《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 21: Sinful


Upon seeing the Royal White Tiger sigil on the approaching carriage, the old maid quickly rushed in to inform her master.

Who didn't know that the death of lady Qiqi was because of Feiyun. It's hot topic among the servants inside Xue mansion and nobody wants to align themselves with Feiyun. At most this was a good opportunity to get on the good side of the Xue family.

"Madam, Prince Tianhuo and Princess Consort Feiyun have come to pay respects."

Panicked and out of breath, the maid blurted out as soon as she ran into the Great ancestral prayer hall. Gasping for air when she realised Concubine Xia was staring coldly at her.

With a tight slap to the maid's face, Concubine Xue spat out

'You dare to barge in hear yelling out so loudly. A lowly maid dare to ignore the rules and disrespect the ancestral prayer hall?'

Concubine Xia wiped her hand on a handkerchief before stepping pass the maid that had fallen to the ground kowtowing in fear. Quickening her steps to the main gate, her eyes sharp with killing intent.

Despite her obvious hate towards feiyun, the latter still had a backer with a high position, Concubine Xia could not afford to offend the cold man beside Feiyun.

Feiyun was dressed in a black robe with simple pattern of black butterflies around the edges of the sleeve hems. Her mask was also black, covering her entire face revealing only her apathetic eyes.

As Feiyun gracefully exited the carriage with Tianhuo lending her a hand to step off the carriage.

The scene at the tournament played back in concubine Xia's head. Right now, hate was barely enough to describe the overwhelming feeling within her.How her daughter had suffered at Feiyun's hands, she watched it all happen. Her fingernail digging into her palms, causing blood to slowly drip, wishing that she could really break the legs of the little girl standing in front of her.

When Feiyun stepped off the carriage, their eyes met. She could clearly see the killing intent in Concubine xia's eyes.

Having caught sight of the blood. A smirk fell on her face. Even though the mask Feiyun was wearing perfectly covered it, her voice held am obvious trace of sarcasm.

" What? Even you can bleed?"

Just when she finish a large stone flee in her direction, which Tianhuo caught with ease.

Turning his head to stare at the trembling girl. Zhen Zhen felt her breath stuck in her chest. Eyes that seems so dangerous and angered as though they were pits that could swallow mountains. Frozen in her place, Zhenzhen's back numb with sweat.

"Your hands, does it hurt?"

Feiyun caught Tianhuo's other hand and carefully inspected his palm after throwing the rock away.

This action brought Tianhuo's gaze back to Feiyun, returning it to a gentle and serene deep blue eyes that was reserved only for Feiyun.

" y-you dare to be rude? Have you no common sense? You dress in full black thinking to offend my sister who you killed?"

Having recovered herself, Zhenzhen accused from beside her mother, tears falling from her eyes which were full of hatred.

"Is it wrong to wear black to a funeral?"

Turning to Tianhuo, Feiyun asked softly. Truly from where she came from black was a colour used for mourning.

Placing a stray hair behind Feiyun's ear, Tianhuo who was also dressed in black simply shrugged.

Ruyi who was behind them closely, approached Feiyun and whispered an explanation.

"For funerals white is the mourning Color to represent rebirth while black is a taboo Color that represents the reaper. "


"Oh, I see...then there's nothing wrong."

Nodding her head, Feiyun finally understood.

"Y-y-you! Dare to ignore me? You murderer?"

Finally sick of the screaming and shouting from Zhenzhen, feiyun turned back to face the woman with an apathetic gaze.

"Murderer? I have not come close to her ever since the tournament. Who are you to slander this Princess, have you forgotten the punishment from the other day?"

Feiyun shrugged her shoulders as she leaned against Tianhuo's arm, her hand laced together with his.

"Hmp. Destroying her voice and ruining her face. Its you that forced my sister to death!"

Blinking back tears as she continued, a slender finger pointing toward feiyun. Right now she did not care if it was a princess or a king. Zhenzhen's hate for Feiyun was exceeding common sense.

"You should kowtow all the way from this gate. Each step to ask for forgiveness."

A cold smirk appeared on Feiyun's face. Tianhuo however did not like the way the little girl was talking to feiyun. His anger rising bit by bit. Just thinking about crushing the little girls slim throat was as easy as flicking his sleeve. But he knew this was Feiyun's fight, he had agreed not to step in.

