《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 8


"Hey girls! What's going on over here?" I ask as I approach the two.

"Oh my God hey! I didn't think you would come." Tara says smiling at me.

"how did you know I was coming. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you." I say slightly confused.

"Colby asked Tara if it was a good idea to ask you to the party." Devyn clarifies as Tara nods in agreement.

"oooohhhh, that makes sense." I say nodding.

"Yeah." Tara says giggling.

"so what's going on?" I ask again.

"Devyn here found a guy that she thinks is cute." Tara teases while looking from me to Devyn then back to me.

"Ooooo, spill!"

"his name is Corey and he's friends with Sam, Colby, Jake and some other friends of Jake, and Devyn wants to talk to him but she's too shy." Tara explains while Devyn stands next to her, looking from her feet up to me with a shy smile.

"ah I see. first off, you have to go up to him and start some kind of conversation, then you either ask if he wants a drink or if he wants to dance with you and if you want, either Tara or I can at least stay close by if you ever need any help. sound good?" I strategies.

"yeah, okay. thanks guys." Devyn says with her amazing smile.

we all hug before going inside where we could hear music blaring. Tara went with Devyn first, to help her out. I look around, looking for any sign of Colby before my eyes land on him and Sam.

"hey, you don't mind if I steal Colby from you for a bit, do you?" I ask as I approach the two friends.


"Yeah no, go ahead." Sam says with a smile as I return the gesture.

"cool, thanks." I say before pulling Colby to a corner, not too far from Sam.

"Hey, what's up babygirl?" Colby slightly slurs.

"You can't already be drunk, can you?" I ask in disbelief.

"no, of course not! maybe just a little tipsy, but not drunk." Colby slurs once again.

"ok then. anyway, remember when you said that we need to get Sam and Kat together?"

"yeah, why?" Colby asks, bringing his red solo cup up to his lips before I place my hand over the top and lightly push it down.

"What do you mean 'why'? this is the perfect opportunity!" I laugh.

"okay, sounds good to me babygirl." Colby slurs once again before successfully taking another sip of what ever was in the cup.

"please don't call me that." I say while looking up at the boy.

Colby just laughs slightly before I drag him back over to Sam and leave him there with him to go find Kat. I find the girl talking to other people from school standing outside of the kitchen.

"Hey Kat!" I yell slightly, over the the music.

"Hey y/n! what's up?"

"come with me." I say grabbing her by her wrist lightly, giving her no option but to go with me as she just laughs from behind me. I also grab a beer before heading off seeing as Colby had forgotten to get me my drink. I weave the two of us through the crowd before finding ourselves on the dance floor

"Dance with me Kat!" I yell as I start swaying my hips to the song and taking my first sip of my beer.

"I don't know y/n...


"oh c'mon, please?"

"okay, fine." Kat says rolling her eyes playfully as she starts to sway with me, the both of us laughing and singing to the music.

I look around and make eye contact with the familiar blue eyed brunette from across the room who was signalling me to come over as he stood next the Sam.

"Hey Kat?"

"yeah?" Kat says opening her eyes from them being closed as she was just feeling the music.

"I'm going to get another drink. stay here ok?"

"Yeah, okay." Kat says before I walk off over in the direction of the kitchen.

I could tell that she was slightly tipsy at this point and when Colby took Sam over to her, I could tell that he was also tipsy. it seemed that I was the only one sober so far. Colby left Sam with Kat before he started making his way over to me.

"Hey babygirl, what do you want to do now?" Colby asks while looking down at me.

"I told you not to- never mind." I sigh, giving up.

After a few drinks with Colby, I see Jake and Tara making their way through the crowd towards us.

"what up my bros. you guys up for a little game of Truth or Dare?" Jake asks excitedly with Tara smiling beside him.

"sure why not. Colby?" I ask looking over at Colby.

"Yeah, sounds good." He says looking from me to Jake.

At this point, Colby and I were both quite drunk and while we follow Jake and Tara over to where everyone else was, I feel hands gently grab my waist and spin me around. I find myself gazing into a pair of ocean blue eyes before they start getting closer. I realise Colby was about to kiss me, but before he can I place my finger in front of his lips as he looks at me utterly confused while I stand there giggling.

"Colby, not here." I say as we both continue to stare into each others eyes.

"you're no fun." Colby sighs as he lets go of my waist and intertwined his fingers with mine while we make our way over to where everyone was sitting.

A/n: hope you're liking this so far :) it would mean a lot if you vote at least one of the Chapters from this book :)

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