《Classroom of the Elite: Unconfined Genius (Test Phase)》SS.2. Twin Masterpiece
Koenji Rokusuke POV
April 1st.
The day I would enroll in the school that was made for the so-called "elites" of elite students all around Japan. The school boasts a 100% employment and college entry rate, and with thorough, state-directed teaching methods, it spares no effort in pursuing the nation's desired future. They say you could get any job opportunity or any colleges or universities you plan to go to if you get accepted into this school but honestly, that's a load of bullshit.
For example, if a peasant were to somehow graduate from the school and enter medical school with not even the slightest bit of knowledge of any medical fields, would they really accept a student like that? If they do accept the student, then Japanese society truly is doomed.
Although, that's not my problem. I have no plans to contribute to a society filled with ignorant mongrels. Call me egotistical all you want, but maybe it is you who cannot see how truly perfect I am.
Ah, you must be new here. You must not know whose thoughts you're reading. But don't worry, I, the perfect existence is feeling kind today so listen closely as it is an honor to even receive such blissful words from me.
I am Koenji Rokusuke. Future heir of the Koenji family who will carry Japan with my very own back. You should feel lucky that I even bothered to introduce myself to someone as low as you.
You must be asking yourself, why would a person as I claim to be as something as absurd as a "perfect" existence? It's simple. It's because I am the perfect existence. Unparalleled intelligence, an ideal physique that attracts even the same sex, beautiful looks, and glorious shining gold hair. There is simply nothing else that could describe me other than "perfect".
But it seems other people on the bus I was riding it couldn't see it. Ah, that's right, I the great Koenji have decided to ride a commoner's vehicle because I was feeling kind today and let other people witness my beauty. A lot of them were staring at me, I just pretended to not notice the stares. But alas, my peace was interrupted by a sudden statement by some annoying old hag.
"Don't you think you should give up your seat?" an office lady said to me. I tried to ignore her unnecessary existence but she continued with her annoying statements.
"You there, can't you see the old woman having trouble standing up?" The lady stated the fucking obvious.
"Well no shit Sherlock, and what do you propose I do?" I asked provokingly.
"Did you not hear me the first time? I said to give up your seat so the old woman can find a place to sit down." She replied to me not even trying to hide her irritation.
"And why should I lady? There's absolutely no reason nor benefit for me for giving my seat up." I refuted.
"Isn't it natural to hand over the priority seat to the elderly?" She asked again. This ugly hag was starting to annoy me more and more. I guess I should drop some knowledge for her like a superior being advising its lamb.
"I don't understand. Priority seats are just priority seats, and there is no legal obligation for me to move. Whether or not I move should be decided by me, who is currently sitting in this seat. Will you give up your seat because I am a young man? HAHAHA!, that's a stupid way of thinking. But of course, it is expected of how brainless you are as an inferior being. But don't worry as I, a superior being will now educate you on why I don't want to give up this seat." I explained to her. She had a very angered expression but I couldn't care less what mere lowly peasants think of me.
"I am a healthy young man. Certainly, I don't feel that standing up would inconvenience me. However, it is obvious standing up will consume more physical strength than sitting down will. I don't want to do such a useless thing. Or maybe, are you telling me to be more lively and energetic?" I continued my rebuttal.
"HAH?! Are you really a high school student?! THIS IS NO WAY TO TREAT YOUR SUPERIORS KID, LEARN SOME RESPECT!" She started throwing a tantrum.
"SUPERIOR?! Do you really think you lady, a lesser being, is more superior to someone as perfect as me?! HAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S A GOOD ONE!" I laughed hilariously at how delusional she was. Now all the attention on the bus was directed to me, but I didn't care. I was baffled by how highly this lady thinks of herself, perhaps she needs a scolding to know her place.
"It's obvious that both you and the old woman have lived longer than me. There's no doubt about it. However, that ' above ' refers to height. Also, I have a problem with you. Even if there is an age difference, isn't that an awfully rude and impertinent attitude? " I argued back.
"You little... Just listen to what adults have to say and obey them!" She kept trying to argue back. If this was a circus show, she wouldn't even be a clown. She would be the whole circus!
"Please really... It's fine... I don't want any trouble so please just let him be..." The old lady tried to defuse the situation. She kept making gestures that she was satisfied with the office lady for standing up for her but the office hag just had to keep insulting me nonetheless. Although, I must praise her bravery. Not everyone can bravely insult a perfect being and get away with it. I decided to end the situation as it had started to become troublesome even for someone like me.
"Apparently the older woman seems to have better hearing than you do. Oh dear, I guess Japanese society isn't completely useless yet. Enjoy the rest of your life to your heart's content." I showed a provoking smile and grabbed put my earphones back on my ears and listened to the music loudly. The office hag was clenching her teeth due to how frustrated she must have felt to get humiliated by a person more superior to her.
