《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 19: Beautiful


Seeing the impatient and frustration in Qiqi's eyes, Feiyun felt a slight satisfaction in her heart but it was far from enough. Using the scarf in her hand, she threw one end and wrapped it around the head of the spear.

With a yank, Qiqi slightly exhausted from running around fell towards feiyun.

A loud Wham rang out when Qiqi's body came in contact with Feiyun's kick , sending her flying backwards. Rolling and tumbling in the dirt, Qiqi felt a surge of blood filling her mouth.

"You wench! You have no rights to wield that spear!"

At her wits end, Qiqi screamed after wiping the blood that dripped out from the corner of her mouth as she picked herself up from the dirt.

The spear landed in Feiyun's palm. Feiyun only smiled although it didn't reach her eyes. With the HaiYi spear in her hands, Feiyun gave it an appraisal.

"Indeed, such a spear... But in your hands... its destine to live a sad life ah. "When she finished, Feiyun spun the spear around, the head of the sea stone blade a few inches above the ground. In a smooth motion, bringing the spear up and then down into the concrete ground, sending a cloud of dust into the air.

A loud crack could be heard, when the smoke cleared, what was left was a spear sticking into the ground. The entire length of the the sea stone buried deep in the ground.

"What have you done?! That is a treasure bestowed upon me by the Emperor himself! "

Qiqi screamed a slender finger pointing towards Feiyun.

"I have not done anything. I just place it in the ground. You are free to take it back."

Shrugging her shoulders, Feiyun simply stepped back, allowing Qiqi to approach her spear, her smile ever so sly.

Qiqi grasped the spear and pulled but it didn't budge. Using two hands, this time, she tried again but it did not move. The rage blew in her eyes as she stared down Feiyun. The sister of hers was obviously toying with her, leaving not a single face left for her as the titled Genius of the century.

'how was it possible that she could do this?!'

A soft chuckle rang out in the silent arena.

"What? You can't even pull that spear out?"

Such a big embarrassment, in front of the entire audience, the royals and the commoners this is the biggest disgrace the young genius prodigy Qiqi has faced.

Lost in her rage, she dashed towards Feiyun , screaming out without a single care about her appearance.

Tearing the cloth around her forearm. A small dagger appeared in her hand, attached on the hilt of the dagger a small chain that ensures the dagger could be pulled back to the owner after throwing it out. Its blade thin and sharp.


As they crossed each others path, Qiqi stabbed the dagger towards Feiyun, a sharp whistle piercing the air.

Feiyun did not expect that Qiqi would still be hiding any other weapon narrowly escape the slice, strands of hair falling to the ground.

With her back close to the ground, Feiyun flipped backwards into a crouching position. Her eyes shone with murderous glint. For a women in this era, long locks of hair is a sign of prestige and wealth, only slaves had short hair. Although not from this era, Feiyun herself did love her long luscious hair which she did not have in her past life.

Licking her upper lip, like a lioness on the hunt, Feiyun sprang forward, fist and legs clashing with each other as the two exchanged blows.

Qiqi's hits never landed while Feiyun sent her tumbling backwards with ease. Defending all the attacks Qiqi threw at her with ease and finally landing a heavy slap onto Qiqi's face.

Feiyun smile grew insidious as she watch the girl slamming to the ground again, her left hand holding the swelling cheek that was bulging blue and purple.

Memories of the past Feiyun's suffering surfaced. Beaten to a pulp, whipped into tatters and covered in blood. Cries for mercy going unheard. All these will be payed back in blood.

In a quick movement, Feiyun threw one end of the scarf, wrapping around the hilt of the dagger. Closing the distance between them she grabbed the messy locks of hair, lifting the small round face towards herself.


Following swiftly, a single jab towards Qiqi's Voice box. Sending another surge of blood to Qiqi's mouth and sealing her voice.

"Stop her!!!"

Concubine Xia who had been watching , screamed from the box. Tears welling in her eyes. But the rules are rules only when the opponent surrenders will death not be allowed.

Another few jabs fell into the nerve acupuncture point sealing Qiqi's limbs, the genius prodigy fell to her knees only held up by Feiyun who grabbed her hair.

Qiqi's eyes were raging with hate and disgust, wishing to scream but only tasting blood in her mouth. Every effort to make a single sound yet nothing came out.

Feiyun picked the dagger that belong to Qiqi, a vicious glint flashed across her eyes.

"Stop! Stop! How could you do this to your own sister?!"

Concubine Xia screamed, Zhenzhen pulling her back with tears flowing.

