《I can't seem to let you go (A story I thought was Style but isn't)》Chapter 8


Kyle groaned as the sun rudely hit his face. "Fuck you sun." He tiredly mumbled, snuggling closer into Kenny's chest. Kenny let out a soft chuckle, lightly petting Kyle's hair. "It's not funny." Kyle huffed, trying to adjust his position to a more comfortable one. "It's not every day you hear someone say 'fuck you' to the sun." Kenny said and Kyle let out an annoyed whined. "Shut up Kenny and help me get comfortable again, I don't feel good." Kyle huffed. Kenny turned onto his side, just watching in amusement as Kyle shifted. Finally Kyle stopped with his one of his legs finding purchase on top of Kenny's, an arm wrapped around Kenny's chest and Kyle's tired green eyes meeting Kenny's equally sleepy gray ones.

"Mornin'." Kenny said, giving a lazy smile, pushing some of Kyle's hair out of his face. "Morning." Kyle hummed, leaning into the touch. "How are you feeling?" Kenny asked and Kyle shrugged. "My head hurts and I feel a bit drowsy but that's it. What time is it?" Kyle asked. "10:48" Kenny said pulling his phone out. "Shit let me take my shower." Kyle said reluctantly rolling over. "What why?" Kenny whined grabbing Kyle's waist to pull him back. "Kenny I don't wanna get up either but I gotta get my shower." Kyle sighed, holding his hand. "Where do you gotta go?"

"Stan and I are meeting up today." Kyle said and Kenny sat up. "What?! Why?" Kenny frowned and Kyle stood up. "We agreed to talk everything out today." Kyle said, looking through his closet. "I don't know about this Kyle." Kenny sighed. "What do you mean?" Kyle asked looking through his closet. "I just don't trust him, what if you both get back together and he hurts you again?" Kenny asked walking over. "Woah, Ken, we aren't getting back together. Stan is dating Wendy so there's no chance in that. Stan is still my super best friend, I miss him." Kyle said. "Just let me come with you at least-" "No Ken. Stan and I need to talk this out on our own. I'll call you when we're done and we can go get ice cream." Kyle gave Kenny a smile and his fears disappeared. God, did Kenny think that smile was perfect. Stan didn't deserve it.


"Now, tell me Kenny, should I wear something cute or casual?" Kyle asked pulling out two outfits and Kenny stood up fully. "You look cute in everything so its all the same." Kenny shrugged. "Kenny please this is serious." Kyle huffed as he hid himself behind one of the shirts to cover his blush. "I am being serious." Kenny chuckled, wrapping his arms around Kyle's waist. "Kenny, cmon, I gotta get ready." Kyle smiled, sitting the shirts down and wrapping his arms around Kenny's neck. "Oooor you could just stay with me." Kenny said, swaying them slightly. "Are you going to be this clingy when you and Butters start dating?" Kyle asked. "Huh? Oh-yeah- me and Butter's. I don't know probably." Kenny hummed, for a moment he had forgotten his feelings for Leo, too focused on Kyle's lips. Kyle finally stopped the swaying and cupped Kenny's cheek. "I'm going to go shower now Ken." Kyle smiled pressing a kiss to Kenny's cheek and grabbing an outfit from his closet before leaving. Kenny stood in the room alone face flushed and heart beating fast.


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