《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 20: 3 Days to Die


Amidst the steam, Feiyun sat in the shallow pool. Lotus and flower petals floating around infront of her. FeiXu sat behind her, scrubbing her back with a white cloth.

"Master, can i ask you a question?"


Feiyun nodded her head, eyes still close as she enjoyed the warm water and sent of flowers and FeiXu's relaxing shoulder rub.

"...Where i came from, as a form of respect, in a life and death battle, we do not take pity on our opponent and kill them once defeated. Why did master take pity on the little girl Qiqi? Was it because she was your sister?"

Feiyun paused in thought and then replied,

"if i remember correctly, you came from a northern tribe?"

FeiXu paused for a long moment while her hands scrub at Feiyun's back.

A sad smile on her face as she reminisce about the wild and untamed landscape, the scent of freshly scented grass blowing in the breeze, the familiar faces that have started to fade and most of all the moment she shared with her family. She finally replied,

"..Yes, I came from a tribe of mountain warriors up north.

They call us the WangHu Warrior Tribe. Our people are Warriors born with instinct for fighting is in our blood. About 8 out of 10 tribesman usually break through to Martial King rank.

When slavers heard that the empire was going to send people to capture the strong tribes man with orders to kill if there were resistance, they planned to capture as much of us before the Empire attacked. Their sources were pretty good, we became rare goods in their eyes, goods which could bring them profit from slave trading.

Right now i don't know if the village even still exists. It was said that the entire village was burned to the ground because our people refused to submit to the Xing Empire."

Feiyun nodded her head once more. She did not hate FeiXu's open tomboyish personality and wide smile and reddish hair that resembled a wild sun. Making her a really warm and easygoing person. She always had a cheerful untamed aura about her and a curious mind.

While she had a playful nature, her aptitude in martial arts was surprisingly high, it was even greater than FeiAn, its like the battlefield is her sky.

Yet behind such a cheerful smile was a lonely girl. Feiyun's heart went out to the little girl who had to suffer such harshness just when she was barely young enough to talk. A complicated expression appeared on her face as she pat the rough hand on her shoulder.


It was the best kind of consolation feiyun knew. This feeling of sympathy was somewhat new and foreign to her.

Understanding feiyun's intention FeiXu gave a sheepish smile and continued massaging the shoulders of her master.

"Pity for my family huh...Sister?... No, I've never seen any of them as family."

Shocked at the long sigh and emotionless comment of feiyun, FeiXu questioned back, her curiousity getting the better of her. Although she knew that Feiyun was not close to her family, feiyun herself did not mention much of why it was that way.

"Then why?"

"Why? Hmm...3 days... You'll know in 3 days."

As she said this, Feiyun gave a mysterious cold smile as she stepped out. The glint in feiyun's eyes was somewhat scary, sending a chill down FeiXu's spine.

'i never want someone like that as my opponent...thank god I'm on her side...'

FeiXu thought to herself as she splashed warm water all over her body trying to ease out the coldness she felt.

"NO!!!! My daughter!!! Return her to me ah!!! "

A blood chilling scream rang out as a small lean body hung from the beam lifelessly swaying. The limbs plump as though swelling with a purplish hue to them.

At the sound of the scream, many others gathered around. Many turned paled and screamed while others fell to their knees lifeless as though their soul was sucked out from their body, hands covering their mouth afraid to let a sound out.

The whole group of people stared as the wood creaked with each sway of the body. The smell of death filled the area together with the buzzing of flies and maggots.

The old maid that was always by Concubine Xia side grabbed her Madam who had lost all reason. Holding back her vomit and tears as the screaming and crying concubine clung onto her robes.

Concubine Xia did not believe that the body hanging there was her little daughter who she loved. The genius that was widely known to the entire country now swung from a beam with a cloth around her neck, maggots crawling all over the open scar that destroyed her once beautiful face while fat flies buzzed about.

Upon seeing the bracelet that she gave her daughter fall to the floor and break into countless pieces. The pale concubine let out a ear piercing scream before fainting, eyes rolling back.

