《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》No 30- In love with a asshole


Lets just say forgetting about everything wasn't the most important thing of my worries no me not dying was more important right now. I had managed to down what like eleven drink at the bar down the street, and my vision had gone slightly blurry and I had lost my glasses on the way out of the bar.

Josh was too shit faced but still a little more sober than I. Usually I wasn't one for getting drunk to the point where I could barely see and my head felt like, my skin felt warm as did my cheeks.

"Jesus Keegan, lets get you back" Josh laughed drunkenly beside me, holding my by my waist as we stumbled out onto the streets. I laughed before standing up straight stopping and looking at the drunken smiling Josh.

He looked confused before giggling, obviously the alcohol is doing tricks on his mind.

Before I knew it I was pulling the drunken boy into me and pressing my saliva glossed lips onto his. He let out a squeak of surprised but instantly started kissing back. The kiss was wet, slimy and very messy since both of us were drunk of our asses and couldn't see straight.

We pulled away dropping out arms from each other before giggling like fucking idiots. Both of us hopefully knew the kiss didn't mean anything because I was still in love with a asshole and Josh was straight as a ruler, well thats what he told me.

"Lets go!" I yelled holding onto Josh as we started marching our way back to the campus.


We stood out side my door giggling as I tried to get the key out from my pocket, once I had managed that I tried to unlock the do but instead I get jabbing around the lock. I stepped back and let out a fit of giggles.

"It looks like Im trying to jack the door nob off" That was it, thats what set Josh and I off, we laughed to the point where Josh as to use the wall beside the door for support as he clutched his stomach. I literally had tears welling in my eyes from laughing, it became rather painful.

The door suddenly swung open revealing an sleepy and annoyed Alex making me giggle more, his hair look like a bird caught in the wind.

"Alex" I cooed falling into him. I had utterly forgotten everything that had happen and I was now focused on how warm his body was.

"Are you drunk?"

"No of course *hiccup* not Ally" I giggled nuzzling my face in his hoodie.

"Josh are you?" Alex turned his attention to the drunken mess that was hugging the wall. Josh stood up smiling, his cheek rosy red from the alcohol warming his cheeks.


"Maybe" He giggled letting out a train of hiccups.

Alex shook his head before helping me stand up straight.

"Lets get you to bed" He ordered but before he moved me, I flew from his arms and over to Josh, wrapping my arms around his very warm soft neck that was glazed with a thin coat of sweat.

"Night Joshie" I mumbled into his neck before pulling away smiling like a goof. I felt him wrap and arm around my waist squeezing me.

"Night Keegy" He giggled before turning around stumbling down the hallway. I watched as he reached the end he turned around waving like an idiot before he went down the stairs.Turning around I fell into Alex, he sighed pulling me into our dorm room.

I stumbled over to my bed, managing to fall down and off the bed onto the carpeted floor. I didn't bother moving, instead I rolled on my back as Alex came to stand beside me extending a hand down wards puffing out his cheeks in annoyance.

He helped me onto my bed and took my shoes of making me giggle before hiccuping more.

I sat on the edge of the bed looking dazed at the wall before Alex bent down in front of me looking up to my unglassed eyes.

"Where are you glasses?"

"Who knows" I yelled laughing as I threw my arms up falling backwards onto the soft bed, it felt like a cloud had consumed me.

I felt my body being turned around to lay vertical on the bed before something sat beside me. Opening my drunken and dazed eyes Alex had laid beside me.

"Keegan why did you get drunk of your ass?"

"I wanted to forget" I mumbled rolling onto my side to face the Jock seeing him already staring at me.

"About us?" He asked, eyes instantly going soft as did his expression. I nodded feeling my eyes slip shut as I listened to our breaths. I could feel my head starting to throb as the hang over was starting to make its self present.

I heard Alex sigh and a cold silky hand thread through my slightly damp hair, my hair was damp from sweat since I had been running around drunk and being squished up against other people at the bar.

"Sleep" He spoke softly as he continued to thread his fingers against my scalp making me feel relaxed.

Knowing tomorrow wasn't going to be pleasant I decided to send my drunken mess of a body to sleep.


