《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Nineteen


I can hear T-Shirt by Migos radiating throughout the room, and the red light that's illuminating the room is making her glow.

"Uh yeah, are you?" I asked hesitantly because just this morning she said that she wanted space.

"Not really but that's okay. I plan to change that." I scrunch my eyebrows together at that.

She reaches for the bowl in my hand but I pull it out of her reach.

"Yeah that's not a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because smoking after drinking is never a good idea."

"I didn't drink a lot."

"Yes you did Josie, I watched you pour your drink."

"Back to watching me I see."

"Hard habit to kick, I guess."

"If I am being honest, I don't mind it. Better question though, why were you watching me while you were dancing with Jordyn."

I take a rough swallow feeling my throat go completely dry from her boldness. I clear my throat.

"Why were you watching me dance with Jordyn?"

She doesn't answer but she pulls my hand into hers and starts playing with the rings I have on my fingers.

"I didn't know this one was engraved."

"Yeah it's something you don't see unless you're in close proximity, which is odd, I could have sworn you said you needed space earlier."

"I wasn't aware that I hurt your feelings."

"Well it wasn't fun to hear."


"I don't know."

"Yes you do Cypress."

"I don't know what you're hinting at. Please enlighten me." 

I know exactly what she's getting at but I want to hear her say it.

"Well I think it's the same reason Finch broke up with me today."

Wait Finch broke up with her, is that why she's drinking and being so bold right now.

"Jos, I'm sorry, are you okay."

"Yes I'm fine but aren't you more interested in the why."

I give it some thought, before nodding slightly.

"Because she thinks I have feelings for you." She says as she positions my hand that she's still holding to point at myself.

"I mean maybe she's right, I mean I came here sad wanting to drink my sorrows away but when I got to the table I saw you dancing with Jordyn and then all that I could feel was how much it sucked to watch you put your hands all over her. I mean really Cypress did her body need that much attention."


This would have been nice to hear if I knew the actual amount of alcohol she had tonight.

"Josie, you're drunk. You're not going to feel this way tomorrow."

"So are you, but why don't we test that theory while I am feeling bold, and you come dance with me."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Cypress, I am buzzed, not drunk. Do you really think Lizzie would let me be here if I was."

Okay she does make a compelling point.

"Josie, I don't want to take advantage of you."

"You're not Cypress and I don't think you ever would."

"Okay but if you wake up and hate what you did tonight, remember you asked me."

"Okay deal. Now come on." She says as she gently intertwines our fingers and gets up, leading me to where the others are dancing. Slide by H.E.R. is playing in the background.

When we start dancing I am nervous, I don't know what I am feeling for her and I can feel all the people staring at us.

"Everyone's watching you right now." I say as I look around the room to see eyes staring right back at me.

"Maybe they're watching you."

"They're not."

"Maybe they're jealous of you."

"There's no reason to be."

"Oh Cypress, I don't think there is anyone to be more jealous of."

Right after she says that she moves my hands from their respectful place on her back to a lower position.

"Are you sure, because this could start s–"

"Just enjoy the moment, it's just you and I, Cypress."

It is suddenly extremely warm in this room and I feel like I should shed my jacket.

She starts to twirl the baby hairs on the back of my neck and chill shoots throughout my body. She leans in close to my ear.

"Is this okay?"

I don't trust my words at this moment so I nod.

"I need words, Cypress."

Fuck the way that made me feel is 1000% not okay. I clear my throat again.

"Yeah it's good."

She lowers my hands lower until they're practically on her ass.


"And this?"

"Yep." I squeak out.

I don't squeak, and she seems to notice because I hear her laugh a little. What the hell is happening to me right now.

"You know, it sucked to watch the enjoyment on her face when your hands were roaming her body, but now I understand the enjoyment."

Okay I can't stand here like a prepubescent boy with my mouth dry the whole night, so I decide to give into my desires and play along.

"Jos, you were jealous because that wasn't you huh."

"I thought I made that obvious."

"Well I would say that wasn't my intention but I saw you watching."

"Oh you did, did you?"

"Yeah but let me make it up to you."

I slip my hands lower until they are resting on her ass and I give it a small grab, not wanting to overstep any boundaries while I am being bold.

I return, I hear a throaty hum, and I lean in close to her ear.

"Better?" I whisper.

"Getting there."

Well that was insanely attractive. Just as I am about to make another move I am pulled away from someone grabbing my arm. Before I get too far I tell Josie to wait for me and that I will be back.

I turn to see my kidnapper and see the blonde. Well shit, I am definitely getting chewed out this time.

When she stops dragging me around I can now see that we are in the middle of the woods.

"Really Merrick, I know I said that I liked you better but you groping my sister is still extremely fresh in my mind and I kind of want to slap you."

"Oh no, she's drunk isn't she. She told me she wasn't and she wasn't giving me any signs she was." I say racking my fingers through my hair roughly.

"No Cy, she's not drunk. What kind of sister would I be if I let you or her do that drunk."

"Okay, then why would you pull me away."

"Dogs aren't very smart, I should have known Clifford was no exception." She says almost to herself as I look back to where Josie is sitting on the couch where this all started.

"I don't understand."

"Here let me spell it out for you, she got broken up with today. I am all for you giving her a little fun but you shouldn't be treating her like every other girl unless you think she is."

"You know I don't think that."

"Then why are you dancing with her the same way I saw you dancing with that dog in heat earlier."

"Because she did just get broken up with, what if I am just a rebound and she wakes up hating everything that we did tonight."

"Holy god, Cy. There's a bigger chance of her doing that if she feels like you were just in it to feel her up."

I see her point. She knows her sister better than anyone. I should listen to her. Lizzie is very blunt but she also is very smart, she reminds me of Pen in that way. Oh fuck Pen.

No, I can't let that ruin this night for me.

"How do I fix it?"

"There you go, that's the people pleaser part of your instincts I was looking for."

Okay that one wasn't necessary but I give her a pass because she did just watch that whole thing with Josie.

"You show her how special you think she is, Cy. I will put on a slower song and you take care of the rest, yeah?"


"Good now go get back to my sister and treat her how she deserves to be treated."

I nod before turning around and taking a deep breath trying not to freak out, I have never really been good at this romance thing but I sure as hell will try for Josie.

I walk up to her while she's sitting on the couch.

"Did my sister scare you away?"

"Not exactly."

I extend my hand to her bowing a bit in the process.

"Would you like to dance with me Josette?"

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