The last scream had drawn the master of Xue manor to the courtyard.

As a general who had been to war, he had seen bodies in worse state than this but still it was his beloved daughter. The surge of vomit rose to his throat, a feeling of loss and shock filled him. Numbness taking over his fingers while blood seem to take a dip to his toes. Yet Infront of everyone he could not fall to his knees.


His face paled at the sight before him, looking towards the fainted concubine and the surrounding crowd. He swallowed back his sanity before calming his heart down.

"What are you standing around for? Quickly take the body down! And send the mistress to her room."

Heart broken from grief, General Xue could only hold back his tears. Turning them to anger for the people around and also towards the monster of a daughter he bore.

Looking at the physician beside the body for any hope, the physician only responded with a sad shake. General Xue knew it was an optimistic hope but still he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

As the body of his lovely daughter that he was proud of lay before him, he could only pray for her safe passage to heaven. Covering the face of his beloved daughter with the white cloth, he once again turned back to the servants behind him, and ordered

"Prepare a grand funeral... It is only what the genius of the century deserved..."

Over night the funeral was prepared meticulously. The entire house filled with white curtains draped over windows and pillars. The scent of incense filled the great hall a smoke so thick that it was a little hard to see.

The entire manor recieved instructions that while in mourning, they must serve 90 days of vegetarian food, the people of the house are to wear plain white clothes, no accessories of fancy colours allowed.

The maids who served Qiqi are to mourn their master outside her courtyard for 2 weeks, both day and night reading scriptures for safe passage and reincarnation for their deceased master.

While Zhenzhen fell gravely ill from the news, bedridden with a high fever. Her only twin sister who knew her like the back of her hand had left.

Each time she thought of that, a great sense of depression washed over her.

For the entire first week of mourning, Concubine Xia burned papers as well as replicas of Qiqi's favoured items. The swelling in her eyes stung as tears continued to fall. Her once peerless face had turned so haggard that right now it was to hard for General Xue to look at, he could only busy himself with work to forget the pain.

"Master, according to the great monk, the seventh is auspicious to open the doors to people to come pay their respects and pray for Miss Qiqi. "

The loyal housekeeper by general Xue's side spoke. Seeing how much the general avoided the topic his heart felt much pain.

"Send out invitations..."

With that command, he returned to his work, the dark circles under his eyes showing how much the situation affected him.

Of course, Feiyun recieved a letter too, just as she had expected.

Tianhuo who was all curled up with her under the warmth of the blanket questioned.

"What's that?"

Feiyun couldn't help but wonder if this man really cared for nothing but the people around him. Seems the news of Qiqi's death that spread like wild fire did not reach his ears.

"My younger sister died. They are inviting us to go over to pay respect."

Feiyun replied as she scanned the letter.

"Ohh?... When?"

Surprised that Tianhuo actually got interested, feiyun flipped over and buried her face into his chest. Tianhuo embraced her closer as though trying to steal his warmth.

With a tired sigh she replied,

"Tomorrow... I'm so lazy to go over, Tsk."

This was Tianhuo's first time hearing feiyun click her tongue. He let out a warm chuckled as he stroked her head .

"It's alright, I will go with you."

Feiyun wondered why Tianhuo who was so aloof would suddenly be so eager to go over. Glancing up, she caught the glint of mischievousness in his eyes.

'this man... He just wants to go so he could enjoy a show.'

Realising his intention feiyun let out a defeated laugh as she reached up and pinched his cheek, pretending to be angry as she scolded.

" Don't make it so obvious!"



I'll release this first to satisfy you guys!!! to all who were disappointed that feiyun let Qiqi off too lightly, heres the surprise for u! Hahaha oh well time to continue writing.


As for the Wang Hu tribe i intended to name them [wang = king, Hu=Tiger] something like tiger kings for their ferocious Warrior fighting style.

Also let me know down in the comments whether I should introduce a love rival :) I won't say whether it's for feiyun or Tianhuo. I do have something in mind but I will leave it up to you guys to bomb some ideas! 😁 !


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