Once the atmosphere had calmed down, I could see the office clown was holding back tears as what I assumed she was apologizing to the old lady. Ugh, were mongrels always this soft? But it didn't bother me anymore. I had won the argument and everyone here had no choice but to accept that I will remain sitting in this priority seat. At least that's what I thought...
"Umm... I also think that the lady is right." A girl suddenly lent a helping hand. She wore the same school uniform as me and as from her looks, she was very beautiful indeed.
"Oh ho? A pretty girl this time? My luck with the opposite sex must be high today. Ah, who am I kidding? It's just I being the natural beautiful existence that I am attracting the attention of other beautiful women." I boldly stated.
"Grandmother, it looks like it's been hot for a while now. Won't you give up your seat? It may be none of your concern, but I think it will contribute to society."
I snapped my fingers in response and responded to her request.
"Social contribution? I see, that's an interesting way to put it. Giving seats to the elderly may be a way of contributing to society. Unfortunately, I am not interested in contributing to society. I only think about my own satisfaction. Oh, and also. In this crowded bus, you're asking me, who's sitting in the priority seat, to give up my seat, but can't you ask the other people who are staying silent and leave me alone? If someone truly cares for the elderly, I think that priority seat here, priority seat there would be a trivial concern."
I thought I had crushed her spirit enough that she would have already given up. But, apparently, she then faced in everyone's direction and fearlessly asked for everyone's cooperation.
"Everyone. Please listen to me for at least a little bit. Can anyone give their seat to the old woman? Please, anyone. " How is there so much compassion courage, and determination in those few words? It's rare to see such genuine intentions.
With her remark, the girl may have seemed like an annoyance. But she seriously appealed to the passengers without fear. But, her efforts were all for none as no one bothered to give up their seats to the old lady.
Of course, the elderly are undeniably important contributors and supporters of Japan. But we, the youth, are the important human resources that will support Japan from now on. Also, because the general population is gradually aging, our value is also increasing. So, if you compare the youth and the elderly, it's obvious which one is more important now. Well, this is also a perfect argument, isn't it?
I then became quite curious about what other people would do. I then looked around the bus to see that every passenger had hesitant looks to give up their seat. Peasants will be peasants I guess.
One girl though didn't even have a hint of guilt on her face. She had an expressionless look and was just reading a book titled "Crime and Punishment". Our eyes met for a second, I just gave her a wink and a pleasing smile but she quickly looked away with disgust. Jeez, woman, it's not my fault your eyes are blinded by so much ignorance that you can't learn to appreciate that a divine being as I even bothered to give my time of the day to greet you.
"Umm... You can take my seat if you want..." After minutes of the girl pleading, a woman had stood up offering her seat probably due to guilt.
"Ah! Thank you very much, ma'am!" The girl exclaimed giving her thanks.
When the girl lowered her head with a full smile, she pushed through the crowd and guided the old woman to the seat. She thanked the girl over and over again, then sat down in her seat.
Peace and quiet have been restored.
After a couple of minutes, the bus had finally arrived at my destination, Advanced Nurturing High School. What greeted me there was a gate made out of natural stone. The architecture was certainly unique compared to what I had been accustomed to my whole life.
All the boys and girls wearing the school uniform exited the bus and made their way through the gates.
"Wait for a second!" A stern but girlish voice called out to me. I looked back to see the black-haired beauty behind me but just quickly fasten my pace as I have no motivation to deal with someone as troublesome as her.
"HEY! Wait-" before she could catch up I had already blended into the crowd and made my way to the classroom I would be admitted in for the next three years.
I came to this school for two reasons. One, I was forced to enroll here by my father maybe because he wanted to test me against the other so-called "elites" of Japan. I was honestly offended that he thought that mere lowly mortals could even be a challenge for me. Second, I wanted to have some fun. If there truly was someone who could pose a challenge to me, perhaps coming to this school wasn't a waste of time.
I then arrived at the front door of the class I was placed in with a nameplate engraved near the door on the walls.
The nameplate said. In front of me was the short beige-colored-haired girl who had tried to convince me to give up my seat. She noticed me suddenly and waved her hands while flashing my eyes with a broad smile. I just smirked at her and close my eyes as I crossed my arms. Behind me was the black-haired girl panting like a dog. It looked like she was furious at me but didn't want to cause a scene in public.
The short-beige-haired girl then opened the door as we stepped into the class. I scanned the classroom with full attention but it was filled with nothing more than boring peasants indulging themselves with others. That is what I thought until I saw a certain brown-haired boy.
