《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》No 29-Glares and Sorrows


Who the hell does Alex think he is. Thinking everything would become better by forcibly grabbing me, pulling me into a dark closet and kissing me. News flash nothing becomes better from a kiss. This whole situation is fucked now.

I had made my way into my dorm room and locked the door, sliding down the cold wooden door letting a few stray tears fall down my now colourless cheeks. Resting my head on my arms, letting my salty splash onto the sleeve of my shirt.

My breaths came out unevenly and shallow, feeling the breath leave my lungs only to have them fill back up with warm, stuffy air since I was practically suffocating in my sleeves.

I wanted to scream at Alex, wanted to blame everything on him becasue technically this was all his fault for agreeing with the bet, agreeing to make me fall in love then to brake my heart and sanity.

A soft knock echoed through the room from the door behind me.I swear to go if it was Alex I was going to get ready to slap him. Does Alex deserve a slap...hell yes he does.

"Go away" I murmured in my sleeve hearing a soft chuckle from outside of the door. Great what A good time to be laughing.

"Its Josh" Josh's soft voice enter my ears making me sigh calmly. Standing up from the floor I picked my glasses up and chucked them on the bed before opening the door seeing a smiling Josh but soon his smile dropped into a unwanted frown.

I sniffed, wiping my tears before leaning against the door frame.

"How are you feeling?" His voice was gentle like if he was any louder if was going to deafen me. I shrugged clearly not okay due to everything that has happen over the pass three days.


I moved from the door and over to my bed and fell on it sighing in content. I heard the door shut, peering over seeing Josh make his way over to my bed before sitting crossed legged in front of me.

Josh was different, he was quiet but then he's out going. He bright red hair, piercings made him stand out against the crowd. He looked like a soft person who wouldn't hurt anyone but I wouldn't take the risk since he looked well built. I had never really gotten a chance to register his presences much.

I met his eyes, which were a dark mocha colour. They oddly suited him, his eyes were wide as they watch my every moved I conducted.

"Why are you here?" I tried to ask with out standing utterly rude. Josh didn't go to college here, he worked at the ice cream place Alex and I went to the other week. The thought of our day out made my eyes darken for a split second.

"I wanted to see how you were holding up" He smiled seeming concerned about my well being, he's the type of person you need in your life honestly.

"At least someone cares" I mumbled in a whisper glancing down to my lap, no more tears had threaten to escape since Josh had showed up and I was glad for that.As I was glancing down at my lap I saw a tattooed arm holding my glasses appear under my face.

I looked up seeing him nudge them further. I took my glasses and slipped them on finally being able to see more clearer.

"If I may ask, what do you plan on doing with um you know.." His voice dropped of towards the end not daring to say the name that makes my heart drop. Literally not knowing how to answer his question I just shrug hopefully he'll understand as to why I wasn't answering.


"Dying seems like a good option at the moment" I chuckled laying backwards letting my head hit the pillows.

"No can do" He laughed but everything went quiet at the door opened revealing a pissed off looking Alex. I snapped my eyes shut while Josh just sat there looking rather uncomfortable.

Quickly peering from my eye lids I watch as Alex glared at Josh before going over to his bed falling face first.

Ignoring his presences I sat up gathering my thoughts before smiling to my self.

If Alex was so sorry about everything and wanted to make things seem like the fine then perhaps ignorance is what he deserves.

"Josh are you doing anything for the rest of the day?" I asked watching Alex sit up slightly and throw glares but ignoring his smug annoyance, Josh sighed before smiling.

"Nope" He answered popping the "p" on the end. I stood up from the bed collecting my wallet and keys before pulling Josh up from the bed.

"Good" Was all I said before pulling him out of the door needing to escape the uncomfortable atmosphere that Alex was creating. I glanced back seeing Alex's face when from glare to a face of shock mixed with drops of sadness lacing it.

It was all an act, I could see it. He wasn't sad, it was apart of his plans to look like the good guy he.

Walking down the now empty hallway with Josh I didn't care about skipping my next class, I just wanted to get out of the campus for a while, letting my thoughts leave my painful mind for a few hours.

I wasn't enterally sure as to where we were going but all I knew was that I'm letting my mind run free with a boy that I had only met a week ago.

"Where are we going?" Josh's voice echoed around me and down the hall as we opened the door letting the fresh hair consume us.

"For a drink" I smirked seeing he smile along with me, I wanted to forget and I was planning on doing it the right way. Getting absolutely shit faced seemed practical at this point of my life.

"Sounds like a plan"

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