"Oh...So to pay respect to my younger sister I need to kowtow all the way there. So sister can I ask, did you kowtow all the way to my mother's coffin during her funeral?"

Zhenzhen felt her words caught at the sudden question. After a pause,she replied firmly.

"I did not do anything I need to ask forgiveness for. Why should I kowtow?"

"Then I shouldn't too. After all she committed suicide. Her death has nothing to do with me. She only has herself to blame for being weak and losing to me in the match. To think she would take her own life because if a loss."

Playing the pityful girl, Feiyun shot a quick glanced at concubine Xia. A flash of sarcasm in her eyes.

Just as Zhenzhen was about to continue Concubine Xue walked over to Zhenzhen who was arguing in front of the manor with no regards to her actions and appearance. A loud clap resounding sound of skin on skin contact filled the air, silencing everyone.

"I apologize for not raising my daughter properly. Please, this way."

After a quick bow, Concubine Xia spun on her heels and led the way to the great hall with haste. Pulling Zhenzhen who was still in shock with a hand over her cheek, the red mark remained showing how hard the force had been.

Feiyun smirked, as she pulled Tianhuo along. Their fingers laced together with not a care for the people around. Such public display of affection was not normal for people of this time and was embarrassing for others to look at. Yet to the two who couldn't be bothered about others, they felt it was only natural.

In the great hall, at the furthest end, General Xue was sitting with a scroll in his hand. Upon seeing Tianhuo, he stood up to greet in a deep bow.

His eyes fell onto the monster of a daughter by the Prince's side and instantly turned cold.

"Father, this daughter is here to pay respects."

Feiyun's tone was unfeeling and emotionless. Barely giving General Xue any face. She leaned back in a relaxed manner, not a trace of regret or guilt. After a long time observing Feiyun, the general finally let out a cold sentence.

"...You dare to show your face here."


'Ohh...Finally showing his true self. '

Feiyun smirked as she saw the cold eyes. She didn't think it would be so easy to make this crafty fox reveal himself.

"I have done nothing why should I not be here. Fathers invitation and sisters funeral if I don't come won't people point fingers at me and call me cold blooded?"

Feiyun replied innocently.

Slamming his fist on the table, general Xue's voice grew.

"Nothing? Destroying her voice box. Humiliating her on stage. And then scarring her face with no hope of recovery. You still dare to say you are not cold-blooded?!"

With that he toss a scroll with a red ribbon to Feiyun and continued,

"The day she return from the match she sobbed nonstop. Hid herself in her room for days without eating and just when we thought we would try cheering her up we find her hanging from a beam. Her last words, you read."

Picking up the scroll, Feiyun carefully untied the ribbon and unravel the contents.

"To my father and mother. I'm sorry your daughter is useless. I hope you will forgive this selfish me but I can't go in like this. I'd rather die than suffer this life disfigured.

To the one that forced me down this road... I curse you. I curse 7 generations. For your great sin you will forever be condemn to the lowest level of hell. "

'Sin? There is none much greater than what your family have done to both feiyun and her mother. They call this a great sin? I've barely gotten started.'

Feiyun thought to herself as she reached the end of the letter, her eyes turning sharper and colder with each passing moment.

Once she was done reading the letter Feiyun simply set it down and neatly tie the ribbon around it. Sipping on the tea like it's got nothing to do with her.

"Well she did not mention anything about me. Why did I become the culprit that forced her death. It could be someone else."

Seeing no change in the girls attitude. General Xue grew angrier. He flicked his sleeve as his eyes glared at Feiyun.

"Lead this sinful girl to the great ancestral hall. Starting today, this kind of daughter I do not have."

"Oh? Father do you mean that?"

A smirk appeared in Feiyun's face, one that could clearly be seen through her eyes.

"What's the use of having you as a daughter. To feel nothing after the death of your own sister. You're a monster. Even if i let the Emperor know, he too will abandon you! "

General Xue replied his voice loud with anger.

"Ohh... Im a monster... Then father do not regret this decision."

Standing up, she turned and with the support of Tianhuo, they stood up and left. The eyes of the entire family glaring at her retreating back.

The retreating back sent a weird feeling through General Xue's heart. His anger suddenly wavered with fear. Something about that daughter was not right, a storm was brewing.

