《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Seventeen


I stand still as she starts hammering the side of her fists into both sides of my collarbone. She looks so upset that I feel guilty.

I take a swallow at her distraught appearance, tear tracks coming from both sides of her face, with nothing but betrayal laced in her eyes.

I did that.

The realization makes me sick to my stomach, so I let her keep hitting me until she feels satisfied because I feel as though I deserve it.

Just as she stops she starts fully crying straight up sobs. She sinks to her knees in front of me.

"Take care of Finch, take her to Cleo or someone who knows healing spells."

I slip my arm under Josie's legs and my other goes under her back as I lift her up.

"No no no, let go of me, let go!"

I can hear how rough it sounds. But I don't let go. I keep holding her.

"I'll take care of Josie."

I see them nod before walking out of the door with Josie in my arms. She's not crying as hard but she's still crying.

"I'm so sorry Jos, I should have never let you come with me."

She doesn't respond.

I head to her room and open the door.

I see Lizzie on her bed. She looks up.

"What did you do?"

"I just fought Finch to take top position."

I head to Lizzie's bed and put Josie down beside her sister. Josie immediately crawls into her twin's side looking for comfort.

"You let her watch you two, some of her favorite people, beat each other to a pulp?"

"She wouldn't take no for an answer."

"I don't care mutt, I thought you were smarter than that but I guess you're like every other dog."


I hang my head to look at my feet because she's right.

"I'm sorry." Is all I can get out before I turn to leave.

I make my way to my room feeling horrible.

I was excited for that fight, I knew I would win and I wanted to hurt Finch, but hurting Josie in the process was something I should have given more thought to.

I didn't want her to get hurt, and it happened anyway. In a way that I didn't even think about.

I know there's a party somewhere to celebrate my victory but this doesn't feel like something anyone should celebrate.

I held a life in my hands today, an inch away from death, and I did it willingly. There's nothing that's good about that.

I lay face first into my bed, closing my eyes and only being able to see Josie's distraught face.

The only thing it feels like I can do is cry, so I do.

It's a couple hours later when I hear a knock on my door. I don't want to see anyone right now. So I don't say anything.

My door flies open and I see a tall blonde Saltzman twin at the door.

"Were you seriously crying about this?"

I don't respond, I just sigh and turn over in my bed so I can pretend like she's not here right now. I hear her walk into my room.

"Oh nuh uh, you don't get to act like I don't exist when you scarred my twin, Clifford."

"I don't want to do this right now." I grumble out.

"Doesn't matter what you want, it's happening."

I sit up to face her because I know she will only leave when she's satisfied.

"She hates me doesn't she?"


"She should, but that sister of mine only has this big of a reaction with someone she cares about, seems like you're the lucky winner."

"Great, lucky me."

"Don't be like that you just became the alpha, you should be excited."

"Lizzie we have never talked, what are you doing here?"

"That's a lie I was the one who introduced you to the pack that's yours right now, don't I at least get credit for that?"

I give her an unimpressed look showing I am not in the mood.

"She is just upset. Give her some time, she'll come around."

"I don't blame her if she doesn't. I was so worried about her getting hurt physically I didn't even think about the emotional part."

"Yes Cy, you fucked up, for maybe the first time in your life. Get over yourself it was an honest mistake and it's not like my sister would have let you say no. She's an adult. She's just as at fault for this as you are okay?"

"Lizzie, you should be absolutely chewing me out for this like you were earlier. What changed?"

"Maybe because I thought about it and it was really sweet what you did for Josie and I. I mean really how did you know I loved zebra cakes. Plus you were really nice to her when I was in the therapy box, and I appreciate that. You're a good person Cy, and you're good to my sister with no expectations in return."

"I knew you liked them because you used to make sure to take them from the kids that were mean to Josie."

"See, and why aren't you celebrating your victory?"

"Because there's nothing to celebrate about what I did tonight."

"You know usually I would agree, but Josie also told me the things Finch said to her, so I fully condone dog fighting if it means she got what she deserved."

I chuckle a bit at the dog fighting comment.

"She did kind of deserve it didn't she?"

"Absolutely she did, thank you for kicking her ass in honor of my sister. I do like you better for her."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Uh nothing, I gotta go, proud of you Cy." She says hurriedly before leaving quickly.

Well that's easily the weirdest interaction I have had in a while.


Yeah so I wrote out the part where Lizzie hunts Hope, because in my opinion I think the previous writing showed Cleo is smarter than to leave that fire unattended to, especially without setting it all on fire. 

Also I need her for the rest of this story.

Also to the people adding this story to their reading lists, thank you so much. It makes me smile every time I see a notification.

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