《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 15: His small revenge [edited]



At the house of the supposedly peaceful Xue Manor.

"Daddy! You need to help daughter take revenge! That jinx bullied us in front of everyone. Look at this wound on my shoulder, how could I win the martial art competition that's coming. hu..hu..hu.."

Qiqi was crying pitifully at the feet of General Xue. The toss from Tianhuo had dislocated her shoulder.

Scrunching his eyebrows together he couldn't help but flick his sleeve.

"Cry what cry? Who told you all to visit the prince manor without my approval!?"

General Xue scolded the two girls at his feet.

His eyes flew to the two copied books at his feet. Having flung them on the ground the moment he saw it was written in blood. His hands clenched into fists, trembling with anger. Yet he was left no choice but to bite down the anger to educate his daughters first.

"If the crown prince was to hear about this, where else will he want a Princess consort that does things without thinking!"

Zhenzhen could only look down in indignation. She had wanted to embarrass Feiyun but who would have thought that Tianhuo would appear.

"Get out!, I don't want to see your faces. Listen to my order, lock these two daughters of mine in their pavilions for a week. with no orders from me , others will not meet with them and they are not to step even one foot out."

With a fling of his sleeve, general Xue retired to his study leaving his pleading daughters behind.

But still he couldn't help but regret being so harsh on his daughters. Feeling his heart ache, once he entered his study, he turned to his trusted servant and ordered,

" Go out and find the best physician in town and bring him to Qiqi. Also find a nice set of jewellery send it to Zhenzhen. "

If Feiyun heard about how heart pain he was at just locking them for a week, she would definitely spit out blood. A week was even lighter punishment than that of what the emperor would give to a princess in the royal palace.

When feiyun was still in the manor, she was locked up in her rundown courtyard for nearly months and he didnt even bat an eyelid, only pretending to ask how she was from time to time. Still heartpained?

When the doctor arrived, he sighed with relief when he saw the injury on Qiqi could be healed.

" Hmm, this injury is healed. Just need 3 days to recover. Using this medical oil of mine, it should be no problem."

The old man stroke his beard as he reported to General Xue. His wise eyes sizing up the General before him.

He found it fishy that as great as the rumors about the general Xue was, this man before him gave him a irksome chill deep down.

'a man of great honour and bravery. Rushing to the battle front with the soldiers, fighting with his life on the line under the scorching sun and then leading night raids on the enemy camps at night. '

Or so the rumors went, but unlike a charismatic warrior the rumors portrayed him to be, his skin was peerless without a single scratch or scars and seemed so fair that he was never under the hot sun. Less could be said about his conniving eyes.


"Thank you wise master for troubling you. This is a little token of appreciation. "

General Xue smiled until his eyes couldn't be seen. He slipped a thick paper envelop into the wise old man's hands.

For well known physicians, people trying to win favours and bootlicking were a common everyday. Even the emperor himself has to be kind to well known physicians.

Not wanting to be dragged further into this shady situation, the wise physician returned the envelope and left, a hand casually behind his back indicating his unwillingness to accept General Xue's bootlicking.

'ungratful old fart!'

General Xue cursed through his teeth as he focus on the back of the leaving old man. Silently swore that in the future, the old man would regret not getting into his graces.

Of course the future that General Xue wanted wouldn't be as easy to obtain as he thought.


-one month later-

Feiqin watched as Feiyun who was deep in her cultivation and as still as a rock, with beads of sweat, each trickling down her slender neck, soaking her robes.

Feiyun opened her eyes, calm like the sea before a storm. Her eyes met the curious look on Feiqin's face.

"How are their training going?"

Feiyun spoke bringing a cup of tea to her mouth.

"Eh... They are progressing very very fast. The regime that you gave me, I've made sure they all learn it. They have grown tremendously in the pass month."

Feiyun nodded as she waved her hand, signalling to Feiqin to leave her.

Finally she was a step closer. After a long month of training and cultivation, the tournament is finally approaching and she had reached her initial goal. With the growing of her network association and shadow guards, she could finally reveal the fact that she was not a cripple at ease.

In the past, she had always strive to be the best in everything she did, to be at the peak of the world. She never knew why she had to, maybe it was her pride that couldn't allow her to do thing half-ass or the fact that she wanted her adoptive father to praise her and love her more.

That pride and attitude allowed her to soar and others viewed her as a genius or a threat. She knew it more than anyone that power would also lead to jealousy therefore she was even more careful than before.

Although she may not look like it, she knew she had to always be 3 steps ahead of her opponents. She would not let others find her weakness, especially in this world where she swore to avenge the previous Feiyun.

Lost in her thoughts, Feiyun made her way to the large bathing pool,undressing quickly and tossing aside the sweat soaked clothes.

Steam and mist covered nearly the entire room as she sat in the large knee high pool, lotus and other flowers floating on the surface adding flowery scent to the waters that cleansed her body. only after awhile did she realised that opposite her, across the pool sat a figure shrouded in the steam.

Her eyes landed on the tan skin full of scars and the body of thick muscles that resembled a god.


Tianhuo spoke, his voice gentle as his worried eyes met hers.


Feiyun was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realise that Tianhuo was here the whole time. The sudden meeting in the nude suddenly sent a wave of embarrassment through her. Even though they had seen each other's bodies, she still couldn't keep her eyes on him without blushing.


