《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 7


the rest of the day went by in a blur, and before I knew it, it was already time to go home, get into comfortable clothes, eat chips and drink my secret bottle of Jack Daniels. at least that's what I thought.

"Hey y/n?" Colby calls from behind me, catching up with me.

"Hey, what's up?" I say turning to look up at Colby.

"You don't happen to be doing anything this afternoon, do you?" Colby asks, looking back at me with a small smile.

"Nope, just staying home. Why do you ask?"

"Great. I was just wondering if you'd like to come to a party with me later today."

"That would be awesome! where?" I ask, both of us with big smiles on our faces.

"At my friend Jake's house. his parents are out of town, so he has the house to himself." Colby explains.

"Cool, sounds fun." I say as we push past everyone and get outside.

"ok great, I'll pick you up at 8? is that ok?" Colby asks as we near my car.

"Yeah, that's perfect. I'll text you my address."

"okay, see you then."

"Yeah, see you then." I say as I wave to Coby while getting in my car.

I haven't been to a party in awhile, so I was excited to say the least. And going with Coby? that just topped it all off. I pulled out of the school parking lot and started my way home. not too long after, I arrive home and walk into the kitchen to see my mum working at the island on her lap.

"Hey mum?"


"I was invited to a party later today. Is it okay if I go?" I ask my mum who was half listening and half doing her work.



"Jake Webber's, he's Tara's boyfriend." I say while looking through the pantry.

"yeah honey that's fine. are you going with anyone?" My mum asks, looking up from her computer to look at me.

"Yeah." I say while grabbing a small bag of chips.


"A friend from school." I say, not thinking too much about it.

"Who's this friend from school?" My mum asks with a smirk on her face. I just rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what she was wanting to get out of me.

"Colby, and he's picking me up at 8." I say as she stands up from her place at the kitchen island while packing away her computer.

"ooo, I see." My mum teases, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Mum! he's just a friend!" I say laughing slightly nervous, trying my best to play it off so my mum won't pester me about Colby anymore.

"Ok~. Well, then honey, have fun I'm going to go over to your auntie Phoebe's house, she needs help moving." My mum explains as she walks over to the sink and puts her coffee mug in.


I hug my mum before she walks out the front door with her purse, car keys and phone. by then I had already finished the bag of chips, so I throw the rubbish in the bin before heading upstairs to my room to have a shower and get ready. Before I get in the shower, I pull out my phone and text Colby my address. Once I finish my shower, I put on the outfit that I pulled together before getting in the shower.


After putting the outfit on, I slip on my platform docs before I walk back into my bathroom to do my makeup. all I do is my everyday makeup but I do some eyeshadow. As I'm applying my lipgloss, I hear a knock at the door. I put the gloss down before making my way quickly out of my room and down the stairs to the front door. I open it and am met with Colby, who looked up from his phone to meet my gaze. He stuffs his phone in his back pocket before I catch his eyes wondering up and down my body. after a few seconds of silence, I break it.


"So, are you taking me to the party or what?" I ask as a smile creeps onto both of our faces.

"of course n/n." Colby says, giving me a nickname I've never heard which makes me giggle.

Colby steps aside as I step out of the doorway, locking the door behind me before Colby leads me to his car which was parked in my driveway.

"Love your fit sista." Colby says in a girly voice as I'm putting on my seatbelt, which makes us both laugh hysterically.

Colby starts the car before backing out of my driveway and onto the street before heading towards Jake's house. not long after, Colby stops the car on the curb before getting out and opening the passenger door for me.

"The party await madam." Colby says with a slight bow.

I giggle at the gesture, Colby laughing with me.

"Thank you kind sir." I say as I step out of the red Toyota corolla.

As I step out, my eyes wonder from Colby to behind his shoulder to see both Tara and Devyn talking very seriously.

"Hey Colby?"


"Is it okay if I just meet you inside, I'm just gonna go over to Tara and Devyn." I explain, not taking my eyes off of my friends. Colby follows my gaze before looking back at me and nods understandingly.

"Yeah, of course. I'll get drinks, what would you like?" Colby asks.

"Uhm, just a beer, please." I say looking from my friends, to Colby before looking back at the girls.

"yeah, okay. meet you inside then." Colby says before giving me a small smile as walking off and into the people filled house that was blaring music and radiating heat and the smell of alcohol.

I start making my way over to the side of the house where Tara and Devyn were talking.

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