《I can't seem to let you go (A story I thought was Style but isn't)》Chapter 9


The warm air Stan felt as he stepped out of his car was a nice change to the usual cold air of South Park. The snow had melted leaving the grass on sloshy and nasty but he could care less at his point, he finally gets to talk to Kyle, he finally gets to clear everything up, he finally gets to have his best friend back. Quickly Stan made his way through muddy grass to their spot and there he was, sitting on a rock in all his glory. Stan felt a smile cross over his face. "Kyle, hey man!" Stan smiled sitting next to him. "Hey dude!" Kyle smiled back. Then silence fell over them, it wasn't their usual comfortable silence, it felt suffocating. Where did they start? There was so much to say.

"Well, there's only one way we can start this correctly," Stan turned to Kyle and looked him in the eyes, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying to you, I'm sorry for cheating, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for everything." he said. "Stan, I forgive you. I just want to know why you did it." Kyle said. "Kyle, I never wanted to. Wendy... her and my dad kept putting all this shit into my head. I felt like I had no other choice. I know it's a shitty excuse and it doesn't make up for anything I did. I should've never treated you like that you didn't deserve it. I just felt so pressured by them to be something I'm not. I'm just glad that you have Kenny to treat you right." Stan said, wiping the tears from his face. "What were they saying to you?" Kyle asked. "All this shit about how if I'm dating a guy I'll never be able to go pro in football, I don't even want too! They just made me feel like if I was with you... I would amount to nothing. Like I would never be good enough. I know they were wrong, I knew it then and I especially know it now but... It just kinda stuck with me." Stan said, looking at his reflection in the lake rather thank Kyle.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Kyle asked. "Because I know how you are, I didn't want you to get it inside your head and make you feel like you were holding me back because you weren't. You were pushing me to be my best self, thank you. I'm sorry I had to screw everything up and hurt you so badly." Once Stan was finished, he was shocked to feel Kyle's arms wrapped around him. "Why aren't you mad?" "Stan, someone once said 'We're all looking for answers. We all want to understand who we are and where we come from, but sometimes we want to know the answer so badly we'll just believe about anything.' and I believe that. Neither of us are good when it comes to figuring out who we were. I guess you were still trying to figure out yourself when you started dating me, and you realized it was a mistake a little to late and didn't want to hurt me. You've always loved Wendy, Stan, not me." Kyle said, but Stan quickly shook his head. "That's not true! It's the other way around. I always loved you, I still do! I don't think I'll ever stop. Second of all me dating you was never a mistake nor will it ever be a mistake. When I was with you I was the happiest person in the world! Just being next to you brightens my day! Please don't ever say I considered our relationship a mistake, because it was the best decision I ever made."Stan said, staring into those jade green eyes he fell in love with.


"You're right though-"

"I always am"

"Kyle-" Stan let out a chuckle

"Sorry, sorry, continue what you were saying."


"But I am always right... now you can continue.. Sorry"

Both Stan and Kyle laughed, for the first time in months it felt like they were back to their old selves again. It was nice. "As I was saying," Stan looked at Kyle causing him to giggle slightly but soon their faces went back to serious. "As I was saying, you're right. I'm still trying to figure out who I want to be, and no matter what Kyle I want you to be apart of it. Not as my enemy, or my ex, or anything negative. All I need is you." Stan said and Kyle nodded, "I feel the same Stan, I missed having you as a best friend." The ginger chuckled before seemingly remembering something. "I'm guessing you'll want this back," Kyle said as he pulled out the promise ring Stan gave him, "I would say you can maybe give this to Wendy, but it has our initials engraved into it and blue and green gems. Jeez dude, how much did this cost you." Stan's attention was poured onto the ring Kyle had in his hand. Slowly Stan released a breath he didn't know he was holding and gave a sad smile. "A lot of side jobs that's all I'm saying." Kyle started laughing and Stan grabbed his hand. "This may seem weird but you can keep it if you want." Stan said and Kyle gave hima kind smile. "I think I have a better idea."


