《Severus Snape x Reader Story》Pain




Me and Harry slowly made our way up back to Gryffindor Tower. He dragged me up from the dungeons and up a few floors. After a while, I honestly tried to stop the tears from leaking all over, but they utterly refused. They rolled off my cheeks like rain in a hailstorm. Harry stopped walking, even though we were only a few feet from the Portrait hole and turned towards me. He took a few steps closer to me, but didn't invade my personal space. He took my hand in his, but it wasn't a romantic gesture, but more like a 'I'm here for you' thing.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked genuinely with concern. "What happened? You haven't bothered to tell me."

"I-I-I don't know." I explained between sobs. I started to cry more, the memory replaying itself in my mind. I started to cough and choke a little from taking such large and quick breaths back-to-back.

"Don't overwork yourself trying to tell me. Just...let's get you back." He led me by the hand to the tower and uttered the password to the Portrait (Quail Cupids), seeing I couldn't talk.

When we came through the hole, especially with me sobbing, the whole house (who happened to be celebrating over the fact that Dean Thomas had put a flag on the top of the tower so that we were officially taller than the Ravenclaw Tower) turned towards me and went silent.

And stared at me.

Harry mumbled something like, 'Don't ask, just get off the couch guys.' and laid me on the couch and put a blanket. After seeing my chest flutter and quake still, he sighed. I looked at him worried, but I was still tormented by the memory. It was like a whip being brandished; it would always make you flinch or look away.


"Guys, we need to contact them." said Harry.

"No, no, no. We can't! You know what happened last time!" exclaimed Ron.

"I agree. They took over the tower for three days! And left their reasonably okay cookies everywhere!" said Hermione in a heartbeat.

"We have to...for (y/n)'s sake." He looked at me and back at them. "Grab an owl, would you? I need to send a message."

"U-use D-dean..." I shuttered out. I wanted to help them out. Especially if it meant helping me out to.

"Alright. Some one go get Dean!"

A few minutes later, Dean was retrieved. He looked around the room like, what. You're throwing a party without me?

"Dean," said Harry finishing the scrawly-handwritten note and tying it to his leg, "Get this to Hufflepuff. Quickly."

Dean hooted and flew off into the hallway, and out of sight. Harry turned his attention to me, along with all the other Gryffindors.


I headed down as quickly as I could to the Hufflepuff's place, or 'chill lounge' as they call it. I remember how my master looked and shuddered. One thing could cause this: heartbreak. Worse, the heartbreaker Snape's office was right next to the Hufflepuff's place, and there was a good chance of him recognizing me. I turned a corner sharp, grazing my sleek feathers across its surface. I flapped a few times and floated down into the dungeons.....where Snape was.


I tried to avoid him, but he simply said, "Accio Dean" and I found myself being pulled right next to him. My claws stuck to his thick clothes. I hooted annoyedly.

"You're (y/l/n)'s..." he murmured.

He muttered something else, but I couldn't quite hear it mainly because, of I don't know, of what this complete bastard did to her. So, I bit him on his exposed finger, making him give out a yelp of pain. I quickly took the chance to fly and I did, all the way to the Hufflepuff HQ. Problem solved.



"W-What was that all about?" I said through tears.

"Don't worry. We called for backup." said Fred.

"And it's good backup, so don't fret." said George.

Within a few minutes, I heard a loud knock and a, "OPEN UP" at the door. Hermione got it and let the ten beings in.

"WHERE IS THE PATIENT." bellowed Chase with a mob of other Hufflepuff's behind him. I would recognize that voice anywhere..

"Uh, over there." Hermione pointed.

The group of Hufflepuffs barged over to me and immediately wrapped me in at least fifteen blankets, gave me seven boxes of tissue, a good story book, and another barged in the room with a tray of cookies. Ron tried to reach for it, but Holly slapped his hand.

"NO TOUCHY!" she exclaimed.

Ron backed up with his hands in a 'I surrender pose' and shot Harry a look saying, ' I totally told you so'. Holly marched over to me and shoved a cookie into my mouth. It was still warm, and my favorite.

"Don't talk; just eat and not choke." She said sternly.

I ate the cookies quietly, making sure I didn't choke on them. Somehow, it actually helped. I guess by not breathing in at such a quick rate, it would bring my blood pressure. And the fact that the cookies melted in my mouth. I chewed and swallowed the last one, not understanding how I could do that under so many layers of blankets.

"Better?" asked Chase and Holly simultaneously.

"Much. Thank you guys." I said wiping some crumbs off my face. But with the wrong hand.

I gave a grunt of pain and hissed.

"Are you alright?" asked Holly worriedly.

"I...don't think so. I think it may be broken or something..."

"Why? What happened?" she asked.

The whole room listened in. I was pretty sure they were going to track down who-or-whatever did this to me and nail them in the head with a shovel or something. Or poison.

Either or to be honest with my self.

"I-I don't know...one second I...." I started to get all weepy again.

"Whoa whoa....save it for now. You can tell me later." She hushed. "Let's get you to the Hospital Wing."

I nodded, and helped her (with my good hand) to remove all of the blankets that cocooned me. I soon was out and Holly and Chase helped me to the Hospital Wing.

I doubted this is going to end well.

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