《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 18: Liar's Dance



Feiyun sat lazily in her Chair. Like a cat lounging, in the sunlight that streaked through the window of her box. Her serene eyes fell onto the little girl in front of her.

As the head of the shadow intelligence squad, Feisha had the aura befitting one.

A presence that would go unnoticed in a large crowd unless you are focusing hard, intelligent eyes that swept the faces of the people around, always observing and taking in every single detail. The cold calculating eyes, if you observe hard enough, the sense of death could be seen hidden in the depth, very unlike a child of a her age.

FeiSha bowed her head and started her report, her voice was tender like an innocent child yet lacking in emotions.

"Yuan Chide -52. Well known for his military strategies for the red army.

His control over the Red army proves to be difficult as he holds half the Turtle tally. Basically putting him on equal standing with the Commanding General of the red army.

He is a shrewd man who eliminates any threats without mercy including his wife who once wanted to report on him.

The grandson, Yuan ChiLu, is betrothed to Li Qingle. Although appearing to be for "love" it is but a political move the Li family controls the import and exporting merchants through the north gates which connects to many larger empires.

Dabbles in embezzlement of war funds and also illegally traffics young children and women slaves many of which are refugees from the warzones both in and out of our empire. Most of the women have been used as soldier relief*(forced prostitutes for the soldiers on the front)

He was invited as a judge although the main host, did not approve of him, he still had to give in as it was the request of the empress. Although until now, there has been no evidence of how Yuan Chide and the empress are connected. "

Feiyun having heard the details, calmly analysed.

'The red army? The north?... The empress?... Why would she step in? Tsk...Still not enough.'

After what seemed like a good 10 minutes of contemplating and swirling of the teacup, Feiyun spoke again.

" Find out more about Li Tingle and her family first... And collect all the evidence of Yuan Chide's crimes. Your first assignment, Don't disappoint me."

Tianhuo who had been sitting across Feiyun the whole time silently sipped on his tea. Unsure about what his princess is thinking about. Her face had so many changes. From carefree to serious and then annoyance and finally a cold calmness.

"From what i know, there's 4 main armies in Xing country. The Red Army... sounds like fun."

Ruyi look towards Feiyun, her voice and eyes were like the calm before the storm, it could not hide her blood-thirsty aura that was leaking out making the hair on the back of his neck stand.

'How could a 16 year be giving off this aura? So strong that he felt pressure emitting off her?'


Ruyi approached, trying to calm her down.

"I'm joking. What's the status of the match now? "

Feiyun chuckled. The storm that was brewing in her eyes disappearing in an instant, sending a sigh of relief to Ruyi.

"Princess should be going up on stage soon. How nice your opponent who was suppose to be your semi-final match backed out. so you're automatically at the grand finals. What a smooth journey for the princess. Surely you have the devil's luck."

Ruyi's foxy smile appeared again his tone full of sarcasm. It was not his fault that the opponent got scared of competing against Feiyun just because of Tianhuo's name. If Feiyun knew this would she have something to say?


Tianhuo's blue eyes met Ruyi's carrying a hint of serious mischievousness. Of course he knew what Ruyi was trying to do.


Before Tianhuo could complete the word, Ruyi had already disappeared into the shadows with his high ranking shadow skill. As his best friend how could he not know what Tianhuo had in mind. He became a play thing for these 2 once, there's no way he'll give them a second try.

"Pfft! Why is he so scared of Baifeng?"

Unable to control her laughter, Feiyun burst out laughing as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"A crafty fox couldn't possibly get on terms with a loyal horse."

Tianhuo replied nonchalantly, he had been watching her with an unexpectedly warm smile on his face, one that he didn't even know he was making.

With the sun light streaking through, his dark midnight black hair fell like a waterfall, encasing his chiseled face. His eyes did not have the usual icy temperature instead it was warm like the morning sun.

Upon meeting his angel like expression, Feiyun's laughter came to an abrupt halt and stared blankly at Tianhuo.

"Hmm? What?"

Cocking his head slightly to the side, confused why she suddenly stopped laughing, the smile on his face faded in a second into that of a gentle worry.

"Ah..ah no... Nothing you just smiled so suddenly..."

Using her hands, Feiyun started to fan her flushed cheeks as she replied. Her eyes darting to the outside of the window.

Tianhuo grabbed her hand that was fanning her face and nudged her to his side. His eyes right now were magnetizing and filled with a special kind of attraction she couldn't look away.