"Annnd open them!" Kyle said as he led Stan through the Starks pond to a nearby area. When Stan opened his eyes he immediately realized where the were. "Kyle is this where I think it is...?" "The place where you gave me the ring? Yes, yes it is. I was thinking maybe we can put it in this tiny container and bury it here, along with any bad feelings for each other." Kyle said pulling out a small metal container shaped like a heart. Smiling Stan nodded. "I like that idea, it's kinda like closing a chapter in a book."Stan said, walking towards the tree they carved their initials into. "Exactly!" Kyle said and handed the ring to Stan, opening up the metal box. Stan placed the ring in it and made a small hole in the ground with his shoe. Kyle sat the ring inside the and let Stan cover it back with his foot. Suddenly a weight that was sitting on their shoulders lifted. "I.. surprisingly feel better." Stan said, "Not whole, but better." Kyle nodded giving Stan a wide smile. "Me too."


"I'm sorry for running away last night after we kissed, I think I just got scared."

"Sorry for keying your car."

"I'm sorry for not going after you after that fight broke out."

"I'm sorry I wasn't around more when you were hurting."

"I'm glad you're with Kenny."

"And I'm glad you're with Wendy."

'I love you, Stan' 'I love you, Kyle' They both thought simultaneously but gave each other a satisfied smile. "Hey, it's only 1:30, you wanna talk more?" Kyle asked and Stan quickly nodded.

Minuted quickly changed into hours and Stan and Kyle were leaving the pond laughing at 5 pm. "Bye Stan." Kyle smiled getting out of Stan's truck. "Cya dude." Stan said, watching as Kyle walked into his house before driving off.

Kyle walked into his room smiling like an idiot only to be met with a worried Kenny. "Kyle! What happened? I was so worried about you, I kept calling but you wouldn't answer." Kenny frowned quickly standing up and examining Kyle. "I'm fine Ken, Stan and I made up I guess we just lost track of time." Kyle said, shrugging off his jacket and holding Kenny's hand. "Well why didn't you answer my calls?" Kenny asked frown deepening as he took his hand away from Kyles. He wasn't angry, he just didn't trust Stan. "My ringer is messed up Ken remember?" Kyle said as he sat his phone down. Kenny only huffed and crossed his arms. "Are you... mad at me? Is it about us getting ice cream? We can go get some tomorrow, I'll even take us to the arcade if you want to make up for ditching you." Kyle said, a frown spreading across his face. Kenny felt guilty once he caught a glimpse of Kyle's frown. "I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you. I was just worried about you. I almost went down to the pond like three times but I didn't cause you said you wanted to do this on your own." Kenny said uncrossing his arms and cupping Kyle's cheek, "I'm glad your safe and I'm happy for you and Stan." he added kissing Kyle's nose.

Kyle smiled back at him pressing a kiss to Kenny's lips. Kenny immediately kissed back, eventually dropping his hand from Kyle's cheek to his hips. Kyle chuckled and his arms around Kenny's shoulder, letting out a soft squeak as Kenny pulled his body closer to his own. Kyle pulled Kenny closer to deepened the kiss, letting out the softest moan when Kenny's tongue asked for entrance into his. Kyle nor Kenny remembers how it happened but Kyle was pinned to the back of his door as they continued to make out. Kyle's legs, wrapped around the blonds hips. "Kenny..." Kyle mumbled finally pulling away. "Stop, we-we can't..." Kyle panted and Kenny pulled away. "Sorry, guess I got carried away." Kenny said looking away, face flushed as he sat Kyle back on the ground. Kyle smiled and kissed his cheek. "It's fine." Kyle said before going to sit on the bed. Kenny smiled and laid next to Kyle, cuddling next to him. "So what did you and Stan talk about. You seemed really excited." Kenny smiled, playing with a loose string on Kyle's shirt. "Oh! So we-" Kenny listened to every word, heart fluttering as Kyle talked with such passion. He understands how Stan could fall in love with him, he was so passionate about everything he does, its endearing. Kenny loved it. Kenny loved Kyle.

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