《Severus Snape x Reader Story》Through the Pensieve



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BTW this chapter, goes back in time, so don't get confused and leave this book. I know it somewhat short, but hey! I wrote something.


ONE MONTH AGO (end of February start of March, or before Severus starts beginning to doubt himself)


I strolled through one of the many long corridors of the castle. I had always taken a liking to them: I did some of my best thinking in them. How? Not even I understood. I continued walking to the Headmaster's office. I shut the thought aside of (y/n) and I being together. If he found out about it. I shook the thought aside: he wouldn't find out, he wouldn't find out, he wouldn't find out I repeated in my head. I turned the corner swiftly and came face-to-face with the large, golden Griffin statue.

"Sizzling Salamanders Sliding Superbly." I muttered. I honestly had no idea why he came up with these ridiculous passwords.

The Gryffin swung around slowly to reveal a hidden set of staircases going up his back. I easily climbed them and entered the Headmaster's office. It was just as it always has been. The large, polished redwood desk in the center of the room with two twin staircases leading up to another floor. Large models of planets and stars drifting about in one spot, and the silvery pensieve in the other; it's transparent white-blue light scattered above it.

"Ah, Severus. Glad you could make it. Please, take a seat." gestured the older wizard.

"I am perfectly fine standing, headmaster. Thank you." I said smoothly.

"I would expect nothing other than that from you Severus. Actually, most things in fact." Dumbledore made a thinking expression. "But your pattern has suddenly deferred. You attended the Valentine's Dance to my surprise. Any reason for such actions?"


"I attended it simply to be there, Headmaster. Nothing other." I said, letting the lie roll off my tongue.

"Hmm, yes. Do you recall myself saying that you needed not to be there?"

"Yes, I do." I stated simply, but I was starting to get nervous. "I had nothing to do that evening, so I decided to provide myself with some means of entertainment."

"Of course. We all get tired of grading papers after a while...even for fifteen years straight?" he raised a pure white eyebrow.

This wasn't going good. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," the Sorcerer sighed, "I mean, you haven't been yourself, Severus. Normally, you would skip such occasions."

I stayed quiet. I knew anything I said could be used against me. He looked at me with those crystal-clear blue eyes. I stayed expressionless, a void of black and pale white. A ghost.

Albus sighed. "It seems I was wrong. You may go about your business Severus. Good night."

"Wrong about what?" I asked, an edge on my voice.

"Oh, nothing, nothing important." He waved at me as he turned around.

I turned around and tried to seize my panicking heart in my chest. I swiftly walked out and let the panic loose in my head.

Oh my Merlin...he knows. He knew from the beginning, didn't he?

My head pounded with the harsh thought.

I am surprised he didn't fire me. He must've thought otherwise....when I was in there. That's why he was asking.

I walked down to my office and shut the door behind me. I let myself slip down it to the cold floor, resting my head on the dark oak. What am I going to do?

"Hey Severus!" said a exited voice walking out from my kitchenette. "I made you some..."


She saw my current state and walked over, placing the steaming mug on a nearby table. She sat down next to me on the door.

"What happened?" she said.

I waited a few seconds to find the right answer. "Nothing important."

"That's rather vague."

"I know. But, it's classified information."

"Right. About you-know-who and his cult."

"It's not a cult."

"Alright then, evil wizard club."

I groaned. "No. It's a group of terrorists....that I'm a part of." I said the last part quietly out of self-shame.

She looked at me with those (y/e/c) eyes of hers instead of saying something lecturing and truthful, she said. "Evil Wizard Club it is."

We laid there together in silence, just sitting together. I felt her softly stroking my hair, feeling every tug. About five minutes passed before she stood up. I followed her movement with my eyes, continuing to stay on the floor.

She planted a soft kiss on my cheek and mumbled in my ear, "I gotta go. My friends will be looking for me."

She opened the door and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I didn't know which of them was worse. But I knew what I had to do.

For her sake, and mine.


I sat alone in my office, listing to the pelting rain outside. Apparently, I had been wrong. Which is a first. I had been suspecting (y/l/n) and Severus for months, but the way he reacted was just like he normally did. Which made me have the sudden, fearful thought. He knew that I suspected something, so he will act on it. And I fear it may not be in the best way. I glanced a Fawkes, who looked at me with his black eyes with some sort of regretful face. I had definitely affected the situation, whenever they liked it or not.

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