《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Eighteen


I wake up the next morning to footsteps coming to my door.

Before I even have time to retaliate Jed opens the door and walks in, flopping onto my bed next to me.

I look at him with disbelief and then a smile comes to my face. I jump on top of him and give him a hug.

"Ouch, okay Cy careful with the ribs." He says through a laugh.

I fumble off of him as quickly as I can.

"I'm sorry I just missed you."

"Obviously not enough to not immediately take my position." He says with a teasing tone.

"Jed–" He cuts me off.

"I'm not mad about it Cy, you did what you had to and I heard you kicked ass while doing it."

"Yeah I guess."

"We have to throw a party for you tonight, it'll be great now that I am back."

"Then how about we throw it in honor of you healing, how did you heal so quickly I thought you were supposed to be out for a week."

"Yes, let's do it in honor of me. That's even better, and it's funny you ask about healing." He says as he gets off the bed.

I don't understand what he's doing until he opens the door to reveal a certain brunette witch behind it.

"I love you Cy, but I am going to go."

"I love you too, I'll see you tonight."

He leaves and Josie enters my room.

I walk up to hug her and she lets me for about two seconds before she pushes me away with a fist she puts against my stomach.

"I'm sorry J–"


I quickly shut my mouth and keep it shut, backing up a couple steps away from her.

"I understand that you had to do what you had to do but you also have to realize that you hurt a person I care about a lot. I can't erase that from my mind Cypress, I wish I could but I can't. So I just came here to tell you that I need some time to process it all, from every perspective. I am sorry for hitting you."


It hurts a lot to hear but if it will help her "I get it. Thank you for healing Jed."

"Of course, but I have to go. I'll see you later, Cypress."

"Yeah, sounds good."

She turns to leave and I walk her to the door. As soon as she exits I close the door behind her.

She just needs some time, and that's okay.

I go about my day as normal. I go down to the gym to see the pack. They're playing dodgeball with the medicine balls. As soon as Jed sees me he walks over to me.

"How'd that go?"

"It went alright, said she needed time and that's okay. Has anyone told you how Finch is doing?"

"Yeah they said she just needs bed rest for a couple of days but she'll be fine."

"That's good. Hey I was thinking, since you were out and I took the alpha position, I never really fought you, meaning you're still the alpha too."

"Wanna wipe the floor with me too?" He asks jokingly.

"No idiot, I want to lead with you, we can do it together. What do you think?"

"I think that is a great idea, thank you Cy."

"There's no one I would rather lead with, brother."

He smiles at that. I have never called him that before, but honestly I don't think I could explain him in a better way.

It's about an hour before the party and I get in the shower.

When I get out, New Magic Wand by Tyler, The Creator is playing. It's the perfect song to get ready for a party.

I step out of the bathroom with my phone in hand and I see Jed on the bed.

"Are you excited for the party? I heard the twins are coming."

"Yeah but I'm excited because it means we can party together again."

"Cut the mush Cy, what's going on between you and Jo?"

"Nothing as far as I know, we haven't done anything. We're friends if you can even call us that right now."


"I don't believe you for a second."

"Well it doesn't matter what you believe, that's the truth."

"Right, okay if you wanna play that game, there's a girl in the pack that's had her eyes on you. Jordyn, she's cute, you should give it a shot."

I know who he's talking about and she seems cool.

"Yeah sure, why not. I'm gonna need to smoke first though, care to join me?"


I threw on some loose fitting black jeans with some Nike blazers. Then a white shirt with a retro looking jacket over it. It's not going all out but I never go all out.

I walk into the party with Jed and the music is already blasting out of the Old Mill. People are cheering for Jed and he's soaking up the attention as usual.

I walk over to the table and pour myself a drink. I see Josie hanging on the side with her sister.

Josies wearing a cute pastel blue cropped knitted sweater with a blush colored form fitting skirt. She looks beautiful so effortlessly.

Jordyn steps into my view effectively blocking the twins.

"Hey Cy."

"Hey Jordyn, are you enjoying the party?"

"Now I am, you look great by the way."

"Thank you, you do as well."

"Want to dance?"


I take a large swig of my jack and coke before she drags me to the dance floor. The song How Low Remix by Ludacris came on.

I look over to Jed knowing this was his doing since he loves this song, he's also dancing with someone but I don't miss the smirk on his face when we make eye contact.

She puts her arms around my neck and starts swaying her hips. I put my hands low on her hips and match her sways. Letting the bliss of alcohol and weed hit my system in full force.

I look over to the alcohol to see Josie drinking and looking at us. She quickly averts her eyes when I look over.

It's probably the things I did before this party to make me do this but I spin Jordyn around so we're facing the same direction.

She catches on to what I want her to do pretty fast and I snake my hands around to her stomach. She's toned. I can feel it, and the thin material of this dress doesn't help.

Its easy to get lost in the moment when you're dancing. It's fun and I enjoy the atmosphere around us.

I know I am getting handsy, I can tell. Jordyn doesn't seem like she seems to mind though. She puts her hands over mine and starts guiding them around her body.

We dance for a couple songs and she invites me back to her room but I politely decline since I am here for Jed. I am dancing with him to one of our favorite songs to dance to.

We Don't Luv Em- Remix by Hoodrich Pablo Jaun is blasting throughout the woods.

It's one of those songs where it doesn't matter what we are doing in the moment we will drop everything just to dance together. So it's only normal that we kind of have it choreographed by now. We're in sync and everyone can tell. It's kind of an indescribable feeling.

We have been dancing for a while and I need a break so when the song ends I jump on his back and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you but I gotta go sit down."

"Don't have the stamina you used to huh?" He quips back.

"Shut up."

"Be careful Cy."

I see the couch that no one is using and sit down on it, noticing the bowl on the table. I grab it and take out my lighter to take a hit. I am blowing it out when I feel the couch dip.

"Having fun?" Josie asks.

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