《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Twenty


She narrows her eyes a bit in a silent question, but nods and takes my hand anyways.

I take her to the upstairs of the Old Mill because that feels like a more appropriate place for an intimate moment like this.

"What is happening right now?"

"You wanted to dance Josie."

"Yes but why are we up here?"

I hear Only by RY X come through the speakers and I take it that this is the song Lizzie chose.

"God I love this song." Josie says.

I step back and bow before grabbing her hand and pulling her in closer. I want to make sure that I am not reading this wrong and that I am doing what she wants.

"Are you okay with this?"

"More than okay." Josie says with a shy smile on her face.

"Good." I say as I twirl her out and back to me.

"Because this will probably never happen again."

She laughs at that as she puts her arms around my neck and I position my hands on her hips and start to lead her around the room stepping to the beat of the music.

It's like there is nothing around us at this moment, no people with their prying eyes even though I know they're right below watching anyways.

She leans in closer to me resting her head on my shoulder when she starts to quietly start singing along to the song. It sounds so beautiful to my ears I can't help but tell her.

"I love it when you sing."


"Yes, I only got to hear it at talent shows or plays but I always remember wanting to hear more."

She doesn't say anything and just responds with a watery smile. We're so close that we're practically hugging.


"I didn't know you were such a romantic."

"I'm not, but I have a good reason to try."

"The flattery is working for you."

I spin her out then pull her flush against my body before dipping her slowly.

"I'm glad because I am giving you a lot of things to hold against me in the future."

"I don't think you understand how much this means to me." She says as she kisses my cheek.

My face flushes, I can feel how red it is. I definitely know what I feel for her now. And from now on I only want to make her feel this way all the time. She deserves to have someone who's willing to show her how special she is.

"You're blushing."

I shake my head and make a fake frown.

"Nope I don't blush."

"You're adorable."

I can't contain the smile that places on my lips at the affection.

"Well I don't think you know how special you are to me."

"Cypress, you're saying all the right things." I smirk at that.

"It's the least you deserve, Jos."

Just then she grabs my hands and starts leading me down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I ask confused.

"Just follow me Cypress."

I do just that. I honestly think I would follow this girl to the ends of the earth if she asked me. She doesn't know how much control she has over me in this moment.

We arrive at the lake not too far from the party but enough that people won't come out here.

She starts to take off her sweater to reveal her lavender lacy bra. I turn around quickly trying to be respectful.

"Jos, what are you doing?"


"Continuing our fun, come swim with me."

"Are you sure, because I am almost positive that water is freezing."

"Cypress, look at me."

I hear her footsteps approach, and I feel her hands on my shoulders as she turns me around but I still have my hands over my eyes.

She tries to remove my hands but I don't budge.

"Are you sure I can look, because there is no going back after I do."

"Cypress, it's just me in a bra. We're not getting married here. I want you to see."

I slowly lower my hands. The first thing I see is how beautiful her features are under the moonlight. I move my eyesight down a bit to take in the image before me.

Josie is standing on the dock in front of me in a matching set, and I have to remind myself not to drool. Before I can think anything more about the situation she slips into the lake.

"Are you coming?"

Just like that I start stripping as well, and jump into the water. 

A shock goes through my system at the chill in the water, all my muscles tense up. I emerge my head from underneath and wrap my hands around my body.

"Aren't you freezing."

"Yeah but that's why you're here," she says as she approaches me and wraps her arms around my neck "to warm me up." She says with a smirk.

I wrap my arms around her bare waist in response.

"Who am I to deny a beautiful woman?"

"As charming as you are, I still feel compelled to do this."

She pushes off of me while I stand there confused. A second later I am being splashed with cold water.

"Oh it's so on." I say as I start splashing her back.

She's laughing and trying to get away but I have a secret weapon my father taught me.

I put half of my fist in the water and clamp down making a jet stream of water go wherever I want it.

"What, how are you doing that?"

"None of your business." I say through a laugh.

Once she realizes she can't go farther away she decides to get closer and before she can splash me I grab her hands.

Before she can read my mind I sink under the water to grab her thighs to lift her up.

"Cypress stop, no don't you dare." She says trying not to laugh.

I smirk against her stomach looking up at her. Then throw her into the air before she lands entirely into the water.

When she emerges her hair is covering most of her face. All I can see is the pout firmly placed on her lips.

I make my way over to her and bring her into an endearing hug.

"I'm sorry Jos I had to."

She lets out a huff before going under water to fix her hair.

When she comes out she has a smile on her face and she puts my arms back around her waist.

There's droplets of water on her eyelashes and the moonlight is making them shine. She's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, especially in this setting.

It feels like time has slowed around us.

I lean in and kiss her before I can stop myself.

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