《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 17: Colored Red


The little servant boy standing outside the door, couldn't find the courage to open it, his whole body shivering in fear. Yet when he heard Feiyun's laughter, he could only remember her kind smile that saved him from Tianhuo's anger. Garnering up courage, he proceeded to knock on the door.


"Who are you?"

A cold thin blade pressed against his neck. The voice behind him icy and emotionless.

"P..p..p...p...please dont hurt me. I'm Qingli, servant to the host of the event. I'm here to let Princess Feiyun know that it's her turn next. "

The little boy raised his two hands in the air, one clutching onto a scroll.

"FeiAn, don't bully the boy, let him in. "

Feiyun had already heard the commotion, sighing while rubbing her temples.

Hearing Feiyun's response, FeiAn withdrew her sword and quickly opened the door, allowing the young boy a step inside.

In an instant, a cold gaze pierced towards him. When he met those blue eyes that stared deeply at him like a predator, a wave of chills traveled down his back, causing him to go numb. So caught up in the pressure of the cold blue eyes, the little boy had forgotten to breath.

Upon realising that the young boy had been caught in Tianhuo's pressure, Feiyun shot FeiAn a glance. FeiAn quickly obeyed and stepped in between the two, extending a hand for the scroll.

As soon as she did that, the boy came back to his senses and started gasping for air. Sweat trickled down his sideburns as he quickly picked up the scroll that he had dropped and dusted off the dust so that he could give it to FeiAn.

"Wait. "

The people in the room turned towards Feiyun whose voice that was merry as spring had suddenly turned serious. Her face was still smiling but this time the smile did not reach her eyes.

" Little boy, come here."

Not knowing what to do, the young boy could only hesitantly walk forward.

"Put the scroll on the table. Tell me who was the one who gave you the scroll?"

Upon seeing that Feiyun had no intention to hurt him, the young boy quickly replied,

"Judge Yuan who coordinates the grouping..."

Feiyun smiled coldly with a pat on his head.

" I see, thank you. You may go, i will head to the stage myself in a bit. "

Finally given the permission to leave, the little boy bowed and quickly retreated.

Tianhuo who had silently watched all this happen prodded Feiyun to explain her actions with his eyes. A small amount of rage stirring within him,

' how come when he had finally managed to see her smile so honestly and suddenly she seemed to be angry at something?'

"This scroll is laced with poisonous powder... This mixture of sandalwood and lavender smell belongs to the Sandallily Root. Smelling and touching it is nothing but once the powder on your hands comes in contact with water...it melts skin as though it was wax. "

Feiyun could see the obvious fire in Tianhuo's eyes. This man was simply oozing with anger that even she felt her hair standing.

"FeiAn... let Feisha know. I want everything about Judge Yuan."

"Master, what about the little boy?"

FeiAn couldn't help but wonder why Feiyun let the boy go even though he was the one who brought it here.


"He has nothing to do with this. Also make sure you find him and rub this balm on his hand and then wipe it clean. Don't let anyone see you."

After passing a small bottle to FeiAn, using a thick cloth, Feiyun opened the scroll and started reading the contents. Inside was instructions to assemble for her fight as well as a repetition to the rules.

"How do you know the boy is innocent?"

Tianhuo leaned in towards her, his lips whispering just above. His cold voice trembling with rage. Feiyun could feel that Tianhuo was containing his anger for her sake. Gently, she looked up to meet his blue eyes, filled with anger yet possessing a subtle gentleness reserved only for her.

"If you were aware that this scroll was poisonous... Would you still dust it off before giving it to the person? also if i was the mastermind, not telling the boy would mean that he could take care of the boy even without moving his hands. Such a small servant passing probably would not alarm anyone."

Feiyun explanation managed to convince Tianhuo yet she was missing one part, if the little boy didn't die, and the mastermind knew, the boy would be in trouble.

Scrunching his eyebrow, he quickly picked her up in his embrace with a sigh before he started making his way to the stage.

When they entered, the entire audience fell silent. their eyes watching as Tianhuo place Feiyun on the chair and left her only after grazing her cheek with his finger.

The look on his face sent her he message, ' be careful.'

As she waited , her next opponent quickly entered the arena.Her figure was splendid and elegant her appearance similar to a flower. She had a whip in hand, thin and long. Made of the finest leather and the handle jade with gems embedded.

The gong rang out signalling the start of the battle. On one side Feiyun casually sat in the wooden chair while Li Tingle drew closer to her.

"Hmp! Fighting you would be a waste of my time. Such a disgrace... hurry up and admit your loss so i dont have to waste my time with you. "

Feiyun did not respond instead she was trying to remember where she had seen this girl whose name was so familiar.

'Li...Tingle...? I could swear that i've heard her name before...'

Suddenly, a flash of memory returned to her. This Li Tingle was the best friend of Qiqi. On some days, she and Qiqi would enter her pavilion and bully the past Feiyun. Sometimes even making her eat insects and other dirty things all for their own entertainment. When Feiyun refused or vomited, she would lace her whip with the vomit and strike at Feiyun.

Finally understanding, Feiyun smile grew even colder. This must be gods plan to help her get revenge.

"What? you dare to ignore me?! This little slut, maybe i should remind you just who i am. At that time, don't blame me for not allowing you to run, blame yourself for being a cripple!"

Lost in her anger, Li Tingle grabbed her whip and drenched it in the puddle of dirty water near her. She did not need to chase after Feiyun who was a cripple. She simply raised her hand and strike down. Her aim was precisely for feiyun's mask.