Pulling her closer slowly until she fell into his lap. He closed his strong arms around her waist, nestling his head into the nape of her neck. Each warm breath tickling her neck.

Feiyun hugged the man hard. His energy had always been cool and calm which slowly affected her. Giving her a sense of comfort and security.

His mint scent lingering so close to her, making her remember the various nights of passion and also the very first time she saw him underneath the moonlight.

"Tianhuo... I..."

As if telling her not to speak anymore, Tianhuo sealed her mouth with his own. Fingers intertwined in her hair , slowly licking and sucking softly at her bottom lip.

Soon tongues danced between them, soft moans only loud enough for both of their ears to hear.

His hands started down to her robes and just as he was about to untie them, 2 loud knocks came from the door.

"Master, the little boy is here again probably time for princess to go. "

Ruyi had once again, unknowingly interrupted the moment with his impeccable timing.

Feiyun chuckled slightly, and looked towards Tianhuo who had a crease between his brows. So obvious that he was sulking. She planted a kiss on his forehead trying to at least cheer him up slightly.

Sensing her intention, Tianhuo let out a small sigh, helped feiyun to wear her mask and finally picked her up in his arms.

Passing through the door, Tianhuo shot a death stare towards Ruyi who stood beside the door with the little boy. Swearing in his head that he would put in every effort to annoy this friend of his.

'Just you wait.'

Ruyi on the other hand followed close behind wondering why Tianhuo was giving off an even stronger murderous aura than when he had left them.

Once they made it up on stage, Tianhuo took off his loose scarf and draped it over Feiyun's neck, wrapping several loose loops before looking satisfied and walking off the stage. Once again leaving both Feiyun and the on looking crowds jaw's on the floor.


'That should be me receiving that scarf! For hurting Li Tingle and taking away the love that should be mine...-'

Qiqi seeing the who thing happen, filled with violent jealousy clenched her fist, nails digging into her palms.

Across her, Feiyun had a innocent smile on her face. She had her doubts about whether Qiqi could really have made it this far but thinking back, she probably incorporated some dirty tactics into it. The whole family, they only knew this one way of getting things they want.

"You actually made it this far, you have my respect, little sister."

Feiyun spoke, calmly sitting on the wooden chair on the corner of the stage. On her body she did not carry any weapon only a few hidden needles in her sleeves which she carried everywhere she goes.

"I don't want to hear that from you."

Qiqi spat out, her distaste for Feiyun clearly showing through. Everyone knew that Feiyun the cripple had miraculously made it to the finals without lifting a finger.

Qiqi's guess that feiyun had used money to buy her spot but if she knew that the opponent had withdrawn on his own accord in fear of Tianhuo and Feiyun what would she have to say.

The white lotus appearance that she was suppose to have fading gradually as she spun the long spear in her hand.

"Hmp! Stealing my line. Keep it, such filthy cheap respect, even beggars wouldn't want them. For treating TingLe in such a manner, if i don't avenge her, i am not called the genius of the century, Xue Qiqi!"

After the rumors of Feiyun's win at the previous match, many people have come to watched the cripple. The audience sucked in a deep breath of air. The strange occurrence on the first day was more than enough to know how much Tianhuo spoiled his princess consort.

The little girl, genius of the century or not, must have eaten the courage of 10 lions to be able to shout something like that at the favoured princess consort Feiyun.

'Such a childish easy to taunt opponent dares to call herself a genius of the century?'

Feiyun chuckled to herself, glancing towards the spear. Its wood made of the finest 1000 year Ling Tree bark reinforced with gem stones around the end and center. Sitting on the tip of the spear a sharp blade made from the rarest sea stone, formed deep under the ocean. Truly the spear that stood out from the rest.

'Martial Arts prodigy Xue Qiqi, at the age of 12 had already reached Martial Rank silver. Not a feat just anyone can do. So much so the emperor gifted her with the treasured HaiYi Spear and the people gave her the name Genius of the century.'

Or so the rumors went. But to Feiyun, judging by her current aptitude, by 12 she would have broken through the peak of martial Rank silver - That is called a true Prodigy.


When the gong signaled the start of the match, Qiqi dashed forward, covering the wide distance between the two. Her spear pointing towards Feiyun's mask. Her first intention is to let everyone see that ugly face of hers.

" For a person like you, a quick death would not do!"