The old house keeper led the way unsure of how to feel. The feiyun he knew from way back had changed as though a different person.

He used to treat her like dirt but now he felt like he couldn't dare. It was not because of Tianhuo but truly the aura of the girl was completely different.

Once they entered, the body that rest in front of the family altar sent cold blood running through the entire of the old house keepers body.

The body of Qiqi that was suppose to be dressed in a pretty white and burial robes had changed to a crimson red. As if soaked in blood for revenge.

The belief that the burying a body dressed in red would bring the ghost back as a vengeful spirit. Upon seeing the body, the housekeeper turned pale and quickly excused himself, disappearing from the area with quick haste.

However Feiyun felt nothing. She had already felt the aura of somebody hiding behind the large curtains of the room.

Tianhuo could not hide the smirk on his face as he moved away from Feiyun. He too knew of the presence behind the curtain. Deciding to play along, he circled around the body, a finger on his chin as he observed the body with a lifted brow.

"I didn't know they bury people in red robes... I thought they only do that to prisoners who committed treason."

Hearing that Feiyun stifled a laugh.

" You've mistaken. For traitors it's grey. This here means that the person would return as a vengeful ghost."

Hearing that the hidden person became angry. Such insensitive topic spoken before the dead miss. Not a sense of respect for the dead.

Feiyun moved closer to the body however she did not light the incense. Instead she walked pass it to the right where the person was hiding behind the curtain and bent forward as she whispered.

"Such a petty trick. If you want revenge come at me seriously. Ah, but don't worry, you're on my list too. Blood for blood. Tell your mother I know what she's done and I intend to return it 10 folds."

As she finished, Feiyun pulled the curtains open revealing a trembling little maid who she recognized as the one who followed behind Zhenzhen like a shadow. With a cold icy smile that didn't reach her eyes, Feiyun continued,

"Please relay that message word for word to your master."

The little maid slumped to the ground in fear. Her legs giving out when she met the cold gaze of Feiyun.

Turning around, Feiyun walked past the coffin and to the great altar that holds the families's memorial tablets.

She bowed her head deeply as if in prayer and then carefully picked up the cheap stone tablet with the name 'Imperial Princess Xue FeiYue' engraved on it. She carried it close to her bosom, as though intending to keep it warm.

As Feiyun approach, Tianhuo bowed his head to the tablet. Then he place his hand behind her as they both left, not sparing a glance towards the body or the other tablets.

With his hand on her lower back, they made their way to the carriage.

The little maid ran as fast as her legs could carry her to report about feiyun taking the tablet to the general.

General Xue grew more annoyed and threw the ink stone towards the wooden door. Breaking the door and sending aloud crash resounding in the quiet hall.

"Bring the family register."

The old servant by his side hesitated for a moment. Then finally seeing the glare in general Xue's eyes, he quickly scurried off. In a moment he returned with a thick scroll in hand.

General Xue unrolled to the first section. With a large brush movement, he inked over both Feiyun's mother and Feiyun's name.

"From hence forth the names Feiyun and Feiyue is no longer part of this household."

In the quiet courtyard, the little maid cried out for mercy.

"Mistress, that's what she said. I beg you to forgive this slave. It is truly what feiyun said ah! "

As the tears fell, the red welts on the back of the little maids calf only increased. Until the stick finally broke.

Panting and wheezing Zhen Zhen finally calmed herself down. The look in her eyes have changed.

The frail concubine pulled her aside and spoke. Combing the stray strands of hair behind Zhenzhen's ear.

"Calm down... Revenge. Only until we've avenged Qi'er will I rest. You must quickly get the crown princess title. It's the only way you'll get above that jinx status. The way we are now, we can't even touch a hair on her head."

Seeing the intention in her mother's eyes, Zhenzhen bite down on her lip, her heart heavy with vengeance.

"Yes mother. I know what to do."


Note: Hello everyone! thanks for waiting for this update!!!!!! Im so sorry it took so long! ;( but thanks everyone who have shown me their support!!

I'm finally satisfied with this last edit on this chapter. i swear i literally changed the whole thing because i felt it was not good enough so finally its done! Im going to sleep now, Yawns~

Once again do enjoy this chapter and leave comments if you have any!!!


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