《Classroom of the Elite: Unconfined Genius (Test Phase)》Vol.1. Chapter 2.3 : Class 1-D
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV
"That will be all for today's class. Don't forget to get your textbooks out before the next lesson begins, even if your teacher isn't there yet." Chabashira- Sensei called the class to a close.
"Is there anything else you'd like to ask me before I leave the classroom?" Chabashira-Sensei asked everyone in the classroom. Eichiiro immediately raised his hand to inquire about the elephant in the room.
"Yes, Matsuo?"
"Chabashira-Sensei, I know the lesson is over, but don't you think you're ending class a little early? We still have 20 minutes until our next class." Eichiiro interrogated her. I could tell that everyone was perplexed as to why the lesson had abruptly ended so early.
"That was the question I was expecting. To be honest, I thought I'd let you all talk about what happened yesterday and what you're all going to do as a class in the near future. I purposefully ended the lesson early because I hoped you'd all want to talk about it or introduce yourselves to your classmates. Of course, you are free to do whatever you want with the time you have left." Chabashira-Sensei finished her explanation.
She grabbed her books and paperwork and was about to take her leave but...
"Oh and Ayanokouji?" Chabashira-Sensei suddenly called me out. Now everyone in the class had their eyes on me. Please don't look at me like that
"Yes, Sensei?"
"If you think my lessons are so tedious, then you are free to look at the window all you want. But I must remind you that it will deduct the total of your class points considering you were the one who had asked for information about it in the first place." Chabashira-Sensei mocked me in front of my classmates.
Because of how bored I was, it appears that I had been acting too outwardly. However, it was most likely due to my occasional glance out the window. I doubt my expression hinted at it because... Well, You probably already know why.
There were a few murmurs from the class. Some of the boys were snickering at me, while some of the girls were pitying me and giving me awkward smiles. My seatmate Horikita, in particular, let out a sigh. It was as if she was implying that she was dissatisfied with my behavior.
You can't really blame me for that, can you? If you learned about this at a young age, you'd quickly grow tired of hearing it again because you've already learned it. However, I should not have made my dissatisfaction so obvious, so I guess it was partly my fault as well.
Chabashira-Sensei then excused herself from the classroom. The majority of the students had begun chatting with their friends, while others were preparing stationery and pulling out their textbooks for the next lesson. But all of this was cut short when a voice called out to all of us.
"Everyone, may I please have your attention!" Everyone turned to face the source of the voice, which revealed itself to be Hirata.
"I know that all of you would rather mind your own business with the free time we were given, but, I think it would be beneficial if we could take advantage of the time we were given to discuss about class matters and the school system. But before that, do you mind if we introduce ourselves to each other? I'd love to learn more about each and everyone one of you." Hirata expressed his friendliness and desire to learn more about his classmates.
I had anticipated something like this happening, which is why I had prepared a script for my introduction. I was also relieved that Hirata had brought it up because I, the self-proclaimed leader of class D, needed to maintain good relationships with my peers, and this self-introduction would serve as a stepping stone toward that goal.
I also admired Hirata's bravery and courage in abruptly calling out the class. For someone like me, it would take guts for me to suddenly interrupt the class like that, but for people with elite social skills like him, it was probably a cakewalk. He probably appeared to be a hero to people who were timid and shy, as some of them might want to make friends but didn't know how to initiate an introduction.
"That's a great idea, Hirata-Kun!" The short beige-haired colored girl exclaimed I think her name was... Kushida? Anyway, with her support, everyone had unanimously agreed to a self-introduction. Although some of them, such as Sudou and Horikita, had dissatisfied expressions on their faces, they may have remained silent out of fear of causing a commotion in public.
"Then I'll take the lead. Hi, my name is Hirata Yousuke. People used to call me Yousuke when I was in middle school, so feel free to use my given name. My hobby is playing sports in general, but I particularly enjoy soccer. I intend to join the soccer club here as well. Everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you "Hirata stated as he flashed a smile.
If I were a girl, I would have been smitten by that smile right away. Well, I could still be smitten as a boy, but unfortunately, I don't swing that way.
Hirata made an easy introduction. Within the class, his popularity must have skyrocketed. It was to be expected because he had very good looks and a friendly demeanor around him. He was the stereotypical popular pretty boy Ikemen based on what I've read from some manga books.