The people watching this felt shivers. Truly the women that the God of War loved, just as merciless and cruel. Prepared to see blood spill, some bite their lips while others covered their eyes with their hands, only peeking through small gap

Qiqi finally realized the situation she was in. There was not a trace of mercy in the cold eyes that stared back at her. Fear welled up on her face.


Bending down to just beside Qiqi's ears, Feiyun whispered cold and emotionless.

"An eye for an eye..."

As soon as she finished, she sliced.


In the quiet arena only the single sound was heard. Instead of blood, a waterfall of long hair fell to the ground all around Qiqi. Feiyun smiled delighted, as she watched the remaining strands of hair in her hand scatter in the breeze.

The sound of people taking in deep breaths resonated throughout the arena. A women's long hair in an instant became short with jaggered uneven ends.

The beauty had turned into a slave in one single move.

Concubine Xia had fainted at this point, leaving Zhenzhen standing in the crowd with her hands over her mouth and tears streaming down her cheek.

"Oh such a special dagger... Poisoned?..."

Feiyun's voice trailed off as she brought the blade closer. Of course she knew from the start that type of poison applied. Qiqi's eyes widen in fear.

Only the two of them knew what was applied. A poison that she bought over the black market. On cut will corrode the area around leaving it rotting and bleeding never to be healed.

Without a care, Feiyun brought the edge of the dagger coated in the toxic poison closer to Qiqi's face.

"Not surrendering?"

Feiyun asked, of course Qiqi couldn't answer.

With a sigh, Feiyun dragged the Qiqi across the stage to the edge. The peerless white legs of Qiqi covered in scratches and dirt.

"When i throw you, pretend to be unconscious. This is your only chance..."

After her final whisper, Feiyun flung the lifeless body of Qiqi out the arena. Tumbling and rolling a few times before coming to a halt. When the dust settled, the prodigy laid on the ground.

Regret welling from within but she could only hold it back in, tears escaping her eyes but she bit her tongue to stop the rest from pouring out. This lost, she will remember and return ten folds.

Feiyun turned around but realized the dagger still in her hand. Without turning she threw it behind her.


The dagger fell right beside Qiqi's cheek, slicing a thin line, blood flowing profusely.

Biting back her scream, Qiqi refused to reveal that she was pretending. After all with her voice sealed, death was the only other option to get her out of this fight.

Swearing to get her revenge as her tears trickled to the ground. Trying her best to ignore the pain of a million ants biting into her cheek where the dagger had sliced.

The entire arena that had been quiet the whole time burst out in a loud cheer! The judges stunned in their seat at the abrupt end. What they had just witness was something they never thought would ever happen. The Genius of the Century turned into dust in the matter of mere seconds.

The servant that stood over the 'fainted' body of Qiqi confirmed that Qiqi had been knocked unconscious. The judges gave each other strange glances.

"E-e-ehem!... The final winner-"

Glancing back, Feiyun turned on her heels and walked off the stage. Leaving the announcing judge speechless.

The winner had just walked off the stage, should he continue or should he chase her. He did not know.

Meeting Tianhuo who casually waited at the bottom of the steps.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

Feiyun flashed him a triumphant smile.

"Mmh.. Beautiful..."

Tianhuo spoke as he gently rubbed the white horse's forehead. As Feiyun approached, a gentle smile flashed through his face his eyes filled with gentle affection, he picked her up and sat her up on Baifeng and together they both rode off.

Leaving the entire crowd stunned in silence, blankly staring at her departing back, when they realized, Feiyun had already left.

The Xue family in tears and anger at the lost of Qiqi's battle and The Emperor gritting his teeth as he questioned the little girl Feiyun. Although she had a disfigured face, right now her name is spreading throughout the land.

'Such a dangerous power at a Tianhuo's side...How could he, the Emperor of the land, make such a big mistake ah! The cripple, meant to spite him has become heaven's gift to Tianhuo, soaring into a phoenix, disfigured she may be but in the fight for the throne who really cares about appearances.'


Note: OH MY GOD! i cant believe that i managed to reach 1K readers on this story[i know its small amount to many writers out there but for me im legit hella surprised! ].... Im so blessed to have everyone here who also enjoys my story! Please do leave me any comments should you so wish and i will try my best to reply to all of them!!

side note, im so glad i managed to write this chapter out as to be very honest, i had a hard time imagining this chapter out and kinda really had a huge ass writer's block stuck in my head somewhere.

Once again i want to thank all those who have shown me their support up til here! i will do my best for the rest! -Aerus

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