《Charisma》~ fourteen ~


Its hella gifs in this lmfaooo ^ one of my favorite songs off his EP

Excuse any errors.

"Tell me what?" Chris boomed, walking in the house.

"Oh shit" Tiana said, coming from the kitchen with snacks, once she heard Chris, she turned right back around.

"Gotta blast" Charisma said, hopping up from her spot on the couch and going into the kitchen with Tiana.

Kai fumbled with her thumbs. "Hey babe" She muttered, glancing at him for a quick second.

"Hey. Now what do you have to tell me." He said, sitting down in the couch next to her.

"Umm" She mumbled.

"Umm" He mocked her.

"You know how we've been having a lot of sex right?" She said, looking at him.

He smirked at her and nodded.

"We'll see um" She closed her eyes. "I'm pregnant" She said, hurriedly.

Chris froze, and stared at her for all but a few seconds before smiling.

"Foreal?" He said, making sure he heard her right.

She smiled weakly. "Yes"

Chris was honestly excited, he was ready for another kid, and hadn't been using protection on purpose.

He got up and hugged her. "I'm excited!" He kissed her cheek.

"Me too babe, me too" She giggled.

"Ouch" Charisma whined, as she fell from behind the wall.

"Sorry boo" Tiana muttered, helping her up.

"You got us caught" Charisma said, glaring at Tiana.

"Nosey as shit" Chris laughed at the two as the bickered.

"Shut up." Charisma jumped at Chris.

"You betta' back up, Scrappy. I should've had Aug bring yo' leash" Chris said jumping at her.

"Freaking idiot" She mumbled, lowkey on hush mode.

"Freaking idiot" He mocked, petting her head as she walked by.

"Babe stop" Kai said, holding back laughter.

"Aww my babymama" Charisma cooed, touching Kai's stomach.


"Y'all gay" Chris scrunched up his nose as he took the chips Tiana was eating and sat down on the couch.

She simply smiled at him. And he smiled back. She picked up the couch pillow and started hitting him in the head with it.

"Shit! Get yo damn chips, that I bought" He said, giving her back the chips.

"Thanksss" She flashed a grin and walked over to where Kai and Charisma were.

"Aye if that's yo kid, we puttin' you on chile support!" Chris yelled to Charisma.

"August stop stealing my fries" I whined as he took another one of my plate.

"Yours good tho'." He said, taking another one.

We were at Red Robin's, going on a date. I was really starting to catch feelings for August. Yeah he's kind of rude and doesn't have a filter whatsoever. But under all that he's really sweet and funny.

I'm not going to ask him what we were, because we did kiss a lot. We just taking it day by day.

"What's on yo' mind?" He said, taking another fry off my plate.

"Nothing" I smiled, biting one of my chicken tenders. That's all I order when I go to restaurants. It's something I know won't get messed up.

"Mhm" He hummed.

I slid my fry basket over to him, since he was just going to eat all of them.

"Good looks" He held out one of his hands. I laughed as we did our little handshake.

"How's your week been though" I said. I barely have been seeing him, but that's because he has been getting his business started.

"It's been good. I start sellin' homes next week." He shrugged.

"That's good" I smiled at him. He was really excited, but knowing him, he tried and played it off.


"How yo' week been love?" He asked

I smiled when he called me that.

"It's been good, just been doing a lot of hair" I said.

"Yeah, you out cold. I ain't know you could do allat'." August said.

"Well thanks. I said biting into my chicken tender.

I glanced around the comfortably-lit restaurant. I squinted, and looked away, then looked back again.

I saw Kayla, looking dead at me and August.

"Aug yo stalker here" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"I ain't got no stalker" He said, sipping his drink.

"Mhm. Then why Kayla watching you like that" I nodded to her direction.

She looked away when August looked at her. He turned around grumbling some stuff.

"I'm ti'ed of ha' irritatin' ass" August muttered.

"Yeah me too" I sighed.

We finished up our meal, August of course paid. We got ready to head out, and she was still looking at us.

I decided to be a little petty today. We walked by our table and I grabbed August hand and smiled at him.

He gave me a confused look and then chuckled, catching on to what I was doing. He literally stopped us, just in front of the table and kissed my cheek.

I held back my laughter at the look on her face.

"Bae you look good as hell today" He said, a little too loud.

"Thanks boo" I smiled at him, we walked out the restaurant and busted out laughing.

"Whew you petty as fuck" He laughed.

"Me? That was you" I chuckled. He opened the door for me, and I got in.

He got in and started the car up.

I nodded my head to the music that played out the speakers.

When it came to havin' your back, I'm so real

I prolly would've gave you my spine (Straight up)

I'd rather have loyalty than love

'Cause love really don't mean jack (Straight up)

See love is just a feeling

You can love somebody and still stab them in the back (Oh God)

It don't take much to love

You can love somebody just by being attached (21)

See loyalty is a action

You can love or hate me and still have my back (Facts)

August rapped along and I just watched him. He turned and looked at me,

"You weird" He said, focusing his attention back on the road.

"You weird" I mocked, trying to imitate his accent.

"Think you funny lil' girl" He said.

"I think I'm hilarious" I shrugged looking out the window.

We rode in a comfortable silence. He pulled up to my complex, and walked me inside.

When we got inside, I went to cut on lights, when he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss.

"Mmm" I mumbled on his lips, as I felt his hand on my rear end.

"Be my girl" He said, pulling away.

I smirked at him.

"Hmmm, I don't know" I tapped my chin and began walking to the kitchen.

"It wasn't a question" He said, tugging me back to him.

"Oop Okay then" I smiled up at him.

"Yeah, you mines now" He said.

"You mines now" I mocked.

"You already know baybeh"

Ouuu okay.

Just to let y'all know, me and Charisma share August sooo. Yes my man is her man.

Anywho, I will be trying to update again this weekend. and I'm trying to work on Wine Pon You. It might be a slight delay, but nothing major.

Thank you for reading. We close to 1k!😛

I luh y'all. Byeeeee.

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