《Classroom of the Elite: Unconfined Genius (Test Phase)》Vol.1. Chapter 2.2 : A Troublesome Way to Start the Day, Part 2
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV
I was currently walking my way out of the dormitories and was on my way to the gym. Even though I'm not in the white room anymore, I still have to maintain my physique because if I don't, my physique will deteriorate. I finally arrived in front of the gym and as I entered, a man was standing behind the counter. I approached him and asked him on how much a gym membership would cost for a month.
"8,000 private points per month huh... That doesn't seem too bad." I muttered to myself. I took my phone out of one of my pockets and paid for my gym membership. I was then given a card as proof of my gym membership and headed directly to the gym.
When I arrived, there were already three individuals there working out. One was a boy with blue eyes and long blonde hair tied into a ponytail. He was talking with another boy with long black hair that reached his shoulders. His face probably appeared intimidating to others because it does not appear to be that of a high schooler. Finally, there was a tall boy with dark skin currently bench pressing. He had a very muscular physique based on my observation of his body.
I was about to begin my daily exercise routine when I was interrupted by someone.
"Oh ho? If it isn't Ayanokouji boy. Fancy meeting you here." A voice called out to me. I looked behind me to see the presence of Koenji Rokusuke.
"Koenji... Did you come to the gym without wearing a shirt?" I asked him curiously. He was showing his bare body in public with no hint of embarrassment or shame.
"Why of course I did. Is it not obvious? Or have you perhaps become so enamored with my beauty that it has clouded your judgment?"
"No, it's nothing like that really." I quickly shut him down to not cause any misunderstandings.
"Oh, what a pity. You should consider yourself fortunate that I, the perfect existence, came here topless in the first place. It's not often that I show off my gorgeous body to mere peasants. But, of course, I'm not lumping you with the likes of such common people don't misunderstand Ayanokouji boy." Koenji boldly stated. He was getting strange looks now from the ponytailed blond boy and the scary-faced black-haired boy with him.
"Do you have some business with me Koenji? I'd like to start my exercising drills and training now if you don't mind." I said to him bluntly.
"Well then, I'll be around the gym if you want to admire my glorious self working out." Koenji offered me.
"Yeah... No thanks. I'll be off now Koenji." I quickly walked away from him.
I noticed the tall dark-skinned boy had finished working out and was about to leave the gymnasium as I was walking. I then noticed a phone on one of the tables near the bench pressing weights. I turned around to see him searching his pockets and bag for something.
Thinking that the phone on the table belonged to him, I took it from the table and headed over in his direction.
"This is bad." I overheard him saying in English. He did give off an impression of a foreigner but I didn't like to judge something by its cover. I tapped his shoulders to get his attention. He turned around, finally noticing my presence.
"Excuse me, but are you perhaps looking for this?" I spoke in English. He had a surprised look on his face for a second but he quickly reverted back to his usual expression.
"Ah, yes. That's my phone." He told me. After he answered my question, I handed the phone back to him.
"Thank you very much." He thanked me while bowing.
"It's no problem. Don't forget to check your belongings next time ok?" I advised him. He just nodded silently in response.
"Your English is very good for a Japanese student. Or are you perhaps from somewhere else?" He complimented while asking me.
"Thank you, and no, I am certain I am Japanese. I'd like to think that I speak English very well, so hearing a foreigner compliment my English makes me feel better." I replied. I thought the conversation would end there but he continued the conversation.
"What is your name? If I may ask." He questioned me politely.
"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka,"
"I'm Yamada Albert of class 1-C. Although I can speak Japanese, I'd prefer it if I could talk to someone in my native language. So, I was wondering if we could be friends? Of course, you don't have to accept if you don't feel comfortable." He offered me. I guess having connections with students from other classes wouldn't be bad.
"I don't see why not," I responded to his offer.
"That's great then. I hope we can meet again sometime Ayanokouji." With that, we exchanged bows as we bid our goodbyes. I then tried to walk over to the bench area but suddenly, I felt someone wrap their arms around my neck.
"So your the rumored Mr.100 huh?" I heard a voice enter my ears.
"Mr.100? What are you talking about?"
I inquired of the person whose arms were wrapped around my neck. It was the blonde boy with his hair pulled back into a ponytail.
"Oh, nothing. It's just a nickname some of my classmates came up with on the person who scored all perfect marks on the entrance exams." He replied.
"So... You were listening in our conversation."
"Well, more like I accidentally overheard it. No need to be so guarded bro. I only understood the part where you guys introduced yourselves to each other." He tried to clear up the misunderstanding.
"Oh, I'm Hashimoto Masayoshi of class 1-A btw. Over there is my buddy and classmate Kito Hayato. He may look a bit scary but don't feel intimidated, his face just appears to be that way naturally." He introduced himself and his friend.
"It's a pleasure to meet both of you. I don't think you need me to introduce myself because you probably already know who I am." I remarked.
