《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Sixteen


Thank god she wasn't lying when she said this wouldn't take long. The necklace is made and I put it on about 10 minutes before I have to get to the gym.

"Cypress, are you sure that this is a good move? What if you get hurt?"

"I think that's the point of this whole thing."

"Then you shouldn't go, Cypress you're not invincible."

"I understand that, but I said things to the pack, and I fully intend to follow through."

"Okay then I am going with you."

"No you're not, I don't know how this is going to turn out."

"It wasn't a question."

"Then you have to promise me something."

She stands before me with a mildly irritated face not really looking forward to me setting boundaries for her.

But I don't care, she can't get hurt.

"You can not step in, no matter what, no matter who gets hurt, don't even think about it."

"I can't watch you get hurt and do nothing about it."

"Jos I am probably not going to be the one getting hurt alright, but I need you to keep your composure. If you don't think you can, you can't come."

"I can."

"Okay then follow me."

We walk down the stairs and head towards the gym with Josie close behind me.

I walk in to see the whole pack bordering the walls and Finch in the middle of the gym.

"Jo, what are you doing here?"

"I came to watch, we're having a conversation later Finch."

"Yeah we are, why are you walking in with her?"

"Maybe because I had to find out from her that you two were fighting."

"Or maybe you are cheating on me."

This is getting annoying.

"Enough both of you."

Josie looks at the floor embarrassed but Finch just looks mad.


"Why Cypress, you don't want me to talk to my girlfriend like that?"

"Honestly no, but I also think that this is a conversation to have behind closed doors and especially not when you're about to fight for something as important as this."

"Oh yeah I am sure that's all it was, how am I even supposed to believe this is a fair fight?"

"Because I spelled the charm." Josie cuts in.

Oh boy.

"For real Jo, you can't keep it in your pants huh, did you give her the treatment you gave me after a week of knowing her too?"

Josie visibly deflates, looking extremely hurt. I can't hold it in anymore.

"Wow you're a real classy act Finch, I am so glad I get to kick your ass after that."

I feel my eyes go golden.

I let her approach first, and it looks like she hasn't had proper training a day in her life. Can't say I imagined it any other way.

She's fast but she's being reckless, not looking for any moves I could make on her way over.

Better for me.

She tries to throw a punch but she puts too much force into it causing me to anticipate it and slip. While I am ducking down I throw a controlled punch to her liver. It looks like that just made her more angry but when people fight angry they fight without caution.

"That's all you got Cy?" 

I smile because it's funny she thinks she's in the position to taunt me.

"What are you not going to say anything to me, you think you're better than me?"

She tries to go for a kick at my face but I grab her leg and lean closer to her with a grin.

"A little yeah."

I grab the leg I have a hold of and twist it, causing her to fall to the ground in a spin, but when she gets there she takes out my leg with a kick. I fall to the ground, back hitting the floor.


She gets up and crawls over to me getting on top of me but I have extra weight on her which make it easy to flip our positions.

I wrap my legs around the base of her arm and put my feet across her chest, while pulling her arm out till it's fully stretched.

Arm bars fucking suck and I know that because Theo used to put me in them all the time. They're hard to escape unless your opponent has mercy on you.

That's not how I was trained.

I raise my hips quickly to put pressure on the joint of her shoulder, popping it out of place, rendering her right arm useless.

I hear her scream in pain.

Although werewolves can heal quickly I would say that we have a regular pain tolerance, which is why so many wolves think of this as a curse. Some wolves have higher pain tolerance while others have low ones, the only way to improve that is constantly getting hurt.

Thanks to Theo mine's pretty high.

I get off of her and stand up again. It takes her a little longer but she follows.

"If you submit now this doesn't have to continue." I give her the option of the out.

Instead of answering she runs at me full speed. I crouch and catch her arm and leg and use the momentum she created to throw her across the gym.

"I guess I will take that as a no." I breathe out under my breath.

She's stubborn. I will give her that but sometimes stubbornness is closely related to stupidity.

"Are you done?" I ask her as she's trying to lift herself up.

I look over to Josie. 

We make eye contact and she looks scared. I can't blame her, I just threw her girlfriend twenty feet. I see Finch running at me from the corner of my eye. I mouth I'm sorry to Josie.

I start to pick up my speed heading towards Finch. I jump into the air and put all my power into my wrist.

While in the air my fist collides with her nose with full force, making a disgusting crunching sound, before she falls flat to the floor blood already gushing out of the wound.

I hear the gasp Josie takes and hear her footsteps approaching.

"Hold her back." I say to the pack and they do.

I see her thrashing around and I told her not to interfere, but that doesn't mean I can watch when she's trying so desperately to escape while holding in her cries.

I walk over to Finch's body, her eyes are open but she's still laying there.

I kneel over her body and hold her down with my hands on her shoulders.



I crawl around to the back over her and lift her upper body to lock my hand in my elbow to position her in a chokehold.

"Don't make me do this Finch, I don't want to kill you." I whisper in her ear.

She shakes her head no, and I tighten my grip around her neck.


She's struggling to breathe. I can hear the wheezing. Then her eyes start to roll back.

"Come on Finch, submit."

Just then she taps my leg multiple times to signal that she gives up.

I take a sigh of relief about the fact that I don't have to kill her.

Just then Josie is let go and she comes running towards me with a fury I haven't seen before. She raises her fists as soon as she's close enough to me.

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