I woke up to my stomach gurgling and my head felt like a thousand knives were jabbing at my skull. I turned over groaning seeing Alex laying beside me, I couldn't remember what had happen last night, All I know was that I got very drunk.


Throwing my self off the bed I rushed into the bathroom, and launched myself at the toilet before I threw up all the content I had in my stomach. My throat burned at the stomach acids fired up as everything spilled out.

My head pounded as the world was spinning. After about two solid minutes of throwing up a cold silky hand started rubbing my back and brushed the hair out of my eyes. I had tears in my eyes from the burning sensation, I wanted it to end. God I fucking hate hangovers.

"Hang on" Alex's voice echoed at as I saw him leave the bathroom for a moment before talking back in with a glass of water in one hand and pills in the other. He bent down in front of me handing me the water and pills. Downing the tablets, the water settled the acid feeling a bit.

I rested against the wall before trying to speak. Looking at Alex was a mission since I didn't have my glasses no more, I remember loosing them last night.

"Jesus I hate hangovers" I mumbled closing my eyes. I heard him chucking, opening my eyes seeing him smiling to him self.

"You're not meant to enjoy them Keegy" He mutter, he still thought it was expectable to use my nickname. Just looking at him still made my heart hurt. I wanted to be angry at him but the way he looks just doesn't let me.

"I'm so so sorry" He spoke softly probably since I have a thumping head ache. I didn't want to believe his words but this time I did. He sounded sorry, he looked sorry. He held a face of pain.I stood up and moved to the counter to quickly wash my mouth out with mouth wash since it didn't taste pleasant.

Then I walked out of the bathroom since it didn't smell to pleasant. I heard him follow me out and stood behind me.

"Keegan look-"

"Shut up" I snapped rubbing my thumping head.

"Look Alex I don't care any more, I get it, it was a stupid bet, a game to make me fall for you okay I got that. You won congratulations"

His eyes went wide at my words, My hangover wasn't helping this situation, making me snappy.

"It wasn't all a bet" He whispered looking at the floor.


"I did fall for you Keegan, couldn't you see that. I was happy that you fell for me as well because eventually I was going to ask you to be mine" His words made my stomach churn, it was all to much to handle at once especially in the state I'm in at the moment.

He-he was actually in love with me, was this also apart of the bet. It couldn't be he looked to...sad for it to be lies.

"I've noticed you long before the last day off school Keegan, I've noticed you since year 7, the start of high school. You were the kid who studied at lunch and sat by him self. You were the kid coming to school with new bruise each day."He took a breath.

"I noticed you every fucking day, I found my self wanting to talk to the shy nerd but I was held back by my mates." He stopped meeting my eyes

"I uh-" I was so lost for words right now. He knew about me,about the bruises, about everything.

"Didn't you ever notice that my group always sat close to you during lunch or class. I wanted to be near you, inspect the bruises that littered your skin because I cared"

Tears were now streaming down my face from his words. I never knew someone had cared about me, I was completely blind to it.

"But why agree to the bet if you knew it would end up like this?" I whispered as he moved closer to me. He reached up wiping the tears from my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.

"Because I hoped that you'd never find out and you'd be mine" He whispered back. I looked up to him before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug, a much needed hug, a hug I've missed so much.

He wrapped his muscler arms around my waist, holding me close and tightly to him, exchanging body warmth.

This was so fucked up.

Having the boy you fell for expose everything to you, having him tell you that he cared about you since day one.It made my heart and head hurt but in a good way. Was everything okay now.

"I'm sorry for this Keegan I-" I shushed him quickly by pulling away slightly and pulling his face close and connecting our lips together. In a instant it felt like all off our worries faded away as our lips moved in sync.

Pulling away he looked like a love struck puppy, dazed and messy hair.

"You're not forgiven yet but maybe later on" I sighed messing with his hair but feeling some what complete. Forgiving him will take time I suppose but in the end I was still in love with him. It was as if all our problems had left this earth completely.

"I'll wait" He smiled, like a genuine toothy smile before pulling me into his chest.

"Can I go back to bed?" I mumbled into his hoodie, feeling his chest rumbled as he laughed.

"Fine Mr.lazy bones"

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