《Charisma》~ seventeen ~


2 months later

"Thank you pooh-butt" I smiled at the diamond tennis bracelet, August bought me.

"That gay ass nickname ma'." He sighed, running his hand down his face.

"You love it though" I stuck my tongue out.

I kissed him, as he gripped my behind. Our tongues danced together. I smiled and pecked his lips one more time, before pulling away.

He stared at me, and I stared at him. I knew exactly what he was thinking, because I've been thinking about it too.

To say I was nervous, was an understatement. I haven't had sex since highschool. But I didn't want to rush things with August, because in all truth and honesty. I was starting to fall for him.

"I'm not ready yet Aug" I mumbled looking down.

"It's coo, I'm not pressurin' you to do anything" He shrugged, as we continued walking down the street.

I smiled just a little, because I thought he was going to be disappointed.

We walked to a few more stores, He bought me stuff, and I constantly told him I didn't need it.

I don't have to have the same shoe in different colors, it was extremely unnecessary to me.

I was slowly growing frustrated, we were in the middle of Footlocker, because August wanted to get me the Snakeskin 11s that matched his.

"Aug you don't gotta get me these" I said.

"But I want too, so just get them" He shrugged

"What size are you ma'am?" The worker asked me.

"Six and a half" I mumbled.

He nodded and went to the back. I grumbled as Aug swiped his card, and grabbed the bag from the man.

"August you really don't have to buy me all this stuff, I have my own money, you know?" I looked at him.

"I do dis' because I want too, it's my way of showin' I appreciate you"


"Show it by spending time and give me attention, that's all I want baby" I gave him a small smile.

He nodded and helped me put some bags in the car.

Once we got home, we got all the stuff into the apartment. and I collapsed on my couch.

August fell on top of me.

"I can't breathe" I groaned, not even trying to fight him off.

"You'll live" He mumbled.

Yeah he was a stick, but he was heavy. Like Jesus.

I managed to get from underneath him, and laid in his back.

"This is more like it" I sighed.

"You was comfortable man" He mumbled.

"Whatever" I began tickling his sides.

He shook me off.

I continued doing hit, until he got up, I held on to his back. Wasn't finna drop me.

He sat down on the couch and smushed me completely into it.

"I CANT BREATHE MAN" I said, trying to squirm.

"Do I care? No" He mumbled.

I just sat there, defeated. It was taking too much effort.

He eventually got up, and went to the bathroom. I got up and fixed my couch cushions.

I plopped back down, and glanced at the tv to see some old reruns of Spongebob playing.

"You really watching dis?" He shook his head sitting down next to me.

I put my feet on his lap and rubbed my toe on his chest.

"Gone with allat" He mumbled, moving my foot away.

"No fun" I mumbled, turning my attention back to the tv.

"Yeah whateva'." He shrugged.

I guess I must've fell asleep after that, because when I woke up, August was walking towards the door.

"August" I yawned.

"Yeah?" He turned back around.

"You going home?" I asked.


"You can stay" I yawned again.

"Aight" I watched him walk over to the other side of my bed.

When I felt the bed dip, I instantly scooted closer to him.


"Night August" I mumbled, snuggling into his side.

"Night baybeh" He said.

I stretched and sat up. I looked and saw August, who was frowned up.

"How you mad when you sleep, don't make no sense" I muttered.

I got up and stretched again, my phone started ringing, and I quickly answered it.


"Hey Charisma, it's Diana, I know you don't have to work today, but I was wondering if you could come in after noon? One of your clients wants you to do her hair for prom?"

"Oh! I can come in! It's no problem" I nodded, heading to the bathroom.

"Okay thank you! Sorry for any inconveniences"

"No problem. See you soon"

"See you soon, Charisma"

I stepped out the shower onto the rug and wrapped my towel around me.

I stood in front of the mirror and began brushing my teeth.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw August step into the bathroom, he lifted the toilet seat and began peeing.

I stopped brushing my teeth and just stared at him like he was dumb.

He finished his business and flushed the toilet.

"You better put the seat down" I muttered, with toothpaste in my mouth.

He put the toilet seat down and waited for me to move out the way of the sink. I knew he wasn't talking because he ain't brush his teeth yet, I don't blame him, I'm the same way.

I stepped to the side, finishing up brushing my teeth and watched him put toothpaste on his toothbrush.

I rinsed my mouth and washed my face.

After I dried my face, I left out the bathroom letting August take care of what he needed to.

August came out the bathroom and was only in his boxers. My eyes widened and I quickly glanced down and looked elsewhere

I glanced at the clock


I walked out the room and went to the kitchen to find something to make.

I decided to just whip up some eggs and bacon for us, since I didn't have a lot of time to make a lot of food.

I started scrambling the eggs, when I felt August on the back of me, he leaned his head on my shoulder and smacked his arms around me.

"Good Mawnin'." He mumbled.

"Morning love"

"I have to go in at one today, my client needs her hair done for prom" I sighed.

"You betta' gone and get dat' bread" August said.

"You right" I nodded, putting some eggs on the plate.

Once the bacon was done, we both ate and conversed about random things.

We got ready around the same time, and I watched as August put on all his jewelry.

"You wear all that just to work? Wow" I chuckled.

"I can't be fly and work?" He asked.

"Yeah you can, fine ass" I laughed.

He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and swayed us back and forth.

"Let's get going"

I walked into the building and sighed, I greeted Eli, who was giving a young girl a perm.

I saw Chantelle glare at me. I rolled my eyes and went to get prepared to do Amoura's hair.

Another day, another dollar.

Sorry for not giving y'all these chapters.

My dog died recently and I haven't been the happiest. I'm still sad, I loved my baby. He lived 13 years, which was good for him. He's been around all my life, since i'm only 15.

I have another dog, but he won't ever replace my baby. But yes that was a little insight on things that's been happening in my life.

I hope you guys enjoyed this. Byee.

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