Qiqi Spoke through gritted teeth. As she swung the spear head closer to Feiyun's mask. A sinister smile plastered on her face, 'A cripple like Feiyun, how could she avoid this strike.' It was more amazing that Feiyun did not run from this fight.

"What makes you think i'm here to die?"

In that moment, the blade that was a few inches away from feiyun strike at the thin air instead. The sharp whistling of blade cutting through air sent the entire audience into a silent worry.


Spinning around, Qiqi turned and took a leap back wards, holding a defensive stance with the spear in front. Feiyun had disappeared from her chair and appeared behind her so fast that her eyes couldn't follow.

'How was it that her speed was that fast? No not even that... she shouldn't even be able to stand...that's not possible...'

With her mind in disarray, Qiqi tried to calm herself down. How did the timid, easy to bully Feiyun change so much?

"How courageous! You dare to Lie! How could you be standing?! Aren't you suppose to be a cripple?!"

From the VIP audience box on the second level, Zhenzhen stood up, shouting from the window. The audience who was just as confused about what was happening silently looked on not wanting to get involved, just greedy for gossip.

It was not only the Xue Family who was enraged. The highest box above the Judges where only Royals were allowed.

The Emperor seeing that the girl he gave Tianhuo was actually not a cripple, his eyes glowed red with anger, staring his beloved Empress in the eye. The woman who made him give that edict was her, now that the truth has been revealed, how can he not be angry at her. This was like a slap to his face.

In a blind panic, The Empress who did not know the truth fell to his side on her knees.

"My love, I've been wronged. I truly did not know that the wench was able to walk. Please trust me ah!"

Alas her innocent and beautiful face managed to calm his anger just a little bit. He was a distrustful emperor but he was not an idiot. First he would investigate this matter clearly.

Back down on the stage, the silent Feiyun smirked, though the smile never reaching her eyes.

"What do you mean? I never said that i couldn't walk. It was all your own assumption."

A casual shrug as she replied, her hands behind her back as though taking a stroll in the park.

"Then why did you use a wheelchair?"

Qiqi asked through gritted teeth, this sister of hers was getting on her nerves. She dare to play the entire Xue house as if they were fools. Now having been caught lying to the Empress, how are they going to face the charges?

"Ahh... I was just lazy to walk... But since father gave me a wheelchair, why not use it. "

"But Physician Mo even said that oil he prescribe... you shouldn't be able to walk!"

Qiqi who had recovered from her shock, spat out just loud enough for the two of them to hear.

At the mention of the oil that was sent to her room that night, the smile on Feiyun's face faded replacing it was an ice cold look as she replied Qiqi.

"Ahh... That oil, i threw it out. "

'So it was from physician Mo..'

Initially Feiyun thought the poisoned oil was from Concubine Xia so she didn't think much of it but to think it was from physician mo, a icy glint formed in her eyes as she licked her lips.

Seizing the chance to attack Feiyun who seemed lost in her thoughts, the spear came towards Feiyun again but the latter had already sensed it, flipping backwards through the air in a magnificent ark.

Dark hair fluttering in the wind as she spun, the robe she was wearing spread out behind her giving the illusion of a descending immortal. Had it not been for the mask that covered her face, it would have been the perfect painting.

Grabbing onto the scarf that Tianhuo had given her, she unraveled it, twisting both ends in each fist.

"You think a cloth like that would be able to stop my sea-stone blade? Presumptuous!"

As Qiqi charged in, Feiyun stood full of openings. But no matter how many strikes or feints Qiqi pulled, none of it connected with Feiyun's body. It was like trying to catch falling leaves; just when you think you caught it, it would follow the wind and slip right out of your grasp.

For every miss, Qiqi would be whipped once with the scarf in Feiyun's hand. Although it did not do much damage, it was the fact that Feiyun was playing around with her while she was giving her all to attack that made Qiqi nearly vomit blood.

To the audience, Feiyun presented them a beautiful war dance, light and gentle flowing. The scarf floating in the wind then suddenly changing into quick and sharp pulls. Well planned and calculated. Their breathing synchronize with her movements forming their own rhythm to her steps in their hearts.

Unable to draw their eyes away from her presence that had completely overwhelmed them, Qiqi was just not in their line of sight. Her out of breath panting and cries as she swung her spear fell on deaf ears.

'Why?! Why can't i catch her?!'

Frustration built up in the depths of Qiqi's heart. Her eyes clouding over in rage as she wiped the sweat that flowed down her forehead. Feiyun had barely broken a sweat and she was already this exhausted.

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