《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Twenty One


I pull back quickly after realizing what I have done.

"Josie, I am sorry. I didn't mean to I don't know what came over m–"

I cut off by Josie's lips on mine. I gasp a bit just out of surprise before returning it.

It's probably the nicest kiss I have ever experienced. All I can feel is how soft her lips are and how well they fit with mine.

Before the kiss can get heated Josie pulls away.

"I was hoping you would make a move so I wouldn't have to."

I am still a little stunned, trying to process what just happened.


I shake away my frozen state. I notice the panicked look in Josie's eyes and I want to fix it, so I cup both of her cheeks before leaning up and kissing her forehead in reassurance.

"Yes Josie?"

"You okay?"

"I'm perfect, but it's getting late. Come on, let's get out."


I can still tell she's freaking out a little bit and so am I but I am not going to show her that.

I pull myself onto the dock first and help her out. We start to get dressed and it's a bit cold especially because we're still partly wet.

I grab my jacket and walk behind her holding it out for her to put it on. She puts her arms through the sleeves and I circle around her so I can zip it for her.

It's an action I have watched my dad do for my mom so many times before. It's something that I think is endearing every time.

"Thank you." She says shyly.

"My pleasure." 

She gives me a grateful smile and I sling my arm over her shoulders trying to extend as much heat as I can to her. She wraps my waist with both of her arms and leans her head into my chest as we are walking. I kiss her on the top of her head.

"Has anyone ever told you how sweet you are, Cypress."

"I can't say they have."

"Should I take that as a compliment. That you haven't treated anyone like me before?"

"Absolutely yes, but there's also not much of a competition."

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't been in a relationship before... not saying that were in one–"


"Wait, you haven't dated anyone before?"

"No I haven't."

"What about that witch, Madeline? I could have sworn you were dating."

"Uh no. That was a bit more, casual, that's a good word for it."

"Should I be jealous?" She says in a teasing tone.

"Obviously not." I say as I reach for her hand and intertwine it with my own.

With that we walk back in silence back to the school, hand in hand. As we approach the front door a question comes to my mind.

"Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?"

"I would love to."

With that we walk to my room. As we enter it's cold because I like to sleep in the cold. I see a shiver go through her body.

"If you're cold I can run you a bath."

"That sounds amazing."

"Perfect, lavender or vanilla?"

"Can you do both?"

"Of course I can." I give her a kiss on the check before grabbing some clothes from my drawers and putting them on the counter along with an extra towel.

I start to run the bath and make sure it's the right temperature. When it's halfway full I put the scents into the water.

When I exit I see Josie still standing there.

"Why aren't you under the covers or something?"

"I didn't want to get your bed wet."

"You're a goof." I say as I walk over to her and pick her up bridal style bringing her to the bathroom. "I don't care, I just want you warm."

She smiles as I set her down in the bathroom.

"There's clothes, and a towel. Feel free to use whatever you want."

"Truly thank you Cypress." She says just before she gives me a sweet chaste kiss. She pulls away and I lean forward chasing after her. She laughs at that before shooing me out of the bathroom and shutting the door behind me.

I grab my travel bag and some clothes and a towel before I make my way downstairs to take a quick shower in the communal showers. I know I smell like lake water.

When I am finished I wrap my hair into my towel and make my way to the kitchen to get some blood bags.


When I walk in with a stupid grin on my face and I see Lizzie standing there leaning against the counter eating a sandwich.

"Where's my sister?"

"Oh she's in the bath." I say as I make my way to the refrigerator. I hear her gag.

"Please, I don't need to know that your wolfy self was bathing with my sister." She says in a disgusted tone.

I almost choke on the blood that's going down my throat.

"No no, I ran a bath for her because she was cold. I showered down here." I say as I pull out the small travel bag from my sweatshirt pocket as proof. I watch as she takes in a relieved sigh.

"Good, good. I was worried for a second there."

"No it's nothing like that. I am sorry I didn't clarify."

"I am just glad that it was innocent Cy."

"Yeah also I should ask you, can Josie sleep in my room tonight. I promise nothing will go down."

"You better not be lying to me Clifford, you know she will tell me everything tomorrow."

"The most that will happen is kissing." I say being truthful because the blonde siphoner is quite scary when she has to be.

"Okay, but I am keeping my eye on you Cy."

"Rightfully so." I say as I throw away the two empty blood bags and move to leave.

"Thank you, by the way. For treating her right tonight."

"It's nothing she doesn't deserve. Goodnight Lizzie."

"Goodnight Clifford."

I smile while walking out because I hate to admit it but the nickname is growing on me.

I walk up the stairs and enter my room to see Josie on my bed under the covers reading the book of Emily Dickinson poetry I have.

She sits up when she sees me enter.

"Where did you go, I got worried."

"Sorry, I wanted to take a shower and get some food, but I ran into your sister."

"Oh no."

"No, it was okay. She said she's keeping an eye on me but that's her being a good sister. I can't be mad at that."

I crawl into the space beside her on the bed and take the book out of her hand.

"Have you read her poetry before?"

"Some, but there's a lot of pieces I don't know in here."

"Can I read you my favorite?"


I hold the book and she curls into my side. She lays her head on her chest and throws her arm over my torso. It's a nice feeling, I wouldn't describe myself as a cuddly person but I could get used to this.

I start to read I have no life but this– by Emily Dickinson.

I have no life but this–

To lead it here–

Nor any death– but lest

Dispelled from there–

Nor tie to Earths to come–

Nor action new–

Except through this extent–

The Realm of you–

"Isn't that a little gruesome, why is that your favorite?"

"I don't think so, I think that love is the strongest emotion we have besides loss. But the only reason there is a feeling of loss is because of love. The only difference is that love stays, prominent in memories you know? I think it's kind of beautiful that that's what we leave behind, and the fact that while you're living it's one of the good emotions we can get completely lost in."

"I love the way that your mind works."

"That is a compliment that I have never received before, thank you."

"You're welcome." She says as she leans up and kisses me sweetly.

"We should go to bed, it's late."

"Yeah but one more thing."

I nod, signaling for her to go on while I am shutting off the light.

"What does this mean for us?"

There's a million thoughts going on inside my brain. I can feel them pounding on my skull looking for a way out.

A relationship shouldn't be a priority for her at the moment. With everything that is going on I think that Josie should just have a friend.

Maybe its because I am being nice, not that she doesn't deserve everything that I have done, she does and more, but there could be false feelings because I am the constant right now.

"We can talk about it tomorrow, but I think we're just two teenagers having fun."

As soon as those words slip from my mouth she sinks into the bed. She turns away from me to sleep at her side almost on the edge.

Maybe that's just the way that she likes to sleep. I leave it alone and hug myself as I turn away as well, not knowing exactly what to do.

But the days vigorous activity has caught up to me, and I have fallen asleep before I can think.

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