《I can't seem to let you go (A story I thought was Style but isn't)》Chapter 10


A month had passed since Stan and Kyle made up and everyone seemed to be happier. It was the first week of summer break and everyone was taking advantage of the free time. Stan and Kyle would play video games together while Kenny worked his new summer job and when Stan would leave Kyle and Kenny would go on one of their fake dates, which didn't even feel fake to Kenny anymore. He actually cherished his time with Kyle. Currently the two were sitting at an outside table at the new milkshake bar together, enjoying the mid June air, just talking about anything.

"And so then, the guy started yelling at Tweek about how he ordered 5 ounces no 4. But Tweek had the proof on his phone and the dude with the piercings didn't like that. He tried to take Tweeks phone but y'know how he takes boxing?He almost beat the absolute shit out of him-" "Ken, this isn't the type of story you tell in public" Kyle chuckled, taking a sip of his milkshake. "What do you mean, of course it is!" Kenny beamed and Kyle shook his head, smile still on his face. "You're telling me about how you and Tweek almost got beat up from selling weed. That's not a milkshake bar appropriate story." Kyle said and Kenny hummed. "Maybe not, but it was still crazy-" "Hey fellas!"

Both Kenny and Kyle looked up to see no one other than Leopold "Butters" Stotch walking up to them.

"Hey Butters."

"Hey Leo!"

"You guys don't mind if I sit with you all do you? I-I don't wanna intrude or anything if you guys are on a date." Butters said, twiddling with his fingers. "Of course not Butters, here, you can sit next to Kenny." Kyle smiled, taking his backpack from next to Kenny and sitting it beside himself. "Gee thanks fellas" Butters smiled and sat down. "So what have you been up to Leo?" Kenny asked. Butters looked up at him with a beaming smile, eyes closed and small blush on his face. Kenny could feel his heart racing and the feeling was familiar, the feeling of wanting to love, cherish, and protect that person forever. Kenny felt that way when Kyle looked at him. Except with Kyle the feeling hit him with full force, like it wanted to knock him over. This was more like a wave pool but for babies.

Kenny loved butters, he had for a while, but, what if those feelings aren't there anymore? Now he loves Kyle, god, what if he and Kyle get together and he ends up pulling a Stan and breaking Kyle's heart. Nobody will be there to pick up the pieces. Kenny quickly brought himself back to reality when Kyle accidentally spilled some of his milkshake onto his shirt. "Oh goddammit. I need to wipe this off, I'll be back. You guys can keep talking though." Kyle said, and as he got up he gave Kenny a look. A look he didn't understand. A look that said 'ask him on a date' but at the same time it said 'please don't leave me'. Kenny sits there confused for a moment before turning. He'd worry about this when he was high, for now he could at least listen to Butters.


Later that day Kenny sat in his room with Tweek, high out of their minds. "You... you had said you wanted to... I don't fucking know, talk to me about something." Tweek said, his words coming out slow as he took another hit of his blunt. "Oh yeah sooo Kyle and I have been fake dating for a while and now I like him. But I still like Leo... at least... I think I do..." Kenny said, dramatically leaning against the usually twitchy blonde. Tweek hummed, taking the information in before leaning back in the bean bag. "Well, I know Butter's likes you, I don't know about Kyle. Maybe you should just go for what makes you happy... That's what I would do." Tweek said. "But I don't know what would make me happy." Kenny whines, rolling off of Tweek to go make another blunt. "Well think about it, who would you rather kiss?" Tweek asked "Kyle." Kenny answered immediately. "His lips are so soft, and he's so gentle whenever he initiates a kiss-" "I did not ask." Tweek said, and Kenny chuckled.

"Who do you want to make happy?" Tweek asked

"Both of them," Kenny said, "But, I can't do that." Tweek patted Kenny's dirty blonde hair. "Maybe you should take some time to think about your feelings? Make a pros and cons list? I really don't know, I never had this problem." Tweek said. "Maybe you're right." Kenny said. "Thank you Tweek, what would I do without you?" Kenny asked, hugging the boy. "Who knows? Anyways, Craig just texted me, I'll see you later okay? I hope you figure out your feelings." Tweek said, giving Kenny a quick hug before leaving. Kenny watched from his window as Craig stood outside his truck, just to hug his boyfriend and pull him into a kiss. Kenny frowned, he wanted that with somebody. He just didn't know if it was Kyle or Butters.

