《Severus Snape x Reader Story》Harry


Hello Lovelies! Here is a new chapter for you all. But there is a little bit of violence, but it isn't


It was officially spring now. The snow had finally started to melt away in March's warmth, but more came. But now, coming across April, there was some newfound hope. Speaking of which, I still hadn't figured out why Snape was avoiding me....it was so weird. Ever since that Valentine's Day Dance. I know he brought me back to my dormitory, and that he left. I continued walking up the stairs to the girl's dormitory with Dean. According to Malfoy, he had been temporarily blinded, but Snape managed to fix it. I hopped onto my bed, telling Dean to stay still for me. I checked Dean for any additional injuries while giving him some treats. His wings, feet, and head seemed to be fine. Except for his eye color. Instead of hit usual bright, tangy, orange-yellow eyes, they were replaced with an amazing violet purple. Honestly it didn't matter: he could see again. Speaking of that....I should go thank Professor Snape after class. I don't know why he has been avoiding me lately. Ever since the dance...he's been a bit off. I really hope he's not sick or something. I huffed and looked at Dean, who was happily munching on a mouse head. And....he swallowed it whole. I let my entire body shudder at that. This owl sometimes just scared me at times.

"Okay Dean. You chill out. I have to get to class now. Oh," I emphasized, "Don't poop on the bed. I hate it."

He gave me a look. Fine. I won't. I'll poop next to it.

"You're hopeless." I sighed before heading down the dungeons.

The staircases were unusually friendly today, letting me take just one down the dungeons.

"Did someone give you an extra polish or something?" I muttered.

I arrived on the bottom floor and took some turns at some fork-turns. Then, go down a small five-step staircase and walk further down. I could feel the air getting colder and damper. My feet (along with the rest of my body) clambered down the stony, gray steps into the dungeons. The torches casted eerie shadows off the objects, but lit the corridor up just the same. I heard the laughter of some Slytherins entering their common room and I let loose a small smile. Hopefully Draco was doing his job. I opened the heavy oak classroom door and walked in. My feet echoing slightly against the old stone floor. I wasn't late nor early. Some students were already putting their stuff down for the class. I sat in my usual spot in the top right corner of the classroom, near Snape's desk. I put my bag down and proceeded to retrieve my cauldron from the student's storage. Once I had done that, I put my notebook out (full of notes. And some doodles of a certain Professor) and started to do some new drawings. I thought they were alright. I mean, they weren't Picasso or anything. But it wasn't a kindergartener's painting either. Time seemed to speed up and the classroom noises seemed to fade as I worked.


"Ah, Miss (y/l/n). Would you be so kind to have us bask in your presence?" Hissed Snape.

I immediately snapped my notebook shut and put it away. "Sorry Professor."

"Fifteen points from Gryffindor." He added smoothly.

Anger raged inside of me, but I dampened it down with understanding. Our relationship must not be discovered. I decided to pay attention to the class. But still....fifteen points was a little more than usual.

The Professor explained that we would not be making any potions today. We were going to be watching a film on rare and different ingredients for potions and where to acquire them. There was also a quiz afterward about what we had learned. Why? He started the old machine with a flick of his wand. It whirred to life and a picture was generated onto the stony wall. Many plants and animals flashed by (mandrake, wolfsbane, Basilisk poison, Hippogriff saliva, etc) and I jotted down some notes on them to help with the quiz. Soon, the film stopped and Snape magicked the quizzes onto our desks and we began. Some questions as usual were ridiculously easy, and others left me wondering, wait - gimme a second - what? I always hated those questions. But pretty soon we all came up and gave our tests to him and exited the classroom, it was the last class of the day so we had time to do homework and practice quidditch. I made sure I was the last to give him my paper and I decided to strike up a conversation. Making sure no one else was in the room, I walked over to him and started talking.

"Hey, Professor. I just wanted to thank you for fixing Dean's wing earlier."

He grumbled something and walked a little bit away, not looking at me.

My eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong? You've been avoiding me even since the Valentine's Dance."

He didn't answer but he sat down at his desk and promptly ignored me. He began to grade papers.


"What's wrong with you?!" I raised my voice slightly. "Did I do something? Was it me?! Tell me Severus!"

He just sat there, writing and scribbling on tests. I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder for a second. "Severus. You can tell me."

And what happened next shocked me to the bone.


I stood up abruptly and threw her hand off of me with such force I caused her to fall onto a desk. I heard a whimper, but thought nothing of it because she got back up.

"You want to know what's the matter? IT'S YOU! You are just so annoying and such a thorn in my side. It's a wonder how you even managed to pass my classes. Perhaps that Malfoy boy had the right idea....treating you how you deserve to be treated." I spat.

Her lips quivered, trying to find the right words to help her. But none came.

How pathetic.

I walked right up and grabbed her hair pulling it towards my face. "Listen to me and listen well, I do not want you anymore, you pathetic girl. Never bother me ever again. LEAVE!"

I threw her down against the floor and walked away towards my office. I slammed the door behind me.


He threw me into a desk and onto the floor. I was pretty sure my wrist was broken or sprained. And it was obvious that I would have some form of bruise on myself tomorrow. I sprinted out of the dungeons and up to some random floor with the words echoing through my mind constantly.

I do not want you anymore

you pathetic girl

Pathetic girl

do not want

do not want

not want


It was too much. I ran away, my robe flickering behind me. The tears blinding me so much I just ended up crumpling against a wall and sobbing. I lost track of time until I saw the blurry outline of a familiar figure.

"H-Harry?" I whispered fearfully. I pressed my back harder against the wall, trying to shrink away.

"I'm here to help....if you would allow it. I know what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry for it. " He said shamefully. "So...if you want some help, I'm here. I mean after all, you were always there for me."

I nodded. I was too broken down to think. I felt a hand grasp me and pull me up. I was a bit shaky so I leaned into him. He put his arms around me and did his famous bone-breaking hug. Only this time, I didn't mind.

"It's gonna be okay. Let's get you to the tower." He said letting me go.

We walked back together to the tower, leaving me wondering, now what?

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