《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 6


Colby and I sneak out of school and made our way to the café by foot, seeing as it was only down the street. We both arrive at the café, Colby opening the door for me as I step in.

"Thank you." I say with a smile as Colby then follows me inside.

We join the short line to order what we wanted. As we waited, I looked up at the menu on the chalk board that was on the wall behind the register. It comes to our turn to order.

"Hi, welcome to Luna Café, what can I get you today?" A lady in her early twenties asked from behind the register.

"Hi, can I please get an egg sandwich and an iced coffee with two sugars please." I say as the lady types down my order before looking back up at Colby.

"And can I just get a strawberry milkshake and a ham and cheese croissant please." Colby says as the lady goes back to typing his order into the machine in front of her.

"That will be $22.25." the lady says.

I start to pull out the necessary amount of money to pay for the both of us, but Colby beats me to it as he handed the $22.25 to the lady and gently pushed my hand down to put my money back into my wallet. I smiled to myself as I did that, the lady giving Colby a receipt with our order number and we walk to the side to wait.

"I could of paid you know." I said as we stood to the side, waiting for our number to be called.

"But I paid, and that's that." Colby said with a smile on his face as he looked down at me.

My feet suddenly get very interesting as I felt my face heat up slightly. I fiddle with my phone in my hands as I wait for our order number to be called.


After a few more minutes of waiting, the number is called and Colby and I walk up and grab our food. We turn around and walk out of the café, making our way down the street to nowhere in particular with our food and drinks.

"Where to now?" Colby asks after taking a sip of his milkshake.

"Well, I know a park not to far from here. wanna go there?" I say, remembering of the small park.

"Sure, anything for you." Colby says from beside me.

I feel my face heat up again as I try my best to push past it. Why was this boy making me so flustered so much? I haven't really talked to him at all these past three years in highschool. Why is it now that these things are happening?

I lead the way to said park as Colby followed in suit. After a few minutes of walking, we cross the street and walk down a path that broke away from the pavement on the side of the road which lead to the park. Picnic tables scattered here and there around the park and we pick one which sat right under a tree, big enough to give shade. We sit down on opposite sides of the table and begin eating the food that we ordered.

We finish eating and drinking after a few minutes. We just talk about everything and nothing. I enjoyed his company. We had a few common likes and dislikes but also had different opinions on certain topics.

I look around the park, half listening to Colby ramble on about a new video game that he liked. My eyes stop at a swing set on the playground of the park as a small smile finds its way onto my face. Colby finished his sentence before following my eyes and landing on the swing set.

"Does little y/n want to go on the swing?" Colby cooe's as if I were a small child.


"Yes, yes I do." I say trying to suppress my smile.

"Let's go then." Colby says with a sigh as if he were a tired mother looking after their child which made me laugh.

"Race you there!" I yell out as I push myself up from the table and break out into a full sprint. I hear Colby sprint after me, catching up to me before I grab onto the swing first and sit on it.

"push me Brock." I demand as I sit with a victorious smile on my face

"Fine." Colby says while rolling his eye, making his way behind me and starts to push me.

We start to talk about many different things, laughing and genuinely having fun with each other.

"You've changed a lot over the summer, looks wise." Colby says changing the topic abruptly.

"In a good or bad way?" I ask.

"good of course." Colby clarifies as he continues to push me.

"You too, all good things of course." I say as we both laugh.

"it's been 5 minutes, can I have a go?" Colby asks as he grabs onto the swing chains, stopping the swinging motion suddenly.

"Fine." I say before getting off of the swings and swapping places with Colby.

*Colby's POV.*

Once y/n got off I got on.

"Hey y/n."

"Yeess Cole?"

"can you push me?" I ask looking up at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Hahaha yeah sure." Y/n says laughing before she starts to push me.

Another five minutes go by and a feel y/n stop pushing me but I kept swinging. I guess she checked the time.

"Shit Colby get your bag, we've got to run or else we'll be late." Y/n says panicked as I hear her run back over to where all our stuff is.

"Oh shit, okay." I say getting off of the swing and following her lead. I sling my bag over my shoulder and grab my rubbish before running in the direction of the school with y/n trailing behind me. As the school starts to come into view, I notice y/n struggling slightly and decide to slow down.

"Are you ok y/n?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine, just go without me, I'll catch up sooner or later." Y/n said as she started to push me on slightly.

I refused and instead grabbed her free hand and pulled her along with me until we reached the school. We snuck back in just before the passing period and seperated, going to our lockers to get our things for our next period. The bell that signified the passing period rang throughout the school and students started to flood the halls.

"Where the hell were you?" A familiar voice says from behind me as I close my locker and turn around, being met with Sam.

"y/n and I were late, so we had to go to detention." I explained as I started my way towards English with Sam.

"Kat and I were late too and we went to detention but neither you nor y/n were there, so spill." Sam says.

"y/n and I ditched detention and went to that new café down the road and then went to a park not too far from there, we just ran back. why were you and Kat late?" I explain before changing the subject and teasing my friend.

"I slept in and Kat said that traffic was literal hell. how about you and y/n?" Sam asks with the same teasing tone.

"we both slept in. in our own beds and in our own houses." I elaborated, already knowing where my friends mind would go.

*End of Colby's POV*

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