《The Witch Twins Mother》Four


For who knows how long I've let the pain that has been going through me consume me, I gave into the pain just like how I gave into the fire. When I open my eyes, everything is more clear than before. Sitting up I look around the place, my eyes roam over everything. Then I smell the most amazing scent ever. The mixture of the smoke and vanilla, turning my head my eyes connect with Caius's ruby eyes.

"Annika" he breathes out my name, I raise my hand to his face. He closes his eyes leaning into my touch, then I quickly pull my hand back and slap his face hard that he falls to the floor. Pressing a hand to his cheek he looks up at my pissed off face.

"You deserved that" I say, he sits up and looks at me pain in his eyes

"I'm so sorry" he takes my face in his hands "I never should have left you. If I had it my way, you and the twins would have been turned the second we saw each other" then I remember the twins and look around for them.

"Where are the twins?" panic in my voice, then the door slams open and my children stand there "Alec? Jane?" I see their ruby eyes, their skin that once held a bit of color no longer does. I stand and run to them, pulling them into a hug they hug me back "my babies" I want to cry, I do but I can't for some reason.

"Ah" I open my eyes and look to see a man with dark hair and pale skin, he also has red eyes look at me "your awake"

"Annika meet Aro" Caius says "before anything else, let's get you someone to eat" I then feel this burn in my throat and it constricts at the thought of eating someone.


"The village" I growl "let them all die" a spark fills in me and I run out of the house, when I run I run at inhuman speed. When I get to the village, I see everyone outside celebrating me and my children's demise.

I see a drunk man walk away and I grab him, because the music is loud and everyone is drinking they don't hear the man I bite into. I remember what Caius did before to James, so I let that lead me into draining this man dry. When his blood touches my lips and I drink it, the pain in my throat lessens and I sigh with relief. When the man no longer struggles I go to the village and in a rage I find the mayor and plunge my hand into his chest, I hear screaming before I rip the mans heart out. The village stares at me in fear, people run but my rage burns so hot that when I look down I see colorful fire at my hands and I raise them destroying the homes.

I watch my mate drain one of the villagers that raped her dry, Aro and the twins are next to me when we see my mate kill the pathetic excuse for a mayor. Earlier today the twins already killed the men that raped Jane and beat up Alec, but now we watch as my mate summons this fire and different colors of it are spread throughout the village burning everything to the ground but the church.

She traps the humans in a cage, everyone cries as the flames engulf them. Women and children watch as my mate burns the men first, then she burns the children and finally the women. Well all but one, the mayor's wife. When it comes down to her, my mate stalks towards her like a predator does to it's prey.

The woman screams in fear when my mate grabs her and drains her dry.

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