When I saw his figure, my composure cracked for a few seconds and I didn't have the same smirk I had a few seconds ago but I quickly regained my composure. Multiple questions filled my mind... What was he doing here? Did he escape from that place? Was I dreaming?
No... I knew I wasn't dreaming. I knew more than anyone else what kind of monster that the school had enrolled. There was a story my father had once told me.
My father told me that there was an educational facility, a world of white, where humans were trained to become monsters. The test subjects were average people who were pushed to their limits until they either couldn't continue anymore or they had survived and became something that even some adults couldn't.
But one boy stood out. Ah, how could I forget that day in New York. The day when I was introduced to that boy. The day...
When he showed his abilities in front of my eyes, I was astounded, astonished at how someone could even be at the same level as me... No... He was above my level.
He was... Terrifying. He was the only person who made me doubt my abilities and my claim to being the perfect existence. But that was long ago.
I had to thank him for motivating me for making me the person that I am today. If it wasn't for him, there was a possibility that I truly could not reach my utmost potential and become the perfect existence. It was boring being superior knowing that no one could even stand a leg against me, but now...
I approached him boldly and stood near his desk as I swept my hair backward trying to let out a superior aura. He seemed to notice me and looked at me with that same cold and apathetic eyes devoid of emotion I had sawn years ago.
"Umm. Can I help you?" He asked me.
"What is a person like you doing here?" I said mocking him. This seemed to attract everyone's attention but I did not care for the stares I was getting. He looked at me with a confused expression, confirming that he didn't know what I was talking about.
"I'm sorry, but have I offended you by any chance?" He questioned me.
"AHAHAHAHA! It seems you've misunderstood my question boy. But don't worry, I the perfect existence is kind enough to tell you the true intentions of my blissful words. " I boldly stated my intentions. The atmosphere was quiet but tense as I sensed that everyone was looking at us either with worry or fear.
"I interrogated him in a provoking tone to get a reaction out of him. Disappointingly, he only widened his eyes and quickly calmed himself. Tch, I was at least expecting a bit of emotion to show on his face.
"Masterpiece? What do you mean by that?" He tried to feign ignorance, but I knew he knew what I meant.
"You should be grateful that a divine being as I even took the time to compliment you. I know just how capable your abilities are compared to these defective mongrels. Ah, but don't get ahead of yourself boy, while I've acknowledged you, you'll still never come close to the perfect existence such as I."
"Know how capable I am? Sorry, but do I know you from somewhere? " he questioned me. This time, he didn't seem like he was trying to act ignorant. Hmph, I guess it's time for me to introduce myself to the demon himself.
"AHAHAHAHAHA! Of course, you wouldn't know me but I know who you are boy. I am Koenji Rokusuke, the next heir of the Koenji family. Be grateful as I don't introduce myself to people I deem as peasants. Show me something interesting Ayano boy for the years we'll be attending this school. I look forward to seeing what you truly are capable of." I declared to him.
I then left him to his own accord but not without looking back at him with a smirk. I guess coming to this school wasn't a waste after all. I, the perfect existence have finally found an opponent worth beating.
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka...
I hope you're ready for our future battles. For the next three years, we'll finally settle the score.
Author's Note :
How did you all like this chapter?
Ironically, even though this was the shortest chapter I've ever typed, it was the most pain in the ass chapter I have ever written despite me already having a 20k words chapter. I wouldn't blame you if this chapter disappointed you.
I think I made Koenji a bit OOC though I did say in an author's note that Koenji would be the most OOC character here.
Anyways a few stuff I want to address:
For new readers, I made a poll asking if the OAA app should be introduced early and most of the readers voted yes so if you're confused about why the OAA app was mentioned in the last chapter, there's your answer.
I probably won't be doing another Koenji SS cause of how difficult his personality is. It frustrated me to write him cause I didn't know if the stuff I wrote was too OOC for him or not.
Anyways regarding how Koenji sees Ayanokouji, although he still regards himself more superior to him, he respects Ayanokouji as Koenji acknowledges him as the person being closest to his level. They're basically rivals with no personal grudge against each other.
I also want to inform you all that I already have a fixed scheme planned for volume 2. Volume 3 I only have a rough draft of what I want to write, but I've already determined the most important things.
Also, I'm really excited to write Volume 4 once I finish volumes 2 and 3. I've planned for this volume the most. There will be some changes to the exam, but you'll have to keep reading to find out.
I also wanted to change a bit of Ayanokouji's student evaluation. Everything will be the same except his cooperation will be B+ now instead of A.
I also made a student evaluation of Eichiiro because I was bored so here.
That's what I imagine him to look like btw but you're free to imagine him however you like.
Anyways that's all, I hope this chapter wasn't too disappointing.
Oh before I say my goodbyes.
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