Breaking the mask and revealing her ugly appearance before everyone and to add on if feiyun decided to defend her face...she could already imagine the red melting welts that would form with every strike she took.

When the crackle of the whip rang out. The audience stared out in disbelief. Those who had covered their eyes peeked out from in between fingers. Feiyun, who was suppose to be a copper rank martial artist actually caught a silver rank martial artist whip barehanded...

"Y..you! Let go!"

Li Tingle pretended to scream, her eyes however couldn't hide her happiness to see Feiyun holding onto the whip. Sure enough her hands would start melting... but alas, Li Tingle's pretty face started turning sour the moment she realize that nothing was happening.

'where?... Why is she fine?...'

That moment of excitement and then sudden disappointment was all but seen by Feiyun. glancing to the whip in her hand. A smirk formed on her lips as the water from the whip continued to drip down her wrist.

'So that was your doing... fancy that you came to me all on your own...'

Li Tingle who was starting to become frustrated that her whip was caught by Feiyun, kept trying to pull back her whip but Feiyun's grip was over powering. With a tug, Feiyun managed to drag Li Tingle to the ground and causing her to release the whip, bringing the jade handle to her own.

'impossible... how could she have such strength?'

Li Tingle was shocked that she had forgotten her image of a young lady at this point. Gritting her teeth, she picked herself up and stared at Feiyun.

"Such a pretty whip... sad that it has been drench in dirty water. I think the color red would have been a better choice."

Licking her lips, Feiyun stared down at the girl who had just been dragged through the mud.

Just as she ended her sentence, Feiyun lifted her hand and brought the whip down. Her hair gently flowing in the breeze, a calm and gentle expression on her face. Yet after the crackle of the whip, a blood curdling scream rang out.

The crowd watching felt shivers as the second whip came down before Li Tingle could even utter a word. However, this time, not a single sound could be heard.

'STOP!! Help me! Help!i give up! '

Yet there was not a sound. Li Tingle's mouth was moving yet not a word left her mouth.

'My voice...'

Li Tingle touched at her neck. Red and purple with swelling, she could taste a metallic taste in her mouth.

Feiyun smirked, she knew all too well that no matter how much the past Feiyun screamed for help and mercy, none was given to her. So now she destroyed Li Tingle's voice box, her screams for mercy and help would go unheard, just like the previous Feiyun.

Feiyun aimed at the ground near Like Tingle. Ending it too fast would be a shame. The entire area came to a chilling silence. Only the continuous sound of crackling whip.

Like an animal trapped in a cage with a whip master. Li Tingle could only continue to run and dodge the whip strikes. Stumbling and rolling in dirt.

"will you not voice your surrender? no response? fine..."

Feiyun questioned as though she did not know about breaking her voice box and played the innocent. As blows and blows of whip strike down on the bloodied body of Li Tingle, the audience could only look on in horror, their hearts wondering why the battered Li Tingle would not surrender.

The clothes on Li Tingle's body had been nearly ripped to shreds by the thin whip, her body covered in red welts, blood and dirt. Her face had been whipped several times enough to cut thin lines across, her tears stinging each time it touched the wounds. Yet she could not call for mercy.

"Xue Feiyun!! Stop it already, how can you be so heartless!"

Qiqi who couldn't endure seeing her friend suffering anymore jumped on the stage, ready to draw her weapon to defend her dying friend.

The audience gasped at the situation. It was against the rules to interrupt the match. Surely this lady had lost her mind.

"Qiqi, what do you mean i was only abiding by the rules. If she surrenders i would gladly stop. "

Feiyun smirked slightly after playing the innocent again.

"Enough! "

An old Judge with thick beard pulled together with a bead appeared on the stage between Feiyun and Li Tingle.

"Xue Qiqi, await your punishment for breaking the rules! Princess Feiyun, please let this one match go. As the judge of this match, I, Yuan Chide will take it as your win and that this young lady here has surrendered. "

His hands cupping the other with a slight bow.

"Yuan Chide...? Okay... If you say so, quickly bring the lady to a physician."

'what's with all my enemies appearing so casually in front of me? seems they have greatly misjudged me.'

As soon as the bloodied body was carried out the arena, Feiyun casually threw the whip to the ground. Her eyes shone with satisfaction as she licked her lips.

The crowd was still silent from what they she witness. Their hair standing on the edge. Such a tranquil look on her face as though she was playing a music instrument. Yet all around her was uneven ground with splatter of blood.

'A demoness... Truly...'

"I'm tired..."

Feiyun said as she felt Tianhuo's presence beside her. She leaned on his arm as she watched the Judge Yuan who was looking her way, her eyes flashing with coldness.

"Well done."

Tianhuo said as he picked her up gently into an embrace. Her arms clamped around his neck as they made their exit.

News that a crippled princess who everyone had been gossiping about had actually beaten a person to near death not even needing to move an inch had spread across the capital like pollen in the wind.



Hello everyone! Thanks for reading.

Seeing the constant increase in readers, i'm releasing 2 chapters today because i was really motivated and happy that there are people enjoying my work!! Hope you guys enjoy it! look forward to the next update!

Also do comment and let me know any questions you might have. Once again Thanks for the support!

P.s - To those who wondered... yes Tianhuo had been carrying Feiyun around the whole day because he was lazy to bring a wheelchair.

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