《Charisma》~ fifteen ~



[Excuse any Errors]

I stretched in the passenger seat of August's Range Rover.

"Rich ass" I mumbled.

"What you said?" He turned to me.

"Nothing" I smiled at him.

"Yeah aight" He muttered, turning up the radio.

We were going to pick up the girls, and Travis. They were spending some of their break up here, but Chandra had to work, so Travis said he'll come with them.

I'm all in my bag, this hard as it get

I do not snort powder, I might take a sip

I might hit the blunt, but I'm liable to trip

I ain't poppin' no pill, but you do as you wish

I roll with some fiends, I love 'em to death

I got a few mil' but not all of them rich

What good is the bread if my niggas is broke?

What good is first class if my niggas can't sit?

I nodded my head to the music, but then I cringed when I heard Kendrick from the backseat messing up the lyrics.

"Aye shut dat shit up" August said.

"You nigga" Kendrick mumbled.

"Don't even know the lyrics" August mumbled.

"Speak up you skinny bastard" Kendrick jumped at his head. I was trying to keep from laughing. If it wasn't Aug and Kendrick, then It was Chris and August. Those three were a mess.

"Shut yo black ass up" August glanced at him through the rear view mirror.

"Whatever man" Kendrick waved him off.

"Y'all a mess" I chuckled.

"That's yo man" Kendrick said.

I chuckled. I looked out the window, admiring the beautiful sunset

I felt August hand touch my thigh. I grabbed it and played with his fingers, smiling at him.

He smirked at me. He squeezed my thigh and I squinted my eyes at him.


He simply bit his lip and continued squeezing and caressing my thighs.

"Aye y'all quit dat shit" Kendrick groaned.

"Mind ya own" August smacked his lips.

"Tryna be grown in this car. Don't make me fight y'all" He said.

"Kendrick shut up" I said, trying not to laugh.

"Nah sis. Y'all not doing this in front of me" Kendrick folded his arms.

"Doing Wh-" I was cut off by August trying to swerve from the lane, a damn truck was on the wrong side of the road.

"August!" I screamed as the car slammed into the front of our vehicle.

"Charisma?!" I yelled. She laid limp in the seat.

"Charisma get up!" I shook her shoulders.

"Shit!?" I mumbled. I winced from the pain in my leg.

"Is she okay?" Kendrick said, coming to.

"I don't know man" I mumbled.

I heard sirens and soon officers and EMT members were trying to help us.

"Sir, what happened?" The officer asked.

"A car hit us straight on" I mumbled, I wasn't tryna talk. I was tryna figure out what was wrong with my baybeh.

"Is she gone be okay?" I asked one of the nurses.

"She hit her head really hard sir" The nurse said.

"Dammit!" I yelled. Slamming my fist into the wall.

I paced around the waiting room, waiting on Charisma to wake up.

My injuries weren't that bad, I just had some glass in my leg, which was taken care of and Kendrick just got a few scratches.

"August calm down" Kai touched my shoulder.

"I'm trying" I sighed.

"I'm sure she'll be okay. She's strong" She gave me a weak smile.

I didn't respond, I simply sat down in the seat.

Tiana, Kai, Chris, and Kendrick, all dat around looking weary. We had been here for 4 hours. According to the doctor, she had to get surgery, because the glass had cut her too deep in her arm, and they removed some from her head.


"Family of Charisma Jackson?" The doctor came in, looking over his clipboard.

All of us stood and he looked around us.

"Well, Charisma is okay. The surgery went good, everything was removed. Right now they have her on morphine, so she's really tired." He said.

"Oh Thank the Lord" Kai mumbled.

Jesus thank you.

I walked in the room and sighed, seeing Charisma, sleeping peacefully, she had an Iv in her arm and she had a few scratches and marks around her forehead area.

I gently touched her hand, and smiled.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she shifted in the bed.

"Hey" She gave me a faint smile.

"Hey baybeh" I chuckled at her.

"You okay?" She asked, faintly.

"Girl don't be askin' me dat' You tha' one laid up inna hospital?" I said.

"Yeah I guess you're right huh?" She smiled a little.

"Crazy little self" I chuckled.

"Mhm" She mumbled, closing her eyes again.

"I luh you little girl" I mumbled, caressin' her cheek and walking away.

After everyone went in the room, Kai and Tiana volunteered to go get food for everybody.

"How you feel wit' a baybeh on tha' way?" I asked Chris.

"I'm happy. Hopefully it's a boy. I always wanted one" Chris shrugged, with a smile.

"Aye Aug" Kendrick said.


"I don't think we got hit by accident"


I just threw this together, so sorry if this is boring.

But I came up with a little schedule for this book.

I will update 2 chapters every Friday. 3 If I'm not as busy.

I'm putting Wine Pon You on hold. I have a lot of things I have to get done first, But I will be working on that book majority of the summer.

If you still in school, what grade are y'all going into this upcoming Fall? For me, I'll be a sophomore (10th grade)

But who y'all think hit Charisma, Kendrick and August? 👀ll

Okay that's all... See ya Friday my loves❤️

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