《Charisma》~ eighteen ~



"You need to have it done by tomorrow or it's over for you" She hissed at me.

"What's your obsession with him? Just let them be happy" I sighed.

"I don't care about them being happy, I want what's mine"

"But they don't bother anybody though"

I slightly moved back as she came closer to my face.

"You still want your life right?" She said in a low voice.

I sighed, out the corner of my eye I saw a female and another male enter the room.

"Wassup?" the male stood by her. I squinted my eyes. He looked so very familiar.

"Hey babe" She smiled and kissed him.

"You got him, so why you worried about August?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Do what I ask, Unless you don't want to live" She shrugged, as the boy kissed her neck.

"Fine" I sighed, "I'll have it done by tonight".


"Aug can you bring me some water please?" I called out to him.

"Yeah!" I heard him yell from the kitchen.

I nodded and sat back and watched the t.v. It was one of my off days and I was just chilling.

August came in the living room, holding my bottle of water and some chips for him.

"Thanks baby" I grinned at him.

"Yuh welcome" He sat down on the couch.

We just watched tv and chilled. I shut my eyes, and I think I fell asleep because I heard someone knocking on my door.

I glanced over at August, who was sleep too.

I sighed and got up, walking over to the door and peeking through the peephole.

It was Jayla, I frowned out of curiosity. I haven't really seen her around since I danced at the club.

She looked around nervously "Um hi?" I asked, shifting my weight to one foot.


"Charisma, where is August?" She asked

"Why?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"I think this something you both want to hear, hurry though, I only have so long"

I nodded and went to go wake August up.

"Aug, Jayla is here and needs to talk to us" I shook him.

His eyes opened and he sat up and stretched.

"Why she hea'?" He asked.

"I just said she wants to talk to us" I sighed.

He nodded and got up, we walked into the kitchen where she was fumbling with her fingers looking down.

"So what's up?" I asked, once me and Aug got to the table.

"I um, I was sent here to off you" She muttered glancing at me.

Before a word came out my mouth, August pushed my body behind his, and reached for his waistband.

"Wait!" She held up her hands. "I can explain"

"You betta' before a bullet end up in yo dome" August said, still not moving his hand.

"I needed money, for me and my daughter, so I was looking for another job, the honest way, because I getting sick of dancing. I was in Forever 21, trying to look for a job, and I guessed Kayla noticed me-"

"Kayla?" I interrupted, stepping from behind August.

"Yes, she wants me to end you so she can have August"

"That dumb bitch" August muttered. Stole the words right out my mouth.

"So she asked me if I needed to make a few dollars, and I, of course accepted. I was only worried about making ends meet for me and my daughter. So she told me to meet her at this warehouse. Like I said before, she told me if I killed you Charisma, she would give me about 5 G's. I agreed, but I can't bring myself to do it."


"Now she's saying that If I don't kill you, She'll kill me." She mumbled.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was hiding.

"Why you tellin' us dis if you workin' fa' ha'?" August asked.

"I can't bring myself to kill y'all. So please get out of here. I'll act like I did it. Is there any other exits than the front one?"

"Yeah there's a back one, and one on the rooftop we could use" I nodded.

"Okay you guys need to get out of here. You have 10 minutes" Jayla said, standing up.

Charisma and August rushed around the apartment packing as many essentials as they could, August was pissed to say the least, cussing every few minutes.

"Dis' why I fuckin' hate people dawg" He grumbled, throwing some of Charisma's clothes in a suitcase.

"August calm down, we're gonna be fine okay" Charisma mumbled.

"How the fuck I'm suppose ta' calm down! That bitch is tryna kill you!"

"Lower you voice. And we're getting out of here, so we'll be fine" She tried reasoning with him.

He kept grumbling, and eventually they packed as much as they could.

August peeped out the door and made sure no one was there.

He motioned for her to come on, and they snuck out

Meanwhile, in the front lobby, Jayla tried to even get breathing.

She walked up to Kayla, who was leaned against the wall.

"It's done, August was sleeping so it was easy to poison her"

Kayla simply nodded and handed Jayla an envelope.

Jayla took it, and hurried out to her car and took off.

All she could do now was go off the grid.


"They're not here!" Kayla screeched. Her and the cleanup crew searched the whole apartment to find nothing.

"She has to die" Kayla muttered.


This was just..... I don't know 😭.

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