"Heh, almost everyone knows who you are. You're a hot topic amongst our year being hailed as a genius and prodigy of some sort. However, barely anyone besides your class knows what you look like so you're a pretty mysterious person to other people." He commented.
I knew I was going to draw attention from the start, but I didn't expect everyone in my school year to be interested in me. Even worse, the student council president already took interest in me even though I only pointed out the hidden cameras. They're really not that hard to spot if you look hard enough.
"Well speaking of you, I've noticed your forearms are quite muscular. You do a lot of exercises don't you?" He questioned me.
"Well, I am currently in the gym right now... That alone should be enough to answer your question." I responded bluntly.
"I guess you're right; it was a stupid question to ask. Anyway, what types of exercises do you do?" He continued to question me.
"Bench pressing, dumbbell curdling, sit-ups, push-ups, running a few kilometers, just your usual typical workout," I answered. Hashimoto looked at me with an amazed yet curious expression.
"You even bench press? Damn, those weights are way too heavy for my noodle arms to support." He said with an embarrassed tone. It's not like he was weak for not being able to lift weights, he'd be just like any other ordinary high school student but I guess I've sort of raised the standards for him for a normal high schooler.
"Well, I won't take up more of your time since it looks like you've been waiting for this conversation to end so you could start your workout. It was nice chatting with you Ayanokouji." He said as he returned to where his friend was.
I then went over to one of the treadmills and did some running exercises on it. I set the treadmill to a certain speed, slightly faster than average but not extremely fast, and ran for about twenty minutes on it. After I finished running, I went over to a bench, where I sat my bag, and grabbed my water bottle to rehydrate myself.
Koenji happened to be nearby as well, with his bag next to mine. He, too, was holding a water bottle, but instead of drinking it, he was... Pouring the water in his water bottle on himself as if he was showering.
I couldn't help but feel second-hand embarrassment for him. Is he not at all embarrassed to be doing this in public? Well, given his personality, I wouldn't be surprised if he said something along the lines of "Oh, Why should I feel humiliated? You should consider this a blessing to witness a divine being like me flaunting his stunning and captivating body right in front of your eyes, Ayanokouji boy." In my mind, I tried to impersonate him.
"Were you perhaps thinking of something rude about me Ayanokouji boy?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"...Who knows?" I simply let out a vague reply.
A sound entered my ears as it echoed throughout the whole gym. Me and Koenji turned around to see the source of the sudden noise. What greeted us was Hashimoto holding his phone in a landscape way with a grinning expression on his face.
"Hehe... This is gonna be a hit with the ladies." Hashimoto said happily.
"What exactly did you do, Hashimoto?" I inquired, confused.
"Oh nothing, I just snapped a photo of you both while you were drinking from your wanted bottles. Well... More like showering for Koenji." Hashimoto replied.
"And what are you perhaps intending to do with a picture of two of us Ponytail boy?" Koenji questioned the elephant in the room. I guess Koenji has a habit of nicknaming whoever he talks to regardless if he knows their names or not.
"You both wouldn't mind if I posted this on the school forum, right?" Hashimoto asked the both of us.
"I certainly wouldn't mind. Let it be known that a perfect being, such as myself, has entered the presence of this school full of peasants." Koenji boldly remarked. Hashimoto looked a bit baffled by his claim but nevertheless decided to ignore it.
"Well that's great news isn't it." He said happily.
"Wait don't I get say in thi-"
A sound came from Hashimoto's phone. I quickly opened my bag and took my phone out of it. I entered my passcode and opened the school forum.
He really did post it in the school forum. The post was titled "just two guys I met hanging out in the gym!" With my name and Koenji's being tagged in the post. There were already likes and comments coming from other students browsing through the school forum.
The comments were... Interesting to say the least. Though, the fourth to last comment was a bit harsh. But who is this Kiryuin Fuka? Was she a second-year or third-year senpai? And who would be so bold as to display their name so blatantly in the school forum?
I received a notification that came from Eichiiro.
"Good luck," the message said.
How troublesome. I sigh in defeat and put my phone back into my bag. I then went to another area of the gym and continued to do my workouts.
I was on my way back to the dorms currently. I'd just finished working out at the gym and needed to take a shower after all of those exhausting workouts and exercises. On my way back, I noticed Koenji walking in the same direction. I decided to approach him and ask him some questions about a specific topic.
"Koenji," I called out to him. He turned to see who had called him so abruptly. When he realized it was me, his expression quickly changed to a smirk.
"To what do I owe the pleasure Ayanokouji boy?" He inquired. It seems he was already expecting my presence.
"I just want to ask you a few questions, will that be okay with you?"
"I already know where this is going, but please, do enlighten me on what questions you might have for me." He gave his permission to me. In thirty to forty minutes, school will begin. I don't want to be late so I won't waste much time and get straight to the point.
"Tell me... How much do you know about 'that' place?" I interrogated him. He must have known what I was talking about considering he boldly called me out in class.
