The one and only. Shinohara Satsuki to be precise. Anyways, you seem to be a nice person. It's a pleasure to meet you." She introduced herself to me.
"And you are?" I finally asked the final person I haven't been introduced to.
"Hah? Matsuo-Kun, did you forget about me? That stings, you know..." She said this while dramatically placing her hands on her chest. Except for me, almost everyone was perplexed by what she was doing.
"Wait... Are you Matsuhita by any chance?"
"No way... Dude, it's been such a long time! How are you doing?" I asked her a friendly question.
"I should be the one asking you that. You disappear for a year and somehow we ended up enrolling in the same high school. What a coincidence huh?"
"Well... Coincidences can be freaky." I tried to imitate Kiyotaka's signature poker face with his expressionless tone of voice.
"Umm... I don't mean to intrude, but, have both of you perhaps known each other from before?" Shinohara asked.
"Well, we used to go to the same middle school together. But, I had to leave the third year due to some family circumstances." I replied.
"What's with that worried look Satou-San? I'm not gonna steal him from you ya know?" Matsuhita teased her.
"E-eh?! What are you talking about Matsuhita-Chan!"
"I'm joking, I'm joking. No need to get so flustered Satou-San."
"Anyways, Matsuo-Kun wanted to walk with us on our way to school. You girls wouldn't mind him accompanying us right?" Hirata asked all of them.
"Sure! I don't have any problems being accompanied by two handsome boys to school~" Karuizawa said boldly. Was she perhaps trying to flirt with both of us? Sorry mate your pretty and all but not really my type.
The others just nodded at Hirata's request and we started to walk in the direction of the school. We indulged in idle chatter mostly talking about our hobbies, favorite food, what club we were planning to join. Apparently, Hirata wanted to join the football club. I was planning to see what clubs were available just in case I might get interested, but that's unlikely considering I don't want club activities to take up more of my free time after school. In the middle of our chat, a specific topic was suddenly brought up.
"Man, yesterday sure was something huh." Shinohara suddenly brought up the events that took place yesterday.
"I know right. I'm still pondering if yesterday really did happen or it was just a bad dream." Satou said.
"If it hadn't been for Ayanokouji-Kun, our class would most likely be in trouble for the next month or possibly, even the next three years," Hirata said gratefully.
"Isn't it odd, though? Why is a genius like him placed in class D, out of all the classes he could have gotten into?" Matsuhita asked, intrigued by the topic.
"Maybe he's really bad at physical exercises?" Satou shared her opinion.
"Even if he's bad at physical activities, I don't think that's enough of a reason to put him in class D. Plus, it would be absurd for the school to expect every student to excel at everything. At the least, he should've been placed in class B." Matsuhita rebutted.
"Maybe he has a terrible personality? I mean it didn't seem like it yesterday but who knows what people are truly like nowadays." Karuizawa expressed her thoughts.
"That is possible... Or maybe... He's secretly a perverted scum?!" When I heard Shinohara say that I couldn't help but burst out laughing at how wrong her assumption was. The others looked at me weirdly but I couldn't help it. Kiyotaka? Perverted? He's denser than a black hole!
"Mind telling us what you find funny Matsuo?" Matsuhita finally addressed the elephant in the room. Well technically we're outside but you get the point.
"Ah, sorry. It's just... If I had to describe Kiyotaka in one word, perverted would be the last on my mind." I responded to her question.
"Kiyotaka... Who's that? Aren't we talking about Ayanokouji-Kun right now?" Satou asked with a face full of confusion.
"That's Ayanokouji's first name. Sorry, I should've said that first."
"First name? Are you and Ayanokouji-Kun friends?" Shinohara asked.
"Well, after I left my old middle school, me and my father moved into a new neighborhood. and when we arrived there, it turned out that he was my next-door neighbor. Since then, I guess you could say we became closer and considered each other as friends." I made up a story on the spot. I didn't intend to reveal anything about his past considering he was very secretive about it and I wouldn't like to breach more of his privacy.
"Oh really? Nee~ what was he like back then? Like, he gives off an enigmatic aura around him." Karuizawa interrogated me for more information about him. It seems it wasn't only her as everyone was looking at me with curious expressions.
"He was bad at socializing when we first met. It's not like he had an attitude problem or anything; in fact, when we first met, he was a pretty shy person. Though, I found out that he was homeschooled his whole life so I guess he wasn't able to develop any social skills." I answered some truths mixed in with a lie. From where he was educated, it didn't look like a home school, but it certainly didn't look like any normal school either. Especially the extremely harsh punishments they gave to the children there. Thinking about it just makes my blood boil honestly.
"Eh? Really? That didn't seem to be the case yesterday when he just boldly exposed the school in front of everyone in the class." Matsuhita said in surprise.
"But didn't he look pretty cool yesterday?" Shinohara complimented him.
"Yeah yeah! I agree. I've also noticed that he's actually quite handsome compared to some of the boys in our class. Honestly, besides Hirata, Matsuo, and Ayanokouji, all the boys in our class don't even look that good." Karuizawa bluntly stated her opinion.
"He also has this mature and laid-back aura to complement his charm. He'll probably be in the top 5 in the Ikemen rankings." Shinohara said. Ikemen ranking? Do they still do that even in high school? I wonder where I would rank amongst the boys in our year...
We finally arrived at our destination, and I bid them goodbye. They kept begging me to stay but I wanted to talk to some of my boyfriends
Alright, I know I worded that sentence terribly, but it's not what your thinking.
I looked around to see Sotomura with Sudou chatting with two other boys beside them. One of them was a boy with brown hair and bangs on the right side. He also had brown eyes. The other student was a boy of average height with plain brown hair and red eyes.
"Matsuo-Dono! Over here" the professor shouted loudly noticing my presence. Suddenly everyone turned their eyes towards me but it was only for a second. I looked back to see Sudou waving at me while the two boys glared at me as if they were analyzing me.
I made my way to his table where all of them were standing.
"So we have an ikemen here..." The brown-haired boy with bangs said to me.
"Ikemen? Nah I don't thi-"
"Oi, don't be so humble. YOUR SO FUCKING HANDSOME MAN IT'S UNFAIR. THIS WORLD IS TOO CRUEL FOR THE LIKES OF ME." The boy screamed his complaints. He got weird looks from everyone but he probably didn't even notice any of the stares he was getting considering he looked like he was about to cry.
"Hehehe... You should be lucky that I haven't revealed my true face to everyone here. If I did, you'd all wouldn't even stand a chance with any of the girls here." He said with his fingers doing a tick pose on his chin.
"Forgive me, your highness... I graciously thank you for your generosity." I decided to play along. I bowed and clasp my hands together to get into the role. All of them looked at me dumbfounded for a second but all of them then burst out laughing at my reply.
"HAHAHAHAHA! Your pretty funny man! What's your name?" The brown-haired boy with red eyes asked me?
"Matsuo Eichiiro, it's a pleasure to meet both of you." I bowed as a sign of respect.
"I'm Ike Kanji. You can come talk to me when you need advice on what to do for a date." The boy said bluntly.
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Dr. Aarohi Goenka, daughter of Sirat and Karthik Goenka. Neil Birla, adopted son of Manjari and Harsh Birla. - Aarohi and Neil are the only Best Friends for each other. -Neil is a writer too, he wrote a book named 'Our Love', A romantic novel but no one knows about it except Aarohi, she had read it too. -Neil is in Love with aarohi but he is yet to realise it. ~How will the love will bloom between two best friends? ~Who will confess first? "To know more do read my fiction 'You, Me and Us' for sure."Thank you!
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