《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》No 28-Janitors closet


My phone buzzed continuously as Alex thought it would be a delightful idea to try to contact me after everything that had been told to me.

Alex hadn't come back to the dorm in two days and I'd admit it did worry me despite having my hurt ripped from my chest by the boy I fell in love with, I still worried about him.

Honestly the other night made me want to curl up in my bed and never see daylight again. Being told by a boy that you had fallen for that his feelings for you were just for a bet and that it never meant anything.

The feeling of hurt and heart broken never left my chest. It made my head hurt and my chest felt like it was being ripped apart.

Now I was currently still wrapped up in my blankets at 9:45 in the morning, I had managed to fall asleep at 5 in the morning since too many thought were running around in my mind, as if they were trying to brake at the inner walls of my mind.

The sound of the door opening up quietly made my ears perk up but I didn't move, I remained still under the blanket acting like I was still indeed asleep.

I heard shuffling around before the thump of a body on the bed across from me.

"Keegy" Alex's soft croaky voice called out like he had been crying all night like I had been but I knew for a fact he hadn't been, it was from drinking and inhaling second hand smoke.

I didn't answer, I kept quiet waiting to see if he would continue to which he did. I was glad he was back home, he was safe and alive but I didn't want to speak to him nor see him.

"Fuck" Was I heard before his footsteps got more distant then the bathroom door shut letting me uncover my self from the blanket allowing me to breath in the much needed oxygen.Sitting up I glanced at my clock seeing it was almost 10 and my class started at ten pass.


Swiftly getting up I padded my feet over to the closet grabbing my jeans and a button up shirt, quickly slipping them on.

I hadn't been to my classes in the past two days since I have been laying in bed either crying or sleeping no in between but I decided to get out of bed today and actually attend class.

Not going to have enough time to brush my teeth or hair, I slipped my glasses on my nose before grabbing my bag shoving every book I needed and headed to the door. I was more than glad about not having to face Alex well until tonight.


My head was still pounding slightly from the drinks last night when I decided to drink but It was bearable. Managing to get into class I sat at the back off the room resting my head on the desk awaiting until the teacher comes and ruins the peace with her voice.

Right on time with my voice her's appears with a annoying high pitch tone. As the class started the door slammed opened revealing the one and only Alex who seemed to be really dazed at the moment but I couldn't care less.

Looking at Alex made my heart drop to my stomach, It felt like knives were being jabbed in to my heart and head, like I wouldn't bleed out from the wounds.

As Alex made his way through the room his eye landed on mine, his went wide before he hung his head low before dropping into a seat in the middle but in fact it felt like i was drowning in the blood that had seeped away from the emotionally wound.

Did he feel proud,like he succeeded in life from winning the bet. I hope he feels really good about him self because I sure as hell don't.I felt like a fucking idiot because I was stupid enough to think a popular Jock such as Alex would ever be interested in a lonely, bullied freak who all he ever does is reads.


Wanting to shut my thoughts away I closed my eyes and rested my head back onto the desk since all the class was doing for english was reading chapters from the text book that I had already read twice...

Hearing the scrapping of a chair being dragged I looked up seeing Alex grabbed his bag and stomp over to the door.

"Alex where are you going?" The teachers whiney voice called over to him. He stopped turning around to glanced at me before down to the teacher. His eyes were dark but sad at the same time.

"Out" Was all he said before he swung the door open then shut leaving me and other students to seat there utterly confused as to why he just had a semi-melt down.

The teacher sighed before looking back at her desk finishing off papers as the class went silent once again, I sat there still trying to comprehend as to what just happen.

Why was he upset or angry, Shouldn't I be the one to freak out, cry and stomp out of the room or wasn't I allowed to do that after all I am just a pathetic excuse for a human.


Class had finished and I gathered my books and left the classroom, heading down the now empty hallway over to my locker.

As I was padding my feet over to the metal row of lockers, I felt a strong gripped latch onto my wrist and before I knew it I was being dragged into a dark room which I'm pretty sure was the janitors closet.

The door slammed behind me as the person who had forced me in here pushed me back against it, feeling the cold surface of the door through my shirt. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to see who it was in front of me but I couldn't since I was surrounded by utter darkness.

I felt the wall quickly for a light switch and when I found it I flicked it on seeing the one and only asshole that I wanted to run away from. He stood there haunched over, eyes coated with tears and lips glossed over with saliva as if he's been sobbing since he left the classroom.

"Please" His words came out roughly and in a whimper manner.

"Leave me alone" I spat not caring to hear any sob story he wants to give me. Before I could turn to exit the closet he had grabbed my cheeks in his rather warm palms and placed his soft lips upon mine.

I faltered for a moment and closed my eyes, instantly reacting to the kiss and kissed back but moments I snapped back to reality remembering Im kissing the boy who had literally broke my heart not even 24 hours ago.

I pulled from the kiss roughly and shoved Alex back slightly. He looked sad and slightly annoyed.

"What the hell Alex" My voice was meant to come out angry but instead we got a sad soft whimper escaping my lips. I rubbed my eyes feeling tired and sick of everything, honestly being home right now seemed much better.

At least at home it was pain in my face hurting rather than my heart which hurt worst when it was being broken and ripped to pieces.

"Keegan I said Im sorry" He tried to sound like the victim here but I shook my head not believing him, he wasn't sorry, it was all an act to seem like the good guy.

"Don't you dare Alex" I growled feeling anger bubbling in my chest. I needed to get out of here, the walls of the closet felt like they were closing in on me, my lungs were failing on me, my throat was running dry and closing up.

I felt behind me for the handle before twisting it letting it open up. I looked back at Alex seeing him wear a expression that would fool a blind lover but not someone who has hurt.

Exiting the closet I practically ran down the hall ways wishing everything around me would just go away for one night.

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