"So, starting from the front, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves. Is that all right?" Hirata inquired. Everyone nodded in agreement and started introducing themselves one by one.
So far, things were going swimmingly. Although this did not provide me with much information about my classmates, it did provide me with an insight into some of their personalities.
Of course, some shy students struggled with the introduction. However, with the help of Hirata and Kushida, they were able to make an acceptable introduction. There were also the girls I had met earlier in the day. They appeared to be the typical Gyaru girls I'd seen in manga books. They had introduced themselves confidently, which helped to lift the mood in the class.
"Um... I think it's my turn how." Kushida said timidly.
Kushida really did look cute now that I'm getting a better look at her. She gave off the impression of a sweet girl who wanted to get along with everyone. Her introduction appeared to be the most anticipated by my classmates, as she was cheered on and I could even hear some words of encouragement directed at her.
"Kushida Kikyou is my name. My junior high friends didn't make it to this school, so I'm here by myself. I'd like to meet everyone and get to know their names and faces as soon as possible! "Kushida stated.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Horikita's eyes twitched slightly as if she was flinching. when Kushida said all of those things. That is certainly suspicious... But I won't pry further into it for now. I'll ask Horikita about it later when we'll have our meeting
While the majority of the students had only said a few words of greeting, Kushida continued to speak.
"My first objective is to make friends with everyone. So, once we've finished introducing ourselves, I'd appreciate it if you could share your contact information with me!" she continued with a big smile on her face.
"So, after school or during vacations, I'd like to make all sorts of memories with a lot of people." Please feel free to invite me to as many events as you like; I've already talked for a long time, so I'll end my introduction here." Kushida finished by exuding an angelic aura throughout the room.
Everyone applauded loudly when Kushida was introduced. There were raucous cheers and claps throughout the classroom. The boys even made some loud whistling noises while chanting "Kushida-Chan!" several times in unison.
The applause came to a halt as the introductions continued. A short time passed by as the baton was finally passed to a student. It was now Koenji's turn.
"Excuse me, can you introduce yourself?"Hirata addressed Koenji who was sitting in the center seat of the room.
"Hmph, Fine," He smirked like an aristocrat, displaying his arrogant demeanor. Koenji remained seated and simply crossed his legs before finally introducing himself.
"Koenji Rokusuke is my name. I will soon be tasked with leading Japan into the future as the sole male heir to the Koenji conglomerate group. I eagerly await the opportunity to meet you, ladies."
He targeted his introduction to the opposite sex rather than the entire class. While some admired his wealth, many saw him as nothing more than a weirdo.
"Beginning today, I will mercilessly punish anyone who makes me feel uncomfortable. Please take appropriate precautions to avoid this "He had finished.
"Koenji-Kun, um... What exactly do you mean by "punish anyone who makes me feel uncomfortable"?" Hirata, who looked uneasy at the word "punish," questioned him.
"I said exactly what I meant. If I had to give an example, I would say that I despise ugly things, for example. So, if I saw something heinous, I would do exactly what I said "Kouenji replied, flipping his long flowing bangs with a fwish! He certainly made an impression.
After Koenji's introduction, a few students had finished introducing themselves. it was now Eichiiro's turn.
"It's your turn now Matsuo-Kun," Hirata said happily.
Some girls commented on how attractive he was, while the majority of the boys looked at him in jealousy. I couldn't understand what the boys were saying. I mean, it's not his fault he was born more attractive than the rest of you. Then again, jealousy can cause some people to behave irrationally, so perhaps I was judging them too harshly.
"Hello everyone! My name is Matsuo Eichiiro. I don't have any hobbies in particular, but I am fairly confident in my academic abilities and social skills. I hope to get along with every one of you. Please take care of me for the next three years." He bowed as a form of sincerity to end his Introduction.
The boys had stopped glaring at him and began to applaud along with the girls when he was introduced. Everyone seemed to appreciate his sincerity. After a few moments, it was finally my turn.
"Ayanokouji-Kun it's finally your turn, do your best!" Kushida encouraged me. Everyone was now focusing their attention on me. Even Koenji, who had his eyes closed during everyone else's introduction, was focused on me.