Wading through the water, His wet black hair fell like ink and stuck to his broad chest and back. His eyes were gentle yet held a sense of dangerous desire, so strong that feiyun couldn't pull her eyes away from his.

Tianhuo drew closer and closer, a strong hand held her neck, pulling her closer until their forehead touched and their lips connect. A tongue ravished her deeply completely roaming with unrestrained desire.

Along the steps to the pool, two figures embracing each other in passion, only the splashing of the water.

As the kiss went deeper, Feiyun couldn't help but let out a little moan, after all she too hadn't felt this man in a long while, she missed his lips, the way he touched her and his passion.

She could feel his warm breath as she clung to him, her desire for him showing through her reflection in his eyes. A finger stroked her sensitive spot, entering at will and beckoning and teasing her at all the right places.

However, as soon as he felt her twitching or reaching the moment, Tianhuo would stop moving. His eyes playful with mischief.


Feiyun noticed his behavior and laughed.

"For making me wait so long."

As easy as carrying a puppy, he picked her up and wrapped her in a large towel. Carrying her back to the room and dropping her on the bed.

Within a second, Tianhuo had flipped her around. A heavy moan escaped Feiyun's mouth as Tianhuo grabbed her hips hard and plunged deeply into her, sending her insane as he repeatedly pumped her harder and faster, he knew her body like the back of his hands, each pump hitting the spots, enough to make her scream.


Tianhuo's whisper sounded beside her ears, he didn't intend to be so rough with her but he could not hold himself back, throughout the entire month of training, Tianhuo had to abstain from any nightly romance with the exhausted Feiyun that he thought he would go crazy.

The passion continued, not slowing down, each body moving in a rhythm only they knew.

After 2 hours had passed, the room was finally quiet until Tianhuo broke the silence a slight worry in his voice.


"No...Are you going to be there tomorrow?"

Feiyun shook her head and asked as Tianhuo pulled her into an embrace, their bodies still sweaty from their passionate moment earlier.

"Hmn... you go, i go."

Tianhuo nodded, his blue eyes flashed a hint of mischievousness as he combed through feiyun's thick hair, the soft gentle motion slowly lulling the tired feiyun into a deep sleep.

The next moment, Feiyun's butterfly eyes fluttered opened to the sun light that sneaked in through the windows. Upon focusing, she realized that Tianhuo was already out of the bed.


A familiar calm cold voice rang from the other side of the room. Sitting there, Tianhuo was already well dressed in his black robes with silver design of a crane.

A tray of light breakfast was in front of him.

Feiyun shook her head, she didn't like to eat before combat. Usually she would just take some light high energy fruit bars but of course they didn't have that here.

"No thanks. I don't like eating before combat."

A sunny smile appeared on her face. Tianhuo didn't force her and only nodded, continuing to eat. His eyes following her as Feiyun stepped off the bed and prepared to clean herself up.

Once she was done, Tianhuo helped her into her robes that he had order made specially for her. It was a matching pair with what he was wearing; black with silver hems and a silver design of swallows while her thick hair was pulled into a high ponytail secured with a silver crown and pin.

If the people was to hear about how the fearsome God of War was obediently helping her wear clothes, their jaws would probably hit the floor.

Pulling on her hand, he led her out of her courtyard, what awaited them just outside the yard was a white stallion with intelligent eyes and alert ears, luxurious mane that gave it a majestic aura of a king breed.

Upon seeing the beautiful beast in front of her, Feiyun couldn't help but reach out to pat it. It's fur was as soft as snow underneath it was a hard and well trained muscular body.

Easily, Tianhuo lifted feiyun up on the back and mounted the white horse in a single leap. Their bodies close to each other, Tianhuo urged it into a walk, making their way to the entrance.

Only someone as aloof as Tianhuo would be able to ride a horse through his own house, where tiles were made of precious white marbles and pavements paved out of stones that could buy a years worth of food for the common poor folks.

When Ruyi saw the white stallion strutting out, immediately beads of sweat started pouring from his forehead. He felt his back went numb and his chest aching with pain.

"What's wrong?"

FeiAn questioned, she never saw Ruyi this pale and panic stricken before.

"Eh?..ah.. It's no...nothing."

Trying his hardest to compose himself, Ruyi smiled a little and quickly disappeared following the Whitehorse from a safe distance.

FeiAn could only shrug and kick her horse into following along.

Feiyun touched the white mane of the horse, " this horse, what's its name?"

"Baifeng (white wind)."

Tianhuo replied, his voice low and just above her ears. She felt his embrace tighten slightly, the mint scent that was unique to him, became stronger, sending thoughts of their passionate night before through her head, causing Feiyun to blush slightly. She cleared her throat, trying to maintain herself in front of the people moving around below them thankfully her mask was blocking her blushing face.

A smirk appeared on Tianhuo's face for a moment, the red tips of Feiyun's ears did not escape his observant eyes. As he thought, he simply enjoyed the company of his little lioness especially her spring like flowery scent that only she had.

Feiyun drew her attention away from Tianhuo's obvious excitement looking around the capital and the people who were either staring at them in awe or going about doing their business. The ride to the tournament place was silent only Feiyun looking around and asking Tianhuo questions about the capital from time to time.


note:Hello! thanks for reading up till here!

once again, thanks guys !!!!

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