《The Witch Twins Mother》Five


When the sun comes up and in the daybreak I look around at the carnage that is or was my village. I look over to see my children, Caius and that Aro guy staring at me. I see a few more red eyed creatures behind them.

Going to my children I open my arms and they run to me, I hold them close closing my eyes. I savor the moments I'm holding my babies in my arms "mother" Jane says "your squeezing us"

"Sorry" I release my grip a bit, I look back up to the other creatures. Vampires I realize, I thought they didn't exist. That they were just bed time stories us parents tells our children to make sure they don't go playing outside in the dark or go near strangers.

"That was amazing" Aro smiles, but in his eyes I see a lust. Not one for anything normal, I see a lust for power.

"Annika" I look over to Caius "I am so sorry that I wasn't here to save you or the twins before you nearly...died" I see the pain in his eyes when he says that.

"Did you know we were going to be burned?" I ask


"Did you know that the mayor or his wife would want retribution for James death?"


"Mother" I look down to Alec "can we go with them? Join their coven?"

"We live in Italy" Caius tells me "please consider coming"


It took about a week to arrive to Volterra, Italy. On our way there Caius informed me about the world of vampires. How Aro is the main leader of the Volturi while he and another Marcus, they are the co leaders of the Volturi. But to everyone else they are the three kings. From what I understand, there are rules that need to be followed to keep this world a secret.


Aro has a mate named Sulpacia, she's not gifted like her mate who can see every thought a person has through touch and Marcus who can see gifts. Dydime who is Aro's older sister has the gift of bringing happiness, she can make anyone and everyone happy that is around her. Caius is the only other one with no gift of the bunch.

During our trip I've gotten to know Caius more, to most he may be cold hearted and angry but to those he cares for he is a big softie. As I spend time with him, if I were still human I'd be blushing whenever someone mentions Caius. The only ever expression I gave to show how I feel about Caius is when I bite my lip.

Jane and Alec showed that they have powers, Jane can create a psychic pain that makes you believe your being burned alive. While Alec has this dark paralyzing mist. When they first exhibited the powers they were terrified but Caius was there with me to assure the twins that everything will be alright, that in public we can't show fear but in private we can show fear.

It's night time when we arrive in Volterra, I look around the place and admire the place. This is a beautiful place. Caius has a hand on my back when we enter the throne room, when we do I see Aro go to a woman with brown hair, pale skin and ruby eyes. I then see an old man with an older woman who if she wasn't a vampire she would be a grandmother.

"Oh" the older looking vampire smiles to me, like they said I feel happy and I don't know why "you must be Caius's mate, I'm Dydime" she then waves the other woman over "this is Sulpacia"

"It's so good to finally meet you" Sulpacia says to me

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