I took a deep breath to calm myself down. This was a matter of life and death for someone like me. If I do not properly introduce myself, I will have a difficult time maintaining future relationships. Although I will continue to be the class leader, this does not guarantee that I will be well-liked by my classmates. Some may not even have the courage to approach me because I, as a high-ranking position holder such as class leader, may appear intimidating to them.
Was the sound my chair had made when I stood up from my seat. This seems to have startled some of my classmates. Crap... I was already off to a rough beginning. Well, the only way to go now is forward.
"I believe you are all familiar with me, but I'll introduce myself again in case anyone has forgotten. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is my name. It's a pleasure to be acquainted with you all." I stated parts of my introduction. I could've ended my introduction there, but I wanted to address some stuff first.
"First, I'd like to apologize for my monotonous way of speaking and for my apathetic appearance. I've always struggled with expressing myself properly since childhood, so I hope none of you interpret my way of expressing myself as fake or insincere."
This would be vital information for people to hear as people would now not misunderstand my intention when I socialize with them. Most of them nodded at my apology while some looked at me with pity.
"In general, I don't have any hobbies, but I do enjoy playing chess and reading books. I can also play some instruments fairly well, but I am most proficient at playing the piano. I'm looking for new activities to try, so if you have any suggestions, please share them with me." I continued my Introduction.
"Anyway, that concludes my introduction. Please do not be afraid to consult me as the class leader if you have any problems or simply want to talk to me in general. I hope to get along with everyone because we'll all be classmates for the next three years." With that, I sat back down as I finished introducing myself.
Everyone was applauding, indicating that my introduction was well-received. When I looked at Eichiiro, he was winking at me and giving me a thumbs up. I simply returned his thumbs-up.
"Your introduction wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," Horikita spoke to me and complimented my efforts.
"Thanks, although I might've just gotten lucky," I replied to her. Her facial expression suggests that she was uninterested in introducing herself to her classmates. Obviously, I had to intervene to get her to do so.
"Horikita, When it's your turn, I recommend that you make an effort to properly introduce yourself." I voiced my opinion.
"Hah? Why should I? I don't plan on introducing myself in the first place."
"You'll end up being the target of ridicule in our class, and you won't be able to make friends properly."
"And how is that supposed to be my problem exactly? I never intended to make friends in the first place. They're useless to someone like me." Horikita boldly refuted. So Horikita is that type of person huh...
"Sure, you don't feel the need to make friends, but if you end up irritating everyone, it will have an impact on our unity. Remember that if we want to advance through the ranks and reach class a, we will need to work together and as a team. Once again, I ask that you please introduce yourself properly " I used a harsher tone than usual when I said the last sentence.
Horikita appeared surprised, as evidenced by the surprised expression on her face. It's not that I wanted to be unnecessarily harsh, but if Horikita doesn't recognize her own flaws, that will be a very difficult problem for me to deal with.
She needed to hear the truth from me because if it were any other person, she would dismiss their advice instantly and possibly even insult them. But I've already demonstrated that I'm far more capable than Horikita in some areas. As a result, she has no choice but to heed my warnings.
"Tch, fine. But, I'm doing this because you're telling me to. Not because of my own accord so don't misunderstand anything Ayanokouji." Horikita asserted her intentions.
"That's more than enough. Thank you, Horikita." I sincerely thanked her.
She then stood up and started introducing herself,
"My name is Horikita Suzune. I believe I've provided you with all of the necessary information about me." She introduced herself. She quickly sat back down with an irritated expression. As cold as ice huh...
"You did well Horikita." I tried to lighten up the mood between us. She just ignored me fully. That... It kind of hurt, but no point in moping now.
It wasn't long before all thirty-nine of us had finished our introductions. Everything went smoothly with Kushida and Hirata in charge. It was finally time to move on after the hard-fought self-introduction of Sakura. Sudou would be the last person who would introduce himself.
"Sudou, it's your turn now," Eichiiro called out to him. Eichiiro understands how Sudou's appearance, unfriendly demeanor, and volatile temper can affect his social standing in class. This is why Eichiiro needed to take the initiative in overseeing Sudo.
"Hah? Why the fuck should I? I'm not a kid anymore." Sudou complained. Before any complaints or insults could be directed at him Eichiiro quickly replied to Sudou's comment.
