《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 16: Pulling the fox's tail


"Your majesty, 4th prince Tianhuo and Princess consort Feiyun have arrived."

The voice of his trusted eunuch gentle announced, upon seeing the white stallion and two figures enter the arena.

"Hmp! Disgrace."

The Emperor sitting up high on the stadium box meant for royalty snorted, his beloved empress, clinging onto his arm, pretending she did not hear a thing.

Near the center of the stage, Crown Prince Ruofeng and Zhenzhen was cheering and giving words of encouragement to Qiqi who was participating in the event.

Their attention drawn towards the figure entering, Crown prince RuoFeng sneered slightly as he watched the two figures, a handsome man whose name shook the world and a infamous crippled princess consort who stepped on his tail.

The audience around started whispering all sorts of things as soon as their eyes fell on the couple who just entered.

"Is she for real?"

"A cripple taking part in the tournament, waste of time la!"

"Isn't that horse the one? Rumoured that it only acknowledges the God of War as it's rider."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yeah! I heard that a friend of the God of War even got kicked in the chest when he tried to mount the horse, really courting death."

Finding it amusing that people were gossiping about Tianhuo and Feiyun, Crown prince Ruofeng couldn't help but grin wider.

Yet somehow he felt that the more he looked on at the two who were immersed in each others company as though no one else mattered, the more his hatred and jealousy grew, this sense of annoyance grew in his heart.

On the large stage, all the participants had already assembled in neat formation, facing the emperor and the judges. Each emitting their arrogant aura trying to intimidate each other before the real battle even started.

The tournament would last for 3 days, first day was meant for only those who had special invitations which were usually powerful families connected in some way to the royal family.

The second day is open to public and anyone can join. And the third day is the finals.

When Feiyun barrived to her positioned marked with her name, It was only now did Feiyun realise that the whole competition arena had been waiting for her arrival before commencing.


If it had been anyone else, they would not have bat an eyelid and started but in the face of the God of War who would dare?

"Coming so late and still strolling in?"

Crown prince RuoFeng spat out, despite his princely appearance, right now he sounded like a lowly bully of the town.

Zhenzhen who was at the crown prince side, clenched her fist. How could she forget that just a month ago, she had so brazenly appeared at Tianhuo's doorstep and was punished. Right now she had crown prince beside her, she knew that he would back her up if they tried to bully her.

Zhenzhen held her head high, not wanting to spare a glance at the sorry sight of a sister.

Qiqi on the other hand had not given up. She still thought she was better than Feiyun and if she won the first prize, she would have a one way ticket to Tianhuo's manor. Her training had brought her close to Martial silver peak.

Tianhuo only glanced at the crown prince slightly before turning back to Feiyun, caressing her face slightly before dismounting, not a single word of response or expression.

This one move pissed off Crown Prince Ruofeng but bewildered many of the audiences.

In the large arena, that one action was watched by the thousands of audiences.

'did he just touched a woman's cheek that gently?'

Many of them knew the God of War who hated women and killed his brides. The curse of his blue eyes. All those rumors, and yet when they saw what he just did, they felt themselves starting to question the rumors.

With a wave, someone had hurriedly brought out a wooden chair. The news that Feiyun the crippled princess consort would be taking part had already spread and the hosts had already heard from the crown prince to prepare a chair befitting the cripple, so when he saw she did not bring her wheel chair he had someone send a dirty wooden chair that looked like it would break.

Upon seeing the chair, Tianhuo frowned. How could he let his beloved sit on such a hard dirty chair.

with the intention to break the useless chair, Tianhuo lifted his fist, power swelling, his eyes shone with murderous aura towards the innocent little servant boy who brought out the chair on his master's orders.


"That...is good enough."

Feiyun place her small hand on Tianhuo's. Calming his anger in an instant. His face remained expressionless as he silently picked her off the horse and place her on the chair.

Everyone was watching this, they smacked their forehead. How could they not have seen that. The God of War was indeed cruel and merciless just like the rumors. A moment ago he wanted to kill the servant boy yet with one sentence he turned gentle and he was only gentle towards his Princess consort.

Ruyi and FeiAn watched the reaction from a far, only nodding their heads, agreeing silently in their hearts. They knew exactly what was going through their heads right now.

An old man radiating aura of a martial warrior. The experience on the battlefield could be seen from the long scar on his face as well as the well built muscular body.

"We welcome you brave souls! Now that everyone has arrived, we will not wait any longer.

The rules of competition are simple.

1. All types of weapons allowed.

2. Deaths/killing is allowed. However if the opponent has voiced surrender, no killing will be allowed. If we deem that someone is breaking this rule, our champion who is near martial rank of a king will step in and stop you.

3. Cheating will results in a ban from the tournament for 5 years.

That is all. I wish everyone the best. Commence! "

After vowing to abide and respect the rules. The participants are sent to their respective boxes to await their turn.

Tianhuo picked her up and retired to the room they were allocated. The room was simple and adequate. A clean table arranged with tea and snacks near the window allowed for them to watch the event while waiting for their turn.

Soon enough a young boy arrived with a scroll, on it a number and a name.

"11th - Li Tingle"

Feiyin read the scroll and place it down, continuing her enjoyment of tea, the name bringing back a hint familiarity.

Right now was only the 5th battle, there was still a long time until her battle.


Tianhuo who had been silent up till now suddenly spoke. His eyes looking towards her.

"No... Just bored...waiting for so long. How about a game of chess?"

Feiyun smirked slightly. She could see that Tianhuo was bored too since he never watched the stage and had been reading his book in his hand until now.

Tianhuo smiled briefly and agreed. Ruyi brought over the chess pieces and to arrange for the couple., trying to ignore the eyeing of Feiyun.


Feiyun brought up as Ruyi was placing the little chess pieces on the board. Her mischievous eyes caught the very slight moment Ruyi froze when she mentioned the white horse.

Tianhuo had already seen the look in her eyes, and silently chuckled to himself.

'this girl when she's bored she starts picking on people.'

"So you were the one that the audience was referring to?"

Feiyun rest her chin on her slender hand, her eyes probing Ruyi to answer just like a snake watching it's prey.

Feeling ashamed Ruyi blushed and scratched behind his ear,

" Ah... That horse is a horse from the devil. I beseech Princess to not go near that horse. It's not very friendly to other people aside from Tianhuo."

"Pftt!.. horses are indeed intelligent beasts."

Feiyun laughed seeing how the usually composed and ever smiling Ruyi was pale as sheet and full of indignant. Truly her hobby was to tease people.

Tianhuo smiled briefly before adding on to the teasing, " when you win this tournament, Baifeng will be yours."

"Then since Ruyi has been such a good friend to me, i will award him Baifeng!"

How could Feiyun miss this chance that Tianhuo obviously set up for her.

"Ehhh?! No no no no. Please, only someone as magnificent as Princess deserves such a horse. Excuse me i will go check on the current status of the match. "

The flustered Ruyi spoke so quickly Feiyun couldn't even put a single word in before he left, disappearing into the shadows even quicker than usual.

"Pfttt! Hahaha"

A melodious laughter rang out in the room. Tianhuo was pleased to see her smiling and laughing. Unknowingly, a smile formed on his lips.

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