In Serial


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Author: Type:Male

Fed up with a world where science has made every fantasy a reality and people just don’t care about stories anymore, a young video game developer named Kai uses ancient black magic to transport himself into one of his games, titled: Choices.

Disturbed by his powerlessness on Earth, Kai makes sure to give himself the ability to change this new world as he sees fit, literally.

If you were ridiculously powerful, would you throw away all your morals and do whatever you wanted?
Would you find happiness? Would you find love? Or would you end up realizing that…

Absolute power is pretty depressing.

Note: The format for chapter titles is: “Overall_chapter_number POV_chapter_number: Chapter_title." Look at the POV chapter number to see who is narrating.

Thanks to Ia-shub niggurath and peacefulcatastrophe for editing. Also thanks peacefulcatastrophe for the idea for the new cover image: John Martin, 1789–1854. The Deluge. 1834. (Public Domain)

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