"Well, I don't see anything wrong with introducing yourself. As your friend, I'd like to learn more about you as a person. For example, did you say you were a basketball player yesterday? It's no surprise you're so tall! I would also die to have a body like yours man." Eichiiro exaggerated the last part.
"The fuck? Just leave me alone..." Sudou tried to hide his embarrassment. I then tried to step in to help Eichiiro.
"You also stated that you aspired to be a basketball player, correct? So, when you become a basketball player, we'll be able to proudly tell your future fans that we knew you before you were famous and know more about you than they do." I continued to barrage him with encouragement. I purposefully said "when you become a basketball player" to indicate that I did believe that he would be successful in his dreams of being a basketball player.
"EH?! Sudou's gonna become a professional basketball player?" One of the girls screamed.
"Holy shit! That's awesome man!" One of the boys also complimented him. Sudo was then bombarded with compliments from our class.
"YOUR JUST LIKE THOSE TYPICAL IKEMEN!" Yamauchi joined Ike. This should be the final blow to boost Sudo's willingness to introduce himself.
"Well if you all really want to... Okay then!" Sudo stood up enthusiastically.
"My name is Sudo Ken! Remember that name as someday I'll be Japan's #1 professional basketball player!" Sudou exclaimed with excitement in his voice.
This boosted the mood even more as the majority of the class applauded and clapped loudly for him. "Sudo! Sudo!" the boys were chanting. Sudo was sitting at his desk with his arms crossed and a heavy smirk on his face.
Hirata then calmed things down in class, bringing the bright atmosphere to an end.
"Thank you for your participation in this self-introduction, everyone! We were able to complete it without incident. But we must be careful not to get carried away. Remember, we only have so much time... There are five minutes left. Prior to the start of the next lesson. I'd like to invite Ayanokouji-Kun to the front of the room to begin our discussion." Hirata reminded everyone of what we had planned to do with our limited time.
I jumped out of my seat and made my way to the podium, where Chabashira-Sensei had just stood. When I turned around, everyone's eyes and ears were on me. This is going better than I expected; I expected some kind of rebellion, but it appears that everyone was mature enough to recognize that their futures were at stake here. In comparison to how they treated me on the first day, it appears that they had all accepted that I would be class D's primary leader.
"Ahem, first and foremost, I'd like to thank all of you for your cooperation thus far. It has been a great help that we have been able to establish friendly relationships with each other, as this will be important for our class's overall solidarity." This should be an excellent way to kick off the class discussion.
"Now, I'd like to talk about our behavior in class and in general. I'm sure you're aware, but we only have a one-month advantage. So let us try to take advantage of that. I would like to remind everyone to do their best to pay attention in class and not let anything distract them, as I was mocked by Chabashira-Sensei for not paying attention in her class." Using myself as an example should convince most of them.
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A girl named Aki is an active coder and has a very active imagination and found strange code on a weird website. That code creates a floating status screen in the real world that lets whatever she codes happen to the real world. After creating what would be a magic continent in the middle of the ocean. She removes her memories and lives her life on it experiencing everything she created and gaining memories as she continues. Can also be found on scribblehub at https://www.scribblehub.com/series/266360/the-sudden-rise-of-the-magic-continent/
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Awana was the ruler of the sky, the God of clouds and weather before almost all of his power and divinity were stripped away and his body forced into an unending slumber. It was not until millenniums later when a tribe of elves who worshipped him in the ancient past awoke him. He was awakened into a new era where ten gods who also stripped away the divinity from other gods like him abuse their powers. They ruled the world with tyranny; only keeping some kingdoms and mortals who worship them safe while marginalizing others. As it turned out, Awana still has a sliver of his previous powers. Now filled with thoughts of anger and revenge, he plans to create a kingdom of heretics cast away by the gods, revive other fallen gods like him to join forces, and finally kill all of the ruling gods. Kingdom Building (a Floating kingdom in the skies and a diverse population) Author's Note: Grammar might be messy. Yes, I am a non-native speaker but I'm not trying to use that as an excuse. I am going to try to improve. Also, I am currently in University so there are times where I might be gone for an extended period of time and other times where I am quite free and able to write chapters. Cover Art from https://www.deviantart.com/kvacm/art/God-Of-Thunder-727825324. If you are the artist and wishes to remove it, please contact me.
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[Indonesian] Great world traveler
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