"Although I have never personally visited that location, I am aware that it is an educational facility that provides its students with an education that far exceeds the standard education that most children receive. I'm also aware of the harsh methods used on the students there." He responded.
"If you've never personally visited the white room, then how did you come to know of my existence?" I continued to pester him with questions. This was the question that piqued my interest the most. Maybe he heard about me from his parents. Or perhaps he met my father in person? I wouldn't get an answer unless it came directly from Koenji's mouth.
"Well, Ayanokouji boy, the answer to your question can simply be answered by only two words." He remarked. He stopped dead in his tracks and directly looked into my eyes.
"New York." He revealed the two words that would provide an answer to my question.
"So... You're implying that you were there in person when my father was showcasing me in New York?" I asked him.
"Isn't that obvious boy? How could I forget that day when you demonstrated intelligence far beyond what children of our age should know so early on in our lives." He responded.
"The perfect existence wishes to thank you for inspiring me to become the amazing person that I am today. But don't get too far ahead of yourself, boy; I'm still better than you." Koenji asserted his belief.
"Uh... Your welcome I guess..." I replied, puzzled on what to respond.
We continued to walk in the direction of the dormitories in silence. I felt that it was a bit awkward so I tried to go on ahead.
"Well, that's all I wanted to ask you Koenji. Thank you for your time." I bowed as a gesture of thanks. I tried to quicken my pace so I could reach the dormitories faster but before I could, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me from walking. I looked back to see it was Koenji's hand.
"Who says that we were done talking Ayanokouji boy?" He asked provokingly. I could tell there was some tension between us, but not to the point where a fight would break out.
"Do you perhaps still have some business with me?" I questioned him.
"Did you really forget? You still haven't answered my question from yesterday. It's quite rude to leave someone hanging without a response." He answered.
"I'm sorry, but I can't remember what you asked of me yesterday. Could you please repeat the question?" Of course, this was a lie. I knew what he asked me yesterday but I decided to feign ignorance.
"Hmph, you're probably feigning ignorance right now, but if you truly forgot, today is your lucky day because I, the perfect being, have taken pity on you and will repeat the question. Pay close attention. I don't like repeating myself, Ayanokouji boy." He said this with a solemn tone and expression.
"What exactly is a person like you doing here? Shouldn't you be in that place, being experimented on like a lab rat for your father's ridiculous dream of ruling Japan?" Koenji interrogated me. He seems to be aware of that man's absurd ambition and the future he has planned for me.
"Did your father purposefully send you here for a specific reason? Maybe to put your skills to the test and prove your superiority?" He bombarded me with questions. Though, he asked the last question with a smirk on his face.
"I simply defied that man's orders and left that place willingly, enrolling in this school on my own initiative," I answered truthfully. He looked a bit surprised when I mentioned escaping the white room but nevertheless, he kept his calm.
"Hoh? Please fulfill my curiosity and elaborate what sort of scheme you had to come up with to somehow escape from that place." Koenji inquired. Rather than his usual smirk, he now had an interested expression on his face, as if he was paying close attention to me.
"It wasn't really anything special. A spy posing as a white room instructor had leaked sensitive information about the white room, threatening its survival. That man had ordered me to stay at a mansion, but I was able to escape with the help of a few government officials, a butler, and a friend." I responded truthfully.
"Is that it? I'm not going to lie. I expected a little more from you, but that's enough to pique my interest for the time being." Koenji commented bluntly.
"Will that be all Koenji?" I asked him. I wanted to get this over with and just take a shower and arrive at school on time.
"Very impatient aren't we? Well then, I have two more questions to ask you." He informed me. Were his questions all going to be related to that place or that man, well time to find out I guess.
"Ask away then," I said to him.
"First and foremost, is your friend who assisted you enrolled here as well? Perhaps even in our class?" Koenji asked. This was a bit of a difficult question to answer. Should I be truthful and reveal Eichiiro's true identity? What would he do with that information if I did? I suppose I shouldn't leave him hanging.
"Perhaps, perhaps not. You'll just have to pay more attention to your classmates and the rest of the students in our year if you want to find out." I answered vaguely. I don't think lying to him would be a good option but I didn't want to outright tell him the whole truth either.
"A very hazy answer I see, but still acceptable," Koenji stated.
"Now, what's your final question?" I asked trying to quickly end this conversation.
We came to a halt and stood there in silence until Koenji decided to open his mouth.
Koenji asked brusquely. I had to stand there in silence, contemplating the question he had posed to me.
What was my motivation for enrolling in this school? I attended this school for a variety of reasons. Fighting for my freedom, to experience freedom, to get away from the white room, but was that really all I wanted?
I also wanted to learn more about what it meant to be human. To feel emotions, to learn to deeply love someone, to form unforgettable bonds, and to care for someone as I would care for myself. I realized I was curious about how all of that felt.
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