As Kenny laid back on his bed, he decided to take Tweek's advice and make a mental pros and cons list.

'Okay, that's a lot of pros but also a couple cons...' Kenny thought, adjusting himself on his bed.

'But what if I can't give him what he deserves? No, no, no. Focus, Kenny, focus' Kenny scolded himself at his thoughts.

Kenny clicked his tongue. Kyle pros out-weighed Butters but the same could be said for their cons. Kenny groaned and thought about his list. He didn't necessarily hate the temper Kyle had. Sure it could be overwhelming at times but Kenny knew how to handle it so maybe that wasn't a con. So he could mark that off the cons list. Also his competitive spirit was always something Kenny admired, mark that off. Another thing that Kenny could relate to was not being good with his emotions. That's something that he could and would work together with Kyle to overcome, mark that too. So... where did that leave his list?


Only two things, and those were two things Kenny could deal with. Kenny took a breath and stared at the ceiling. "Hey universe? It's me, Kenny, Y'know the one you made immortal for no apparent reason at all. Anyways if you could like give me a sign on which boy I'm in love with that'd be fucking sick." Kenny said. He waited in the silent room for about two minutes before sighing and closing his eyes. He was too high and too tired for this shit. Kenny paid no attention to how his breathing slowed, swiftly bringing him into a calm sleep.

Kenny's eyes opened to see someone standing in front of him. They were blurry and Kenny couldn't tell who they were. "Hello...?" The blonde called out, trying to walk closer, only to figure out he was unable to move. The figure seemed to ease when Kenny had spoken to them, as if they were tense. "Who are you?" Kenny asked and the figure made their way to him slowly. "I'm who you want, who you need, who you love." The figure spoke. "Yeah right, I don't know who that person is." Kenny said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, but you do." The figure was now in front of Kenny, though he still couldn't see the person in front of me. Carefully the being in front of him cupped his cheek and brought Kenny's lips down to theirs. Kenny couldn't stop himself from melting into it. They were so gentle, so warm. He felt safe, like this person was his home. Carefully he placed his fingers around the person's waist. It all felt so familiar. Finally the figure pulled away and Kenny opened his eyes. Though when he opened his eyes it was no longer a figure of smoke, it was Kyle.

"You love me, don't you?" Kyle asked, a smile on his face as he kept his hand on Kenny's cheek. "I do, I really think I do." Kenny declared and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Kyle hummed and pulled Kenny closer

"Now, wake up."

Kenny awoke to the sound of his phone, his breathing heavy. Finally he grabbed his phone and saw that Kyle had texted him.


Kyle- Come over I need to talk to you

You- Omw

You- I need to talk to you too

Kyle- Alright see you soon

You- ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Kenny smiled and quickly put on his shoes and parka. He loves Kyle, he really does love Kyle. Kenny decided on his walk, well basically run, to Kyle's house that he'd tell him. The moment they got to the conversation Kenny would tell Kyle. Kenny smiled as he began to run faster. "I love him, I love him, I'm gonna tell him. We might be together. I love him." Kenny mumbled to himself, he didn't know he could run this fast but he was doing it. All to see Kyle.

Finally stopping in front of Kyle's house he bent over, struggling to catch his breath. "Kenny? Holy fuck did you run here?" Kyle asked, sitting on the steps of his house. "N... no I just... I just need a minute... shit.." Kenny panted, laying on the ground of Kyle's driveway. "Do you want some water or something...?" Kyle asked, already walking towards the door. "Yes!" Kenny said immediately and Kyle nodded, running into the house.

When Kyle came back Kenny was now making his way inside. "Come on. Let's talk in my room." Kyle said, handing Kenny a water bottle and leading him away from his nosy little brother.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about? Cause I really wanted to talk to you too." Kenny said as he closed Kyle's room door. Kyle was quiet, looking at the floor, he seemed upset. "You go first." Kyle said, still not looking at him. Kenny got quiet as well, just fiddling with the cap of his half empty bottle in his hands. They locked eyes for a split second and quickly broke their gaze again. The room was silent. Too silent. Finally it broke.

"Kyle, I'm in love with-"

"I think we should break up."

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