《Charisma》~ sixteen ~


I opened my eyes, and the bright light made me close them again. I peeked, and let my eyes adjust to light.

I looked over and saw August, Kai and Chris in the corner.

"Aye dats my pack'a fruitsnacks!" I heard Aug grumble.

"So? Me and my baby hungry" Kai jumped at him.

Chris just shook his head, he glanced over at me, looked away and turned around again.

"Aye she awake!" He said, to August and Kai, who stopped what they were doing and came over to me.

"Y'all really arguing over fruit snacks" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Hey boo, how you doing?" Kai said, smiling down at me.

"Oh I'm good you know, might go swimming or something later" I chuckled.

"Stupid" August chuckled.

"Says the one mad over fruit snacks"

"Those was the best kind too" August glared at Kai, who popped one in her mouth and smiled at him.

"Petty" I laughed.

"You good doe'?" August asked.

"Yeah, my head kinda hurts but I'm fine" I reassured him.

"You better be, I need somebody to mess wit. Tiana will try and beat my ass" Chris muttered.

Everybody laughed at his stupid self.

I sighed, as Eli closed the door. I was in the room by myself for a few minutes, since August went to go get us some food. I'm suppose to eat hospital food. But I don't like that stuff.

After some long convincing, August agreed. I looked around the plain room.

Can't wait to get out of here

August phone buzzed, and I automatically glanced at it. I wasn't trying to be nosy or anything, because I trusted him. But what I read quickly caught my eye.

| Chris: Aye I got some info on who tried to hit y'all -7:45 p.m |


So somebody hit us on purpose. That kind of pissed me off a little, cause yeah, I automatically thought It was Kayla. That bitch gotta be crazy.

My thoughts were interrupted, as August came back in the room, holding a McDonalds bag.

"Wazzam" He set down the bag on my lap.

"Hola" I said, quickly looking in the bag and I smiled.

He got me some nuggets, and fries. My favorite. I did a little dance while popping a fry into my mouth.

"Jus' fat" August chuckled.

"Let me be fat in peace" I threw a fry at him.

He laughed and picked up the fry and ate it. Yeah I shouldn't have threw the fry at him.

"Can't wait to get outta hea'?" August asked.

"Yes, it's to dull in here for me" I rolled my eyes a little.

"Did you eat today?" I asked him.

"Yeah" He said, glancing at me.

"Yeah okay" I squinted my eyes. When he lied, he looked away too quick.

"Come here" I said.

"I just sat down" He sighed.

"Do I care? No" I said.

He smacked his lips and came over to me.

I quickly finished the nugget I was on, before holding one up to his lips.

"I'm good lil mama" He chuckled.

"August eat" I said, not joking.

"You eat. Bought them fa' you" He smacked his lips.

"I'll shove this down your throat." I said, holding it up to his lips.

"Man fine" He took the nugget. I eventually got him to eat the remaining ones. I chuckled as he sipped on my sprite.

"I knew you was hungry"

3 weeks later

"Girl I'm surprised he even let you out the house" Eli said, placing a strawberry daiquiri in front of me.

"Right" I rolled my eyes.


I brung up the messages, not too long ago. And August explained to me everything that had happened.

Apparently Kayla was the one that tried to run us over, but she wasn't the only one in the car. Somebody else was there too. Now Kayla and that other person were seeking revenge.

It frustrated me, because me and August just be minding our own business. But Aug being Aug, got us security, so now I have a bodyguard, staying by me.

This was my first time being out the house in 3 weeks. I know Kai was frustrated because Chris was the same way, since she's one of my best friends.

"But bitch, let me spill some tea on that bitch at the salon" Eli said.

"I got my cup" I held it up.

"Why Chantelle going around telling everybody you stole August from her" He said.

"She delusional. If anything, she embarrassing her self, seemingly because I 'stole' August from her" I rolled my eyes.

"Somebody need to get that bobble head bitch, before I beat her with my flat irons" Eli muttered.

"Maybe that's what she needs" I shrugged, sipping my drink.

The doorbell rung, and Eli got up to see who it was. They were loud and I smiled, instantly knowing who it was.

"BABYMAMAAAA" I got up, running over to Kai, I touched her little tummy, that seemed to stick out a little.

"Baby muthaaaa" She giggled.

"Girlfriendddd" I hugged Tiana.

"Baeee" She hugged me back.

"And I thought I was gay" Eli joked.

"Hey boooo" Tiana hugged Eli.

"Hey my beautiful chocolate bitch" He hugged her.

I smiled, because these were my mains. Plus it's been too long without seeing them.

What an awkward way to end the chapter lol.

I feel like this book getting boring lmfao. Imma try and spice things up a